v5 Chapter 3: Shadow of Slime Disappears

"Just let the flow go. It doesn't need to happen overnight. When you meet, if you think my granddaughter is okay, try to make friends. You can't be a boyfriend or a boyfriend. You can also be a normal friend. Chen, your cooking skills, I think you only need to find a chance to show it, and no one will have a bad impression of you!"

Luo Lao persuaded persistently.

Given the situation of his granddaughter and Chen Bing, it is unlikely that they will become boy and girl friends when they meet, but as long as they can become ordinary friends, the chances are great.

Let alone the older generation, the younger generation has too few completely pure boy and girl friends. At least what he knows and hears, the so-called boy and girl friends, will most likely develop into an unclear relationship.

It's fine if both parties are unmarried. If they are married, the family is mostly tragedy.

Of course, Lao Luo knows that there is still that kind of pure friendship, but there is too little.

Especially Chen Bing and his granddaughter are both young and strong, and they are easy to spark.

"Well, then, Mr. Luo, you will let me know in advance and I will be ready to prepare."

Chen Bing didn't mean to shirk, but he didn't want to let Luo Lao have too high expectations, lest he will be disappointed then.

"Okay, when my granddaughter confirms the time, I will let you know!"

Old Luo happily said that the food that was already delicious, he tasted even more delicious.

His unsuccessful son and daughter-in-law are irretrievable, and Luo Lao has no hope for them. Only his granddaughter, Luo Lao must find a way to help her anyway.

After dinner, Luo Lao said goodbye, and Chen Bing went around in various forums, and it was early evening.

After going out for a lap and taking a cold shower, Chen Bing logged in and returned to his home.

In the afternoon, he wanted to find the source of the materials for upgrading the slime factory on the forum, but it took a lot of time, only to find two of them.

Chen Bing couldn't bear such a waste of time anymore, he thought about it, and felt he had better find someone to ask.

After Sha Jianxue, Peerless Fenghua, and Daqingshan, Chen Bing sent them a message after entering their home.

However, there is a close relationship with the three, and the messages sent by Chen Bing are also different.

For the news about Sha Jianxue and Peerless Fenghua, Chen Bing directly asked them if they knew the source of these materials, there were trusted intelligence dealers, and wanted them to introduce them.

As for Daqingshan's, Chen Bing asked him if he knew an intelligence dealer.

"Are you going to enter the "Pet Paradise"?" Sha Jianxue was the first to reply.

She and Chen Bing left the game at almost the same time, and their free time overlapped.

"Yes, the game has some demand. You won't enter? I heard that this game has many good things that can increase the success rate of fusion evolution."

Chen Bing asked.

Sha Jianxue is going to enter, it must be above the 3rd floor of the paradise, but the possibility of the two parties meeting and cooperating is not unavailable. If she is there, she can ask her if she doesn't understand at that time, it is very convenient.

"No, I have already made arrangements for my next game. What you want is the materials for Level 4 to Level 5 of Slime Factory. I have a source for obtaining them. I will let someone sort it out and send it to your mailbox in a while. As for you The intelligence traffickers, such people do exist, but the asking price is very expensive, and they only trade with credible big guilds. Not everyone can buy news from them. After all, once the news is sold, they will buy the news. If people don’t keep their promises, the news they have will instantly lose value."

Sha Jianxue shook her head and explained to Chen Bing about the intelligence dealer.

"They have business but don't do it?" Chen Bing was surprised, no matter how much, it was very rare.

"If they can, of course they want to. In fact, for a while in the past, they also did business with ordinary players as you said. But they finally chose the current model. Homeland's games have been changing at any time. , It’s not easy to find information that can be sold for money. They naturally want to sell the information as much as possible. Selling to ordinary players, the possibility of information leakage is too great, and if it is sold to an organization, the confidentiality is basically It is guaranteed. Whoever bought the information, passed it out privately, and was found out by others. It would be difficult to buy the information in the future. The guild that was classified as dishonest and blacklisted, and wanted to buy the information in the future, gotta Buying at sky-high prices, sometimes it is unavoidable to be secretly scammed, and there is no way to tell. Therefore, the major guild organizations will try their best to avoid the leakage of the information they hold."

Sha Jianxue explained patiently.

After listening to Chen Bing, he knew that there were so many ways in secret.

"You don’t need to find an intelligence dealer in your situation, and the intelligence dealers are not as powerful as you think. If they get the news that can really make a fortune, they must use it first, hoping to get too valuable information from them. Unrealistic. The things needed to upgrade buildings in the early and mid-term are not complicated. I have general building upgrade materials. I have them here. If you have any questions, just ask, don’t disclose it to others when you know it."

Sha Jianxue suggested.

"Okay, then I will trouble you."

Chen Bing nodded, but didn't intend to be polite with Sha Jianxue.

Friends who can help each other can maintain the relationship for a longer time. It is only one-sided contribution or one-sided request. This relationship will not last.


"It's been a long time, is your next game going to "Pet Paradise"?"

After breaking contact with Sha Jianxue, after a while, Chen Bing received news of peerless elegance.

"Yes, you also want to enter?" Chen Bing heard the tone of peerless elegance and felt that she should also have ideas.

"Of course, the sooner the pet is cultivated, the better. Prepare to try your luck on the third and fourth floors. If you miss this opportunity, you will have to wait at least another month." Pedie Fenghua replied that, like most novice players, she has no pets yet.

"Unfortunately, I am going to the first floor, otherwise I can form a team together." Chen Bing said regretfully.

"It can be seen. I have found the material you are looking for. I have just sent it to your mailbox. But I don’t know the information dealer. The person I know is not a special information dealer, she just Give me information."

Peerless Fenghua was still very willing to help. Without a word, he sent Chen Bing materials and materials, so that Chen Bing wanted to refuse it too late.

Originally there was Sha Jianxue's information, but the peerless Fenghua side didn't need it.

However, Peerless Fenghua has sent it over, and Chen Bing did not say that he has the information, and he readily expressed his gratitude to Peerless Fenghua.

After chatting with peerless Fenghua for a while, the two broke off communication.

There was no response from Daqingshan for the time being. Chen Bing estimated that Daqingshan might be in the game or in reality.

The information is available, and Chen Bing doesn't care about it.

Opening the mailbox, Chen Bing took out the materials sent by Peerless Fenghua, and wanted to understand it carefully and make a plan.



But at this moment, the brave slime jumped hurriedly, yelling at Chen Bing anxiously ~ www.novelhall.com~ The slime workers behind it were also anxious.

"what happened?"

Chen Bing asked strangely. It was the first time he saw the hero slime like this.


The brave slime roared anxiously, and the slime sword in his hand kept slashing, but Chen Bing could not understand what this guy meant.

"Come here, let me see your attributes."

Chen Bing didn't know what this guy wanted to express. He walked over to the hero slime and opened the attributes panel of the hero slime.

"The attributes are not abnormal... the status is not abnormal... the skills... Huh? The "Shadow of Slime" skills have turned gray?"

Chen Bing glanced down, then surprised.

There was an abnormal condition on the hero slime, and the "Shadow of Slime" skill turned into an inoperable gray!

Under normal circumstances, the status of this skill will not change regardless of whether the Slime Shadow is summoned.

And Chen Bing clearly remembered that when he left the game in the morning, the shadow of the slime was exposed and he was with the hero slime in his home.

"Where is the shadow of the slime?"

Chen Bing glanced around, there was no shadow of slime everywhere.


After hearing Chen Bing's question, the brave slime jumped anxiously.

"It's gone?"

Chen Bing asked in surprise.

How could it be possible, this is at home.

"Follow me to find it."

Chen Bing immediately took the brave slime and searched his homeland, and then confirmed that the guy in the shadow of the slime really disappeared.

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