Chapter 504: Tank soldier's routine

The Covenant tank uses a unique horizontally opposed engine. The defect of this engine is that it is wide. In order to fit in the engine, the car body is slightly widened.

The Covenant tanks in history have never left the UK. When they were assigned to the British First Armored Division that suffered heavy losses in the Battle of France, they were already in the United Kingdom. When the First Armored Division was sent to Egypt, These tanks were transferred to the British Ninth Armored Division.

Now, these seemingly advanced tanks have been rescued.

It's a pity that in front of the German tanks, these tanks that they think are advanced can only make soy sauce.

The British tanker was stunned. When half of the captain's body fell inside the tank, everyone was stunned. Although the gunner was a veteran, he only served after the First World War. He has never fought a war. The entire interior of the turret , Filled with the smell of blood, it makes people a little sick.

"Wow!" The loader vomited out first. On the small turret, he had no place at all, and he vomited directly on half of the captain's body.

As for the other tank captains, seeing this scene, they hurriedly retracted their bodies and got into the turret. The small turret squeezed into the turret with three people, making it even more crowded. Moreover, they needed to fight.

George didn't retract, he believed it was just an accident, and in battle, bravery was the most important thing.

Rush, keep rushing forward!

The distance between the two sides, in the rapid approach, all of this is achieved by the excellent maneuverability of the Covenant tank.

You know, in the British system, the Covenant is a cruiser tank. This tank must have high mobility. Therefore, it has deliberately strengthened the engine, with a full 340 horsepower, driving an 18-ton car body, and maximum speed. It can reach 50 kilometers per hour.

The unit horsepower has 18 horsepower per ton, and the acceleration performance is also very good.

Now, the Covenant tanks are attacking quickly. In contrast, the German tanks on the opposite side are not very fast.

Why are you running so fast? If you want to shoot, you must stop.

"Boom!" In a short period of time, Meyer's tank had fired four shots, the fourth shot, and finally saw the result.

The 88mm armor-piercing projectile, the most common capped armor-piercing projectile, was in close contact with a British Covenant tank.

"Boom!" When the armor-piercing projectile was in close contact on the turret of the Covenant tank, following the impact, all the rivets on the armor of the turret were shaken off at this instant! A hole was punched out of the middle of the armor plate, and then it got in.

"Boom!" Amid the huge explosion, the entire small turret flew away. After the explosion, only the seat ring was left with blue smoke.

One shot from Germany smashed the turret of a British tank!

In addition to the great power of the German tank guns, there is another major factor, which is the turret of the British tank guns, which are too insensitive.

When the German tank gun has begun to develop to 88 mm, the tank must have a weight of at least 40 tons to be able to have more than 100 mm of armor protection. Now the British 18-ton tank is far from adequate. Even if the angled deck is used, it's a far cry.

As for another factor, the British armor was riveted.

The rivets at the joints of the armor are the weakest part. Just when the shells touched, the rivets were blown away! If there are infantry nearby, these rivets will be shot into their bodies like bullets.

The tanks of World War I were all rivets, but in the Second World War, they still used rivets, which was quite backward.

These, the British have difficulties, because the four companies responsible for production, Leyland Motor Company, Nuffield Company, LMS Company, and British Electric Power Company, are now seriously lacking welders. Yes, the number of welders is insufficient. Concession in the face of production, using a rivet structure.

Now, the rivet has brought a terrible death trap to the British armored soldiers on the front line.

Even if it is welded, it cannot block the German tank guns, but at least there will be no scene where the entire turret is broken. This scene is even more frightening for British tankers.

In front of the German tanks, one's own tanks are simply paperless!

"Go forward, go forward!" At this time, Brigadier Commander George was still giving orders to his subordinates. He was surprised to see the destruction of his tank, but at the same time, he also knew that they had already stopped. No choice but to continue the attack.

If they retreat at this time, morale will collapse. Moreover, the Germans are best at chasing. When the Germans chase them for several tens of kilometers, their entire armored brigade will become scrap.

Only now, when they rushed up in a rush and approached within 500 meters, could they have hope!

The Covenant tank is very powerful, it accelerates fast and turns quickly.

A Covenant tank turned sharply, avoiding the flying cannonball, which was simply a shot. At this time, the tanker inside the tank was already scared into a cold sweat.

They are still moving forward. The Germans have given the United Kingdom too much shame, and they are now going to use a **** battle to recover this shame!

"Attention, reverse gear, tactics No. 23." Here, Meyer issued a new order.

Following his order, the tanks of the entire tank company came to a halt again. After firing a shot, they began to put in reverse gear and slowly backed up.

Seeing the German tanks retreating, in an instant, the British armored soldiers here exclaimed.

Go forward, go forward!

A famous tank captain hailed, and their tanks moved forward at full speed!

"Boom!" A Covenant tank was destroyed.

They don't care about this loss. In wars, where there are undead people, and now, the Germans' retreat is right in front of them!

"Boom!" Another tank was destroyed.

On the British side, the number of tanks is decreasing, and George has gradually realized something in the battlefield.

The Germans did not retreat at all, they did it consciously, and this is a tactic for their tank battles!

Yes, a shameful tactic!

The number of German tank troops is small ~ ~ Just now, the distance between the two sides has been close to 500 meters. If the two sides continue to hedge, they will definitely be able to get close in the end, and even get into a mess.

In a melee, the side with a large number of tanks has the advantage, and several vehicles can besiege one, even if they can't wear their armor, hit a road wheel from the side or something, they can still make their tanks nest.

In this case, the Germans slyly chose to retreat and widen the distance. At the same time, they used their precise shooting to constantly consume their own tanks!

At the beginning, the Germans’ tank guns fired, but they were just calibration fires. Now, their firepower is much more accurate, especially the strange-looking tanks behind. The tank guns are constantly firing, killing themselves in large numbers. tank!

The casualties of one's own side are constantly increasing, this is intentional by the other side!

When the number of one's tanks is consumed to a certain level, the opponent will turn to counterattack. When that happens, he will definitely be defeated.

How can these **** Germans have so many routines?