"Even if you have eight drumsticks, you can't control the beast successfully! Referee, I request that Yun Chujiu be expelled! It's too much for her to interrupt my secret arts Li Han thinks his head is buzzing, and he doesn't know whether he is hurt by cloud, or he has lost a little more blood.

Eagle hook nose referee was about to speak, and Yun Chujiu said angrily, "referee! Li Han insults my ancestral secret arts, which has broken my weak and immature mind into 108 pieces! And, I'm doing my secret arts, and they're all going to succeed. He bangs and interrupts me, and I ask for his expulsion. "

Li Han was stunned!

The other players were stunned!

The host and the referee were stunned!

All the people under the stage are stunned!


People don't have to face, to this share is no one!

You're fooling around with a broken drumstick? Are you going to be shameless?

Besides, your impregnable heart is still weak? Still young? You're lying to ghosts?!

Eagle hook nose referee snorted: "you don't have to use strong words to quibble. You have been disqualified from the competition. Leave immediately!"

Yun Chujiu's small face fell down: "this referee, you should speak up to your own conscience and referee's identity! Why do you disqualify me from the competition? Compere, I ask you, when you announced the rules, did you forbid the players to speak? "

The host shook his head: "No

"Do you hear me? Since the rules don't prohibit speaking, what happened to me? Besides, Li Han interfered with me when I was using my ancestral secret arts. Why don't you send him off? If you want to punish me, you can, but you should treat me equally and punish Li Han as well. Otherwise, not only will I refuse to accept it, but also all the people in Tianyuan mainland will not accept it. Do you think so? " Yun Chujiu raised his hand to the bottom of the competition platform.

The people in the land of Tianyuan immediately began to shout: "yes! Yun Chujiu is right! Why are you punishing Yun Chu Jiu if you don't say no

"Why don't you let them shout when you fight against them?"

"Bah! I think the referee must have received money from the netherworld Academy. It's shameless! "


Eagle hook nose referee angry face red, pointing to cloud nine: "you, you..."

"Me, what's wrong with me? Besides, there are ten referees in total. Why do you owe so much? If you want to say that you confiscate the benefits of netherworld academy, you don't believe it yourself? Just judges, do you think I'm right? Since the rules don't prohibit speaking, what's wrong with me? " Yunchu nine finished the hawk hook nose and looked at the other nine judges.

The other nine referees discussed with each other. It was true that there was no saying in the rules. So an older referee said, "since there are no restrictions in the rules, the competition will continue."

Yun Chujiu looked at Li Han with pride: "Li Han, the attitude of the master of beasts is very important, you can't be impatient! I'll give you a good suggestion. If you really feel that my words interfere with you, you might as well plug your ears with something!

Li Han just felt his head buzzing and glared at Yunchu nine: "do you think you can interfere with me in this way? The first place must be mine

"Tut Tut, your name is" Lihan ", not" fierce ". How great do you think you are? Pooh! That little fox will only establish divine connection with you unless it has a headache. What kind of thing Cloud Chujiu said with her mouth curled.

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