v6 Chapter 103: A more powerful attack than a nuclear bomb!

Sun City is the most mysterious place in the game. Many players have never seen Sun City even if they have entered the prehistoric lord game several times.

Not to mention that Sun City is here to deal with Chen Bing, who is already invincible among the players, even if it is just an average player, it is enough to make many players curious to come and watch the game.

And Sun City is going to attack the big villain of the game Chen Bing, which makes the players who come to watch the game even more countless.

Some players are waiting for Sun City to come far away from Chen Bing's territory.

After Sun City got closer, it was already observed by a large number of players.

"This is the Sun City. It is even bigger than the rumors. I don't know how it flew!"

Seeing the appearance of Sun City, many players who saw Sun City for the first time couldn't help but exclaim.

"Also, it must be prehistoric black technology. There is no such huge spacecraft in reality, let alone a city."

"Quickly follow, I want to see with my own eyes that guy's territory is destroyed!"

"It's about to start a fight. Does anyone know how to attack Sun City?"

"What's the hurry, you can see it, it will only take half an hour!"


Intense discussions among the players watching the game one after another.

"This is the Sun City. If I knew it, I would go there with the snake girl."

Dark gray and exile have also passed.

This battle is also very important to them. Although there is a snake girl who is acting in the Sun City, they can know the battle situation for the first time, but it is not as good as seeing it with their own eyes.

The territory of exile has developed to the present, and there is nothing left to do. It is worth taking a moment to see the ultimate battle between the two territories in the game.

Although Exile had fought against Sun City in the past, he didn't actually understand Sun City's methods, but this time Sun City will use its strongest attack method, so it is necessary to see and understand with your own eyes.

"The distance is very close, Sun City has begun to act!"

Dark gray took a telescope and looked at Sun City carefully.

Less than a kilometer away from the horizontal position of Chen Bing's territory, through the binoculars, dark gray saw below the huge Sun City, some changes appeared.

"what is that?"

"One, two, three, four... eleven, twelve, twelve giant black spears?"

"Is that the method Sun City used to attack that man's territory? But these giant spears are only about 30 meters long. They are not particularly huge. Falling from the sky to attack, the effect is not great?"

"Yes, I feel that this attack is too unreliable!"

It can be seen in dark gray, and other players are naturally no exception.

However, after seeing the weapons exposed under Sun City, many players couldn't help but start questioning.

"Hey, then you are wrong! It is not an ordinary steel spear, but an "earth spear"!"

But some players suddenly received the news at this time, hehe said aloud.

"The Spear of the Earth?"

"Sounds pretty awesome!"

"It's not that it sounds like a cow, but that the spears are real cows! Even if they hit the ground by a single attack, they can cause a strong earthquake in a radius of 10,000 meters! If the twelve earth spears land at the same time, they will There will be a 12-magnitude earthquake in the land in the middle. In that area, absolutely no one can survive! This is a super weapon from ancient times!"

The players who received the news solemnly introduce the effects of the Spear of the Earth.

"I'm going! A magnitude twelve earthquake, which is even more powerful than a nuclear bomb attack!"

"In that case, that guy's territory will definitely be over this time, and that guy will not be able to survive!"

After learning about the power of the Spear of the Earth, the surrounding players were all excited.

Even if a nuclear bomb exploded, the earthquake caused could not reach the terror level 12.

Under a magnitude 12 earthquake, everything in the earthquake area will undoubtedly be wiped out.

As long as the twelve spears of the Great Emperor fall, Chen Bing's territory will be over, and there is no chance of saving it.

The Sun City flew over from the sky, a condescending offensive attack, dropping the twelve earth spears on the territory of Chen Bing, covering the territory of Chen Bing. Don't be too simple!

"The direction of the Earth Spear has begun to be adjusted. Sun City does not seem to be ready to take risks. It has to project the Earth Spear onto that person's territory from a distance!"

"Good job, so that guy has no chance of turning over!"

All eyes fell on the vital twelve earth spears, waiting for it to fall.

Sun City began to adjust the attack direction of the Earth Spear, which was the rhythm of preparing to attack.

Boom boom boom...

But at this moment, the players who watched the game stared blankly and saw that when the twelve earth spears were adjusting their directions, the area under the Sun City where they were shook violently.

Then they were stunned to see that the twelve great spears fell off the Sun City and fell to the wild ground below.

Below, it is not the territory of Chen Bing, but some players who come to watch the game and hide here.

"I'm going! Run away!"

The players below were shocked.

Feeling bad, they want to run away.

But compared with the falling speed of the Earth Spear, their speed is too slow.


A huge loud noise came from players in the distance saw that the area seemed to have received a nuclear bomb attack, exploding countless smoke and dust.


But at this time, some players pointed to the sky and exclaimed fiercely.

Many players hurriedly looked back, and then saw rays of light rising from the territory of Chen Bing, like thunder and lightning, blasting toward Sun City in the sky.

"This is... the burrowing bullet!"

In Chen Bing's territory, after the rail train gun was accelerated violently, one after another special shells were fired.

These shells hit the bottom of Sun City. After they contacted Sun City, they slammed into the soil under Sun City, and then violently shook.

Under the attack of a large number of ground penetrating bombs, countless pieces of mud and stones fell from under the Sun City, like raindrops on the ground.

Sun City came all the way to attack the territory of Chen Bing. Not to mention that he failed to attack, but was counterattacked. It seemed that he was about to fall!

"How could this be!"

Dark gray looked incredulously.

They released the news of the Spear of the Earth. They released the news at this time, obviously thinking that Chen Bing could not resist this time.

But the result was completely different from what he thought.

"That guy knew beforehand how Sun City would attack! Not only that, he even had a ghost in Sun City, which disrupted this attack, otherwise it wouldn't be like this!"

Exile said in a deep voice.

This was the only explanation he could think of, but only then did he realize that everything seemed to be too late.

The defeat of Sun City means that Chen Bing is completely invincible in the game, and no one is his opponent!

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