Chapter 22: Jin Yang is Good

Zhou Mushi takes his time, and when he arrived at the orphanage, he walked in as if he knew the place well. He distributed the contents of his suitcase to the children.

Ran Ran looked behind him with her soft and gentle eyes and asked, “Did Uncle not come?”

Zhou Mushi felt a pain in his heart, but he forced a smile and said, “He’s not available today, but he’ll come in a while.”

The little girl felt a little disappointed, but she didn’t say anything. She thanked Zhou Mushi and helped distribute the items, and then assisted the younger children who were not good at using chopsticks to eat their food.

Ran Ran is already seven years old, which has passed the best adoption age. Couples without children who come to adopt usually prefer younger children, the younger the better. Those who grew up in orphanages from a young age to adulthood are mostly due to their unattractive appearance or physical disabilities.

Only Ran Ran is a little different from others. She still has a father, although he cannot take care of her at the moment, which is why she hasn’t been adopted yet. I heard that her father will be released from prison in a few years, and then the little girl will be able to go home with him.

“You’ve come.” Zhou Mushi sat on the bench in the orphanage basking in the sun, and a big boy with freckles on his face came over and warmly greeted him.

This is a boy of similar age to Zhou Mushi. He has a slight disability in his left foot and is not very good-looking. When he smiles, he looks silly and appears to have a low IQ. Because of these reasons, he was raised in an orphanage all his life. After he turned eighteen, he worked and studied part-time, and often came back. Zhou Mushi had met him two or three times and exchanged a few words with him, and knew that he was an honest person who was much stronger than many people outside who looked like humans but were actually afraid of doing anything.

“Did Brother Jin Yang not come with you?” the boy sitting in the chair next to him said.

Sure enough, nine out of ten people in this place would ask this question, and the remaining one would be unable to speak due to language barriers. Zhou Mushi smiled and shook his head.

“You all really like him.” He didn’t know how he blurted out such a sentence, which he had never said before. To be precise, he was also one of them back then.

The boy smiled brightly, “Of course, Brother Jin Yang is a role model for everyone here.”

“Is it because he has excellent grades?”

The boy shook his head. “You don’t know. Brother Jin Yang and his twin brother, Brother Jin Yuan had a very difficult time. They were abandoned by their parents at the train station, who promised to come back and get them, but they never did… After they came to the orphanage, they were already not young, and Jin Yang’s health was not good. Someone wanted to adopt Jin Yuan, but Jin Yuan didn’t want to leave his younger brother behind, so he never agreed and missed the chance. Jin Yang is the one who loves us the most. Since he started earning money outside, our lives at the orphanage have become much better than before. No matter how much he earns, he always contributes a lot of it to the orphanage, saying that he can endure hardships himself, but cannot let the children suffer. He is a very kind person. He has provided medical funds for many children who were sent here because of poor health.”

Zhou Mushi was moved by what he heard. He had to admit that he used to complain that Jin Yang was stingy, but if the money was used in these places, it would not be considered stingy. On the contrary…

The boy straightened his clothes and wiped the flour off them before continuing, “I only realized how hard it is to make money after I entered society. Working while studying, either there’s no time to work or there’s no time to study, it’s too difficult. I went to a vocational college and now I’m interning after graduating. I thought I could make a salary, but I found out that the money from a regular job is even harder to earn than what I made washing dishes before. Looking back, Brother Jin Yang went through all of this, too. People like us don’t have anyone to support us, not even an elder to give us advice. It’s not easy to make money, but Brother Jin Yang never complained. He is really my idol, but I don’t have much success now. I can only bring some snacks to the kids.”

Zhou Mushi’s mood was somewhat complicated, and he paused before saying to the boy, “Doing good deeds is not about the size of the deed, but rather about doing what you can.”

When he left the orphanage, it was already a bit dark outside. The hazy moonlight shone brightly on the asphalt road, which was very suitable for taking a walk alone and clear his mind.

However, if he knew that he would be stabbed just by taking a walk, he would definitely not choose to clear his mind.