"Okay, I'll make arrangements." Elina nodded seriously.

Mu Liang remembered something, and said calmly, "The man in black robe who sold you the healing medicine is Qibang?"

If the man in black robe is not Qibang, it is likely to be Gyquif.

"It's him, Adazhu used his awakening ability, so there shouldn't be any fakes." Liyue said softly.

"Continue to investigate, and pay more attention to people with suspicious behavior." Mu Liang instructed.

"Yes." Li Yue nodded thoughtfully.

"Three Zero Three" "Let the guards arrest all those who have eaten inside and out." Mu Liang said indifferently.

He hesitated for a moment, then continued: "Another edition of the newspaper will be printed tomorrow, and the names of the participants will be published."

He wants to kill the chickens to set an example, so that he can set an example.

Elina said in a clear voice: "Mr. Muliang, don't worry, those people have already been arrested by the patrol guards and temporarily detained in the guards."

"How many people?" Mu Chang asked curiously.

"There are 32 people in total, including 15 people from the plantation and orchards, 5 people from the Xuanwu market, and 3 people from the textile workshop..." Li Yue clearly stated a series of data.

"So many people?" Mu Liang frowned slightly, surprised.

He knew there were restless people in various workshops, but he didn't expect there to be so many.

"Guarding against theft, very good!"


Mu Liang's black eyes flashed a hint of coldness, and said indifferently: "First confiscate the illegal income, and then send it all to mining."

Elina suggested: "Lord Muliang, I think the punishment should be intensified, so that those who are careful are afraid."

"I will revise the laws and regulations." Mu Liang agreed.

Alina gritted her silver teeth and said angrily: "Life has become so good, why do they still violate the laws and regulations of Xuanwu City?"

Mu Liang said in a flat tone: "People are not satisfied. When they get what they want, they want to have more, and their interests are all they need."

"I won't, it's fine now." Elina whispered.

"It's very good." Li Yue's silver-white eyes flashed.

She raised her eyes and glanced at Mu Liang quietly, she was fine now.

Mu Liang smiled, stretched out his hand, took out a glass box from his pocket, and opened it to reveal an infinite dragon fruit that exudes a strange fragrance. The pink-haired girl's beautiful eyes lit up, took a deep breath, and already guessed what was in the glass box.

"One per person." Mu Liang smiled warmly.

"Is this the infinite dragon fruit?" Elina picked up an infinite dragon fruit and looked at Mu Liang with her beautiful eyes shining.

Mu Liang smiled and nodded.

"Great, I'm going to be an Awakener too." Elina exclaimed excitedly.

She seemed to see Nigisa's stunned look, and she couldn't show off proudly any more.

"..." Li Yue hesitated for a while, and then picked up the infinite dragon fruit after Mu Liang's signal again.

Mu Liang stood up, came to the two women, raised his hand on their foreheads, and used the ability 'Lucky Shelter'.

Elina blinked her pink eyes and asked softly, "Mr. Muliang, what are you doing?"

"This will make you lucky." Mu Liang said half-jokingly.

"Oh, so..." Elina nodded suspiciously.

Mu Liang sat back in his seat and raised his chin slightly: "Eat."

Crack Crack???

The pink-haired girl opened her mouth and took a big bite, chewing with her cheeks puffed up. The slightly sour taste made her frown.


Elina pouted and said in a vague tone, "It smells so good, why does it taste sour?"

She frowned and swallowed the rest of the pulp, including the core.

"Why haven't you responded yet?" Elina looked down at her hands, waiting for her body to change.

"Don't worry, it will take a few days for the infinite dragon fruit to work." Mu Liang said gently.

"Ah, that's it... Okay." Elina sighed depressedly.

"I can't eat hot tofu in a hurry, so let's finish the work I arranged first." Mu Liang laughed dumbly.

"Okay, Mr. Muliang." Elina raised her hand and gave a military salute.

She and Liyue turned and left. They wanted to send someone to watch and investigate in the big city of Beihai, and to inform the newspaper to print the newspaper.

in the corridors of the palace.

Elina suggested: "Liyue, let Xue Ji go to Beihai Dacheng to investigate. She can pretend to be Qibang, and maybe she can lead Jikuifu out."

"Xue Ji?"

Liyue recalled the figure of the ever-changing witch, the proud twin peaks, if the face turned into the appearance of Qibang, it would look very twisted...

She tilted her head and said with a smile: "She can only change her face, her figure is too different from that of a man, and she can't deceive Giquef."

"It seems to be a little twisted..." Elina's eyes squinted slightly.

She made up the picture in her mind, her body trembled, and she felt a chill.

"Yes." The corners of Li Yue's lips rose slightly.

Elina rolled her eyes and said naively:

"This is also easy to solve. Let her put on a black robe and only show her face, so she won't be able to see it."

Liyue thought for a while, then nodded slowly: "Alright, then let her go to the big city of Beihai to do the investigation."

"I'll inform her." Elina left excitedly, and went to the residence of the Variety Witch first.

The white-haired girl went to the guard station, and after she got the list information, she went to the newspaper office.

As for the list of the prison staff, she had already obtained it before the interrogation of Qibang.

The guard station, the detention room, held thirty-two people.

"Let me out, I don't dare anymore." The man over fifty slammed the door of the detention room.

"Yeah, don't dare anymore, let us go out."

"I can pay the fine, don't put me here..."

In the detention room, the prisoners begged for mercy loudly, and many of them turned pale with fright.

stomping on...

The sound of footsteps came, and Cheng Mao walked over with a dark face.

He shouted: "It's all quiet, don't make any noise."

The detention room was completely quiet.

"The Lord of the City has given you such a good life, but you are still not satisfied. Don't you feel guilty for doing illegal things? 3.6" Cheng Mao asked angrily.

"I, I'm sorry Lord City Lord." Someone cried out, and regret occupied the whole body.

"I don't dare, just forgive me this time."

In the detention room, there was an endless stream of confessions.

"Cheng spear." A cold voice came, and Li Yue came over wearing five-colored armor.

"Sir!" Cheng Mao saluted respectfully.

"Give me the list and detailed information of these people." Li Yue said coldly.

"Okay." Cheng Mao replied respectfully.

He couldn't help being curious and asked, "What do you want the list to do?"

Liyue said calmly: "Print it on the newspaper and announce it to the whole city tomorrow."

Cheng Mao opened his mouth and looked at the detention room with pity. These 32 people were about to lose their reputation.

PS: [3 more]: Please customize. .


847: Don't cause trouble to the Lord of the City. (1 more)

"I want three meat buns."

Yiliyi stood in front of the steamed bun shop, took out the Xuanwu coin and handed it to the staff.

"Mr. Yiliyi got up very early today." The staff of Baozipu greeted him with a warm smile on his face.

His child is Yiliyi's student, and he got a perfect score in the last midterm exam.

"I'm used to it." Yiliyiwen smiled softly.

"Mr. Yiliyi, the bun you want." The staff handed the paper bag containing the bun forward.

"Let's go first." Yiliyi nodded and smiled.

"Mr. Yiliyi, I'll ask you to have more snacks for my children's studies." The staff waved their hands vigorously.

"Yes." Yiliyi smiled wryly, turned around and replied casually.

She couldn't help but quicken her pace and walked towards the newsstand not far away.

dong dong dong

The melodious bell rang, rang seven times and then stopped, leaving only the remaining sound in the ears.

"So many people have been arrested, it seems that there are still the Yuan family father and son."

"Now that life is good, how dare you break the law and make trouble for the Lord of the City?"

There were a lot of people in front of the newsstand, all holding newspapers and discussing something.

"It's so lively, is today a special day 24?" Yiliyi took a bite of the meat bun and walked forward in confusion.

"Mr. Yiliyi is here." Outside the crowd, Tao said hello.

Yiliyi swallowed the buns in her mouth, stepped forward and asked curiously, "Miss Taro, what happened?"

Yuzi handed the newspaper in his hand to Yiliyi and explained, "Someone violated the laws and regulations and was arrested."

"Is that so..." Yiliyi stuffed half of the bun in her mouth, spread out the newspaper and looked at it carefully. When she saw the long list, the bun in her mouth almost didn't bite.


Yiliyi's beautiful eyes widened, her cheeks moved, and she bit and swallowed the bun.

"Fifty-three, so many people violate the law!!" she said in astonishment.

Tao nodded and sighed: "Yes, there are several people in there that I know."

Yiliyi looked down from the first line of the list, and saw several familiar names one after another, all of which were the parents of the students.

She fell silent, feeling a little stuck in her heart.

Tao sighed: "I don't quite understand. I didn't have to eat and drink before, so I didn't even need to steal. Now life is so good, why should I break the law?"

"I don't understand either." Yiliyi sighed softly.

Her eyes are empty, and life is now better than before, I don't know how many times, people should be content.

Tao Zi lifted his head slightly and said seriously, "But no matter what, you will be punished for breaking the law."

"It's just suffering for those children." Yiliyi closed the newspaper and handed it back to Taozi.

Parents who were caught breaking the law and were also published in newspapers, how would they feel as their children?

"Since breaking the law, we must bear the consequences."

Taro raised his eyes and said solemnly: "If you don't want to embarrass your family, you must abide by the laws and regulations."