Chapter 1414

Sandro could eventually continue to sit down and play the game.

No reason, because he promised to treat Angus to a good meal tomorrow.

Well, another key is that Sandro is stronger than Angus

Throughout the lunch break, Sandro was committed to building his own house. He even recreated his home in the game - just the look, of course.

Double story wooden American style single family house.

"It's so cool!"

Sandro was very happy.

It's just incredible.

But he's not finished yet. He's going to recreate his father's farm.

"My world" in this game, there are horses, and Sandro's father is very fond of raising horses. He is going to make a place where he can run horses according to the farm he remembered when he was a child.

This is really cool.

And then No, then, because the lunch break was over.

Sandro had to go back to work, but Angus finally agreed to let him come back to the game after work.

No way, the game is locked in Angus's computer, unless you move Angus's whole computer, otherwise there is no way to run.

However, this is only temporary. Angus has told Sandro that when the game comes out next week, like other games in group A, it will provide two download modes: online version and physical version, and support both PC version and dc-p version. No matter where you are, you can play the game.

Oh, as the old rule, the games of group A will still land on the PS2 platform, but because of the mode of this game, many contents will be adjusted.

Who says PS2 doesn't support hard disk mode?

The hard disk of DC and dc-p really increases a lot of cost, but people use this local storage space, they really play a lot of unheard of tricks.

There are even rumors that the next version of PS2 will support internal storage space. Although the architecture of PS2 does not have such a system, it can be increased in theory.

Oh, of course, the most distinctive feature of dc-p is the network system

Angus, who is in charge of game evaluation, and Sandro, who is in charge of the network, are most impressed by this.

When the DC machine came into the market, the network function was really small, but it can only be said to be embellishment.

however, after entering the new century, the Internet bubble burst, and everyone suffered a lot. But on the other hand, the popularity of Internet has increased and increased hitherto unknown.

Moreover, after investigating the data of Ni bang, they were even more surprised to find that the level of network development there is really very high, and this growth curve is actually positively correlated with the growth curve of dc-p sales volume!

In a sense, this machine is even gradually catching up with the sales of PS2 over there.

The reason why it can't be compared with the rate is probably due to the unfairness of group A as a "pseudo third party".

As we all know, there is no problem for group A to say that it is the first party. However, people have a big heart. The game is not monopolized and it is on multiple platforms.

Some people analyze that this is the imbalance of interests between the clubs and departments between order a and order of Phoenix.

However, the power of life and death of these two clubs is in the hands of Tian Hai senxia. As the boss, people can not control the company. In the final analysis, we can only analyze: it is so capricious!

Of course, some wise people also analyzed that the practice of group a actually made people have prejudice against the PS2.

Because most games of group A have network mode and DLC content, the PS2 version is somewhat castrated in experience and content. Moreover, due to the content, the release date of PS2 version is often delayed for a long time. Conspiracy theorists seriously suspect that group a actually despises PS2 in this way

But I'm afraid they don't know at all that Mori values not the entire platform, but the content itself.

Angus investigated this incident by the way when he wrote the evaluation report.

As for what group A was thinking, he didn't really understand.

But Whatever, the game is fun!

In the afternoon, Angus did not continue the game, but thought of mod material package.

This is a cartoon rendering package of group A. this mod package can be installed directly and then checked in the game.

This is a very interesting installation package, but it is optional and requires high system performance.

For example.

Both DC and PS2 can run the original version of my world, but if you use this cartoon rendering material pack, the frame rate will become unstable, which is only available on dc-p and the latest computers.

Oh, Pentium 4 is not very good, high frequency and low energy, only amd can save the world (laughter)"Hey! I'm off work! "

Just as Angus finished his work and wanted to fish in his spare time, Sandro suddenly came.

"Oh Damn it, it's off work! " When he looked at the time, he found that the whole afternoon had passed by like this, and now he was off work.

There's no way. Angus has to give up.

After Sandro's superior position, he opened the game in a hurry.

But just after entering the game, he felt something was wrong.

"This is What's going on? "

The rendering feel of the whole game has changed.

The original outline of the game has become thicker, and the original rough material has become another kind of Well A cartoon style.

Not only that, the original square square square, this time, it is quite a mellow feeling.

"Oh, hell, I must have drunk too much."

"Man, you didn't drink today. It's just that I installed a material pack. " Angus said.

"Oh, get it back for me!" Sandro shook his head.

Although Angus said to get it back, but he himself was cut back to the main interface of the game, and then entered the mod project.

Mod project is basically a permanent item bar of the game of group A. people who often play the game of group a basically know this content.

After entering the mod project, he found the "cartoon" logo.

Check cancel.

Then, the game restarts, after entering the game again, the original familiar screen comes back again.

Sandro's face showed a cheerful expression, as if constipation suddenly came out all day.

“……” Angus, who was next to him, was almost dumbfounded.

"Sandro, didn't you say that this picture is not good?"

Angus installed the cartoon material game pack at that time, one of the reasons was to let Sandro here understand that although my world is pixel style, the picture is absolutely not rough, absolutely!

"This is my world, brother!" Sandro looks at Angus.

"But - Oh, all right."

Angus shrugged.

Unlike Sandro, he really likes the material bag.

"What do you think of the game now?" Angus had another question.

"Great. I was stupid in the morning. Oh, hell, I think I've got a brain drain to say bad things about my world." Sandro shook his head a little annoyed.

"Well, if you like." Angus is not sure, "actually I hope this game can launch a space mode."

"Space mode?"

"I think we can build a spaceship. It must be interesting." In fact, Angus wants to play space games most.

"I don't think it's possible. If it's space Oh, hell, this computer is going to explode As a programmer, Sandro certainly knows how much the performance of the machine has been squeezed by this seemingly "primitive pixel style" game.

And if it's a space game Well, I'm afraid it's not a very good choice.

In theory, this game can really support space mode. If a player starts mod production, maybe it can be done.

But it's just that. If you don't want the performance of the machine to explode, that's all.

Sandro continued to fight.

His purpose now is to continue to build his own ranch.

"If you can build your own spaceship, I think it will be better..."

Angus had no computer, and at this moment, he was fantasizing.

Angus is a racing enthusiast. He likes the fantastic retro style, but on the other hand, like many lighthouse people, Angus is deeply influenced by the Star Wars series, so he is also full of romantic fantasy in outer space.

If you can, build a spaceship of your own in the game. It must be a very cool choice.

But unfortunately, for now, there is no game on the market that can satisfy Angus's fantasy.

His eyes were on Sandro's side again.

With the horse, Sandro actually began to fly himself, with a big bag of food, began to run the horse.

At this moment, Sandro is in a desert.

"Oh, Angus, look what I found! It's a pyramid! Oh, my God, this is so cool! Too cooooooool

After seeing the pyramids, Sandro's face was shocked.

No wonder.

The game itself is a seemingly deserted place, but he never thought that there are pyramids here!When he saw the pyramids, the surprise and joy in Sandro's heart was almost uncontrollable.

"And this one? I just found a huge mushroom island. Are there any man-made buildings in the game? "

Angus was also surprised for a long time when he saw the pyramid.

When he did the game evaluation, he didn't find it because he was in a hurry.

Realizing that the manuscript might need to be adjusted, he leaned over his head and continued to look at the picture in front of him.

After two people walk around, they find that there is an entrance to the pyramid, but the pyramid itself belongs to the kind of structure that can be disassembled. If players bring enough tools, they can take the pyramid down directly.

But such a beautiful "original building" makes both of them feel a little bit uncomfortable.

So they went straight in.

But soon after he left, two hidden arrows made Sandro lose most of his blood. He was scared to push it out and chew the food back to blood.

"What's going on here?"

“…… It's the red stone mechanism. I only use it when making traps at the door. I didn't expect that there would be such a structure in the wild. Oh, my God

Angus exclaimed.

Theoretically speaking, this pyramid can be demolished, but if you go in directly, you may encounter a trap.

At first Angus thought it was just a funny puzzle plot set by the game. However, after careful consideration, he found that this is not entirely the case. This trap can enlighten the players who enter the game for the first time to learn how to make and use the red stone mechanism, so that players can make their own red stone mechanism, not only the trap, but also can be used in more places.

It's amazing.

"Dismantle, quickly dismantle, this is the red stone, and it is a good red stone mechanism, is a precious resource in the game!"

"Oh, oh."

The two people who just marveled at the exquisite construction of the pyramids changed their attitudes immediately after being caught in the trap.

Although trapped, red stone is a good thing!

It's not just red stone. They found that there is a lot of gold in this place. Although it is not as good as diamond equipment, gold equipment and props are also one of the top props in the game.

Walls of gold? It's broken down!

Gold floor? It's prying!

Mm-hmm, all packed away

This refreshing feeling makes two people feel that their heads and legs are not sore, and the whole person is comfortable. This feeling Great!

Not only that, they also found that at the top of the pyramid, there was also a big diamond. Although they could not go up directly (the slope was too steep, and the shell was also very durable), they kept piling blocks and just "bridged" to get the diamond.

"You should make a pick." Angus said.

"I think it should be made into a diamond sword. Let me see. I should be able to do it now." Sandro thought that it was more interesting to make weapons and equipment, "no, I should rub a diamond sword now..."

The discussion between them was not easy.

"Maybe I should really go and revise the manuscript..." Angus sighed in his heart.

However, he thought about it and thought that there were more elements in the game?

Although the official manual, but it is not used for "spoiler", a lot of content needs to be mined by ourselves.

Maybe you can

Angus's plan, however, soon came to an end.

Because at this time, he received a message from another colleague.

"The news from Nihong is the boss of Sega, dachuangong..."


At that time, the game screen was not very good, but the game and creativity were really great

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