v6 Chapter 86: come down


The city lord was wearing a mask and could not see a change in his expression, but when he heard the ghost's words, his thin fingers intertwined in front of him and fell into contemplation.

The situation is indeed very serious, but it is not easy for him to make a decision on this.

Shenge is the backup of the first information body, she has the ability similar to the first information body, but she does not possess the vast knowledge possessed by the first information body.

Controlling the first information body and allowing the **** song to copy the knowledge of the first information body has been the plan of the city lord.

The ghost said to make a decision is to dispose of the first body of information.

This is not a normal process, it is to make Sun City abandon the huge area where the first information body is hidden, separate directly from the air, and fall to the ground!

In that area, the city lord has made many attempts, but has never succeeded in invading, and those who have penetrated into it have never been able to return.

Abandoning that area directly was the last resort the City Lord had made for many years to prevent the First Information Body from waking up and seizing control of Sun City.

But that area was the core of Sun City. Abandoning that area directly, the city owner has no way of knowing what changes will happen to Sun City.

At the same time, the **** song also has an extremely special relationship with that area and the first information body. Abandon that area, the first information body may die, and the **** song is also very likely to undergo unpredictable changes.

If this is not the case, the city lord has long considered taking action and getting rid of that area. After all, there is a treasure for him, but it is a huge bomb.

Without that area and the vast knowledge controlled by the First Information Body, as long as Sun City is still there, he will still be the overlord of this world.

But for the city lord, the biggest problem is the unpredictable consequences of abandoning that area.

If after abandoning that area, Sun City lost its core and crashed along with it, his years of hard work would be ruined.

"City Lord, can't hesitate! When the first information body wakes up, it is undoubtedly that the intruder found and awakened the first information body. The intruder is not easy. He cooperates with the first information body, and the first information body is in his help. The possibility of regaining control of Sun City is extremely high! The first information is reflected in the fact that we cannot successfully regain control because we have adopted physical means to isolate the core area. As long as the intruder takes the first information body out of the core, God The song will never continue to resist!"

The ghost said in a deep voice.

He naturally knew the city lord's scruples, but now it was time to make a choice.

When he was speaking, a green light flashed on the body of Shenge on the side, his eyes closed and his brows frowned.

"It seems that there is no way, I'll talk to the alien demon eye."

The city lord finally made up his mind.

There is too much unpredictability in giving up that area, but with the alien demon eye, it may not happen.

If you don't give up, the risk is too great, as long as the first information body goes out of the core area, Sun City may be taken away.

At this moment and moment, abandoning that area is already a choice he has to make.

After a few minutes.

Underground of the lord’s mansion.

The city lord came to the **** eyeball again. After he came, the **** eyeball opened his eyes and looked at him.

But compared to before, there was an uncomfortable look in Scarlet's eyeballs, and it did not welcome the frequent visits of the City Lord.

"Don't look at me like this, things have gone wrong. The person who can control the city is already awakened, and she will soon walk out of the isolated area. You have to do it to get that area out of the city and fall , Otherwise she will get out of it and immediately gain control of the city. Once it becomes like that, it is only a matter of time before you are cleared. She can't support you and won't leave you.

The city lord said quietly to the **** eyeballs.

Bloody eyeballs heard the words, and a thoughtful look appeared in their eyes.


On the blood-colored ground, a fleshy wall opened, and there was a low roar.

"Then I will trouble you. When abandoning that area, try to minimize the damage to the city."

The city owner knew that the **** eyes had agreed.


"How do you control it?"

In the underground labyrinth, Chen Bing looked at Galma and couldn't help but ask Galma.

"No, someone deliberately sabotaged the route. Although there are still some hidden routes that can be used, I cannot gain control of the city because of resistance."

Galma opened her eyes and shook her head.

The radiance of her body slowly retracted into her body.

Sure enough, it still doesn't work.

Chen Bing was a little disappointed, but he didn't feel too surprised.

If Galma can control Sun City in this way, it would be too simple. Based on his game experience, such a good thing is unlikely to happen.

"Then you can get control of Sun City when you get to a place where there is an available line?"

Chen Bing then asked.

"Yes, someone broke the line and isolated this area, but as long as I get out of here, I won't be a problem to regain control."

Galma nodded.

"Let's go, let's go outside first and get back control of Sun City."

Chen Bing said without hesitation.


Galma is a no-nonsense activist, she nodded in agreement.

However, during the action, Galma glanced at Chen Bing, and then the black stone markings on his body began to slowly unfold, forming a layer of black stone clothing.

"Are they part of your body?"

Chen Bing stared blankly, UU reading www.uukahnshu.com couldn't help asking.



Galma only answered, but at this moment, the ground suddenly shook.

In an instant, Chen Bing felt his body weightless.

"Our area is stripped from Sun City and is falling to the ground."

The green light bloomed on Galma's body, and then he made a sound.

"The height is very high, just fall to the ground like this, we will fall to the ground and die."

After a simple calculation, Galma gives a conclusion.

Sun City floated at an altitude of about 1,500 meters. When it fell to the ground below this height, this area would shatter, and she and Chen Bing would become meat sauce.

"what happened?"

"Sun City is shaking again?"

"It's shaking so badly! And this time not only the ground is shaking, but the ground seems to be slowly tilting!"

As the core area separated, Sun City once again ushered in a violent shaking.

And just as the city owner expected, the stripping of the core area caused unprecedented problems in Sun City.

The whole Sun City actually started to lose its balance in the air and began to tilt slowly.

The residents in Sun City were panicked and ran away desperately, but at this time it was useless to run anywhere.

"Quickly balance Sun City and never fall to the ground!"

In front of the **** eyeballs, the city lord held on to the wall and said anxiously to the **** eyeballs.

(It will be updated tonight, you book friends don’t have to wait. There have been things before, and I have been in arrears with a lot of updates, so I’m sorry. I will continue to update the volume tomorrow and finish writing this volume as soon as possible. There will be four updates tomorrow. )

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