C325 The end of the year is approaching

After a few days, Wu Shan successfully arrived in the southwest.

Receiving his message to tell Duan Yunfei that everything was fine, Duan Yunfei felt more at ease.

As the New Year was approaching, there were more and more matters in the palace. Yuwen Di was even more tired, and did not have time to rest for the entire day.

"Xiao Yang, go and put on some of the hazelnuts I made yesterday, I want to go to the hall to take a look at royal father." Duan Yunfei said to Xiao Yang as he put away the letter.

A few days ago, Duan Yunfei was always depressed, she refused to speak of anything if she were to ask her. It was truly worrisome. Although Duan Yunfei did not say it out loud, Xiao Yang knew that Duan Yunfei was worried about Wu Shan's safety. Not to mention it was because of the relationship between Wu Shan and Duan Yunfei, but if anything went wrong with Wu Shan, Duan Yunfei really could not imagine how the Old General Wu would face up to such a situation.

Today, when Xiao Yang saw that Duan Yunfei was in a good mood, he knew that it must be because Wu Shan had reported her that she was safe.

"Princess, I'll go prepare it now." Xiao Yang answered as he walked outside.

Xiao Yang prepared the hazelnut cake and followed Duan Yunfei to the emperor's chamber.

Now that the weather had turned much colder, the imperial government had moved from the outside to the sleeping quarters. However, Yuwen Di's body was still not well. In these few days, he had been coughing, and everyday he would boil candied fruits in the form of candied fruits for Yuwen Di to consume.

"Greetings, royal father." Yuwen Di was busy reading through the imperial reports, so much so that he did not notice Xiao Yang walking in.

Hearing Xiao Yang's voice, Yuwen Di finally reacted. He raised his head, looked at Duan Yunfei, and smiled as he raised his hand for her, gesturing for her to stand up and sit beside him.

"Little girl, what are you doing these past few days? Ever since Wu Shan left the capital, you have often been elusive, and don't know what you've been busy with, nor do you know how to share your father's worries." Yuwen Di lowered his head as he held out his hand and pointed at Duan Yunfei, pretending to scold her.

Hearing Yuwen Di say that, Duan Yunfei immediately came forward, held the hazelnut cake and said to Yuwen Di: "Royal father, saying this is wrongly accused me. The person I am most concerned about is royal father, aren't I here to see you today, and also bring your favorite hazelnut cake."

"You, on the other hand, know how to cook delicious food to make me happy." As Yuwen Di spoke, he stuffed a piece of hazelnut cake into his mouth. In the end, he did not forget to comment, "I must have been lazy recently, but my cooking skills are not as good as they used to be."

Duan Yunfei naturally knew that Yuwen Di was just playing with his and wasn't angry at him either. She raised her head to look at Yuwen Di and the expression on her face became serious. royal father, your son came here today because I have something important to tell you? "

"Wu Shan has arrived in the southwest." As soon as Duan Yunfei finished speaking, she blurted out:

He raised his head to look at Duan Yunfei, and revealed a faint smile.

Hearing Yuwen Di say this, Duan Yunfei also nodded her head and continued to speak to Yuwen Di: "Wu Shan sent me a message by flying pigeon, telling me that he had reached the southwest on the same time. He can't continue to hide news of General Liu Feng's death anymore, he is currently planning to bury General Liu deeply. As for the matter of the battle, Wu Shan said that he would discuss it further after General Liu Feng's funeral. "

Duan Yunfei said from the side. Yuwen Di pondered for a moment, then nodded at Duan Yunfei. Tell Wu Shan that since we ordered him to head to the southwest, it would give him the right to act.

Duan Yunfei nodded, and answered on Wu Shan's behalf: "Thank you, royal father."

"Father, you've been keeping yourself in your chambers these past few days. Just how many things do you have to take care of?" After she finished speaking of Wu Shan's matter, the stone in Duan Yunfei's heart seemed to have dropped to the ground all of a sudden. She came close to Yuwen Di and asked somewhat curiously.

Yuwen Di let out a heavy sigh, stretched his eyebrows, and smiled as he said to her: "Since the end of the year is approaching, and all the work cases of the various prefectures are submitted in one go, we will naturally have to put in a bit more effort."

"It's not just me. The Minister of the Left must have been too busy at home for the past few days. There are also the three provinces' six divisions of the court. Everyone must be busy." "As Yuwen Di spoke to Duan Yunfei, she couldn't help but let out a breath. Now that the Fifth Prince had descended into Jiangnan, she began to prepare to clear the canal. After the new year, he could start her salt transportation. It's a pity that you aren't a man. Otherwise, royal father wouldn't let you stay here idly. "

"What is royal father saying? Could it be that in royal father's eyes, there is only the Fifth Prince doing things all day, so this son doesn't do things anymore?" Hearing Yuwen Di's words, Duan Yunfei pretended to turn his head and said angrily.

Seeing Duan Yunfei's reaction, Yuwen Di was aware of his slip of the tongue. He hurriedly waved his hands at Duan Yunfei and said good words to her. royal father made a slip of the tongue, girl, you must be for real. "

"Father's words are as good as gold. How could I dare not take it seriously?" Duan Yunfei had a sharp tongue since childhood, and now that she was in the right, she was even more unforgiving.

The Emperor naturally knew her temperament, and didn't bother with her for too long. He merely stretched out his hand and lightly patted Duan Yunfei's shoulder, then smiled to her and said, "Since Little Thirteen has said this, then I actually remember something. After thinking about it, this matter is best left to you to do."

The reason why Duan Yunfei came this time, was to help the emperor shoulder his burden. Now that she heard the emperor say this, the matter just now was immediately thrown to the back of her mind, as she hurriedly turned around and asked Yuwen Di with an expression of anticipation, "royal father, what exactly do you need your daughter to do? I ask for royal father's instructions. "

Duan Yunfei extended her hand and cupped her fists towards Yuwen Di, and Yuwen Di muttered to himself for a moment, before continuing to speak to Duan Yunfei: "Three days ago, we received a letter from the Xiliang, and the letter said that since the Jin Country and the Xiliang have been reunited, we should naturally pay a visit to the palace. Now that the New Year is approaching, the Xiliang has sent a diplomatic mission to visit the Jin Country, and I hope that the Jin Country can receive you."

"When?" Duan Yunfei hesitated, raised her head and asked Yuwen Di.

Yuwen Di pondered for a moment, then answered Duan Yunfei, "If we calculate it now, it should be about seven days later."

"Xiliang and my Jin Country have not been friends for many years, and now there is suddenly a diplomatic mission to meet. What kind of logic is this?" Duan Yunfei muttered to herself, and started to mutter in her heart.