Blow up! There will be a candy and candy box full of flowers and candy bars!

But who will spend 10000 yuan to support a scene! Ten thousand is not a thousand, but ten times more!

On the platform of jinmang live broadcast, few people buy the 10000 yuan Xia yuan luxury plane. It is a plane, which sprinkles flowers, candy and treasure boxes on the screen.

The woman on the plane nestles in the man's side. The bright ID of "big nerve" on the man's head makes people spit blood. Who's the brain cripple who gives himself such a name and spends ten thousand Bo to buy a smile? This person is not really a psychopath, is he?

The plane is still flying, and the comment area is slow, but the number of people on the top right shows a geometric increase, not a few dozen. This is hundreds of people per second!

In addition to the people who come to pick up flowers and candy, there are still many people who are watching and playing soy sauce. These people have been brushing the screen in the comment area.

"Horizontal trough

"The plane! See the plane for the first time

"I'm familiar with you..."

"The muddy water floats by, worships the local tyrant, ha ha ha"

"the salary of half a year!"

"Two months' salary!"

"I'll go. I'll hide it and there's a little rich man"

"the big nerve is the great God!"

"Worship the great God!"

"Thank you for being a local tyrant!"



It's another wave, but the topic that has been forgotten before has been picked up by some muddy water party. Gorgeous e-book

"Anchor, all the gods will come and wait for you."


"changing clothes"


Seeing this, ye Han spoke again.

"Anchor, that song just now, it's very nice. Sing it again."

A bright and colorful font floated out and displayed on the main screen.

Generally speaking, it will only be displayed in the comment area, and it will appear on the main screen only after spending hundreds of dollars. If you spend enough money, in addition to rich fonts, there are many other benefits, such as larger fonts.

There's also a table that can sit near the bottom of the anchor.

On the right side of the host screen is the comment area. There are three tables under the main screen of the anchor. It is generally necessary to imitate the stage setting. Each table has four seats in the southeast and northwest.

There are also five special VIP seats in front of the four tables, which means that the higher the level and the higher the cost, the higher you will be.

At this time, ye Han, who spent 10000 yuan, was sitting on the VIP seat, but he was not sitting in the middle. There was a "super strange uncle" in the middle. There were only two of them in the five VIP seats, but after ye Han painted the luxury plane, people came in one after another, and even the few tables were full of people.

There is another person on the VIP seat.

"Big nerve" and "great swordsman" sit on the side of "super handsome uncle", can you bear it?

Especially after molesting Zhao Liye, ye Han is eager to throw him out. Can he still occupy the VIP seat?

Thanks in the heart, Zhao Liye was finally affirmed by others. Her grievances dissipated a little, and she plucked up her courage. No matter what others said, she had an audience, and some people thought her singing was good enough.

"Thank you for the luxury plane sent by the great nerve. Now a piece of rain break is brought to you."

"In the rain..."

Clear voice, sweet song, mixed with the first love of the reluctant to give up, the broken feelings, such as the snow splashed in the rain, so cold, broken rain curtain, can not see your face, blurred your figure, leaving her alone in the rain into ice