Lydis the Bride and the Vessel of the Goddess 1 (6)

“Wasn’t Lady Elvisa in the Evandia royal family?”

“Elvisa was in the temple. It was next to the King. A long time ago, people’s lives were short. When the first king was deposed, Elvisa moved to the temple. Elvisa hated Lucis and took her life. Goddesses are daughters of god, they cannot truly disappear. Her soul wandered, and eventually a vessel for the goddess was born.”

The flipped book turned to a page with a high cup above the girl.

“I have heard that it was a human, inhabited by the soul of the goddess Elvisa-sama.”

“Many of them ended up unaware that they were Elvisa. Until now, no one has awakened as a goddess.”

“So Lucis-sama became aware of the existence of the vessel of Elvisa-sama?”

“Yes. When the vessel of the goddess was found to have been born, the royal family of Evandia protected it. Lucis tried to take it in the Great War, but was defeated.”

“The royal family… Did the Great War start because of Lucis-sama?”

The vessel of the goddess, protected by the royal family.

For some reason, my chest was quivering. I felt bad.

I asked Chuzel while hiding my inner turmoil. If I remember correctly, Astaroth said that it started with a conflict between some demons and humans.

“No, it didn’t. The Great War was the fault of the blood sucker Clive and the puppet master Astaroth. Lucis was not involved. We’ll talk about this tomorrow. Gilbert is looking for you.”

“Thank you very much, Chuzel-sama. Will you speak to me again tomorrow?”

“Whenever you feel like it.”

Chüzel stood up and walked slowly towards the back of the library.

I put the books on the desk back on the shelf. There was a lot I wanted to read, but I would do it again tomorrow.

It would be rude to spend my time reading when Gilbert-sama was looking for me.

I bowed gracefully towards the back of the Chuzel and left the library.

“The Evandia royal family was protecting the vessel of the goddess.”

I couldn’t get those words out of my head. A strange sense of unease was building up in my chest. I didn’t know who the Vessel of the Goddess was, and I didn’t know that the royal family had provided protection for it.

Or perhaps I would have been informed if I had been formally married to Rafael-sama in my last lifetime.

Or perhaps my brother Soleil, the next Duke of Anne-Maria, knew.

It was probably such an important secret that he couldn’t tell me.

“He might have been thinking that if the vessel of the goddess is known to be in the royal family, the demon tribe will attack us.” I muttered quietly.

If the royal family had always feared that Lucis wanted the vessel of the goddess, if they thought it would trigger another violent war, her presence could be a bargaining chip against the demon tribe.

I’m sure the Prime Minister’s family, who has protected the royal family for generations, and Orchis Amber, who denounced me, knew. Perhaps the reason why they were rarely seen in the public may be because they were the ones who kept the secret.

It’s just my imagination, but I don’t think it’s such a wrong guess.

“… maybe.”

I stopped at the sickening sensation of tightness in my chest.

I put my hands on the corridor wall to support my wobbly body.

The image of Cynthia smiling happily at the evening party, being pulled by Rafael-sama’s hand, appeared at the back of my closed eyelids, even though I should have forgotten about it by now.

I was fine.

It wasn’t that I was in pain or suffering. I was just thinking that I was in trouble.

But the reason why Cynthia, a mere baroness who would normally never stand next to Rafael-sama, was being treated so specially, the reason why Orcis, who only exchanged proper words with Rafael-sama, was protecting Cynthia, was because Cynthia was the vessel of a goddess.

The vessel of the goddess…


A strong voice called my name and I looked up.

Gilbert-sama helped me up from leaning against the wall and lifted me up.

The warmth and strength reassured me and I felt the pain in my chest disappear.

“What’s wrong, are you alright, Lydith, are you unwell?”

“Not really, I’m not unwell. I was just… a bit lost in thought.”

“Did something happen with Chuzel?”

“No, I just had a little chat with Master Chuzel. He taught me some letters I couldn’t read, he was nice and kind.”

Gilbert stared at me as if he wanted to say something.

I didn’t feel like talking, so I averted my gaze.

It’s just speculation that Cynthia-san might be the vessel of the goddess..

I didn’t meet Cynthia-san this time, and I should have been unaware of Cynthia-san’s existence when I declined to be Rafael-sama’s fiancée without going to the Academy.

I know that because I was reborn.

The speculation was possible because this is my second time. It is something that shouldn’t be possible. if it’s true, it is a cunning thing that should not be done.

“You heard it from… Chuzel. Lucis’ obsession with Elvisa was extraordinary. But that has nothing to do with me. I am not like Yule, and there’s nothing for you to worry about.”

“I know that Gilbert-sama loves me deeply. I am lovely and pure, and I am the perfect beauty, even better than a goddess, who ended Gilbert’s two hundred years of celibacy.”

Gilbert-sama laughed in relief and happily kissed my cheeks and forehead.

It was as if I was being cuddled by a large animal.

“Oh, I’m so deeply in love with you, Lydith.

“It is better to be very confident like that”

I layed my cheek against Master Gilbert-sama’s neck.

I don’t think I’ve ever been pampered like this by anyone before.

I felt a warmth deep in my chest.

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