Happy Mid Autumn Festival!!!

The learning time from Sanpin is 39 months. In fact, at this time, Oriental herring has some doubts. Starting from being an official, if you step by step, it takes 22.75 years to get promoted to the third grade, even 23 years, which is only the time to study in Guozijian.

Once every three years, if you are lucky and get promoted every time, it will take 39 years to get from the third grade, and the sum of the two is 62 years.

It's impossible to be an official from birth. You still have to grow up and study. It takes at least 20 years to reach the top of high school. That's 82 years.

This is not all kinds of accidents, all kinds of emergencies. It takes 82 years for a person to rise from the third grade at the fastest speed. What about the third grade? Second grade? A product? It is obviously impossible to double the time.

NPC can't go through this upgrade process, which should be very good for players, but the life span of players is not so long. Let's talk about it. From the beginning, the system didn't intend to promote players to much higher officials. After knowing this, he couldn't help feeling sad for those players who tried hard to get promoted. If there were no props such as time stone, normal people would spend their whole life, There's no way to get to the fourth grade.

Epiphany state, time passes quickly.

Ding! System prompt: congratulations on the successful upgrade of the player's Oriental herring skill 'blood burning secret' and promotion to level 4. Congratulations to the player.

Blood burning secret skill: on the fourth layer, burn the target's blood with a secret method, never die, deprive the target of courage by 25% - 40%, consume Magic: 500000, attack + 1500000, range + 1500m, duration: 120 minutes, cooling time: 5 hours.


Ding! System prompt: congratulations on the successful upgrade of the skill 'golden finger' of Oriental herring. Congratulations to the player!

Golden finger: ignore defence and strike the target hard, damage + 1000000, cooldown 2 hours.


Ding! System prompt: congratulations on the successful upgrade of the player's skill 'death grip' of Oriental herring. Congratulations to the player.

Death grip: intermediate skill, level 122, proficiency 0.0%, attack + 800000, ignore defense, consume 100000 magic points / time, cooling time: 60 seconds.


I don't know if the physique is stronger, and the learning ability also rises. The crystal head blooms a dazzling blue light, which stimulates the potential of each cell, much faster than before.

Tiger mountain.

A ditch more than 20 kilometers long has appeared, slightly wider than previously planned, reaching an amazing 120 meters, because the relationship between the Oriental herring and the imperial court is good. The imperial court believed that opening the canal was beneficial to the imperial court. It could irrigate the surrounding land and allocated 50000 gold coins. This money was a drop in the bucket for opening the canal, but at least it was a supportive attitude.

In addition, with the support of policies, players involved in the development of the canal can get experience value, which is equivalent to playing strange. Virtually, it saves 30% of the cost of tiger mountain.

Some experts don't like the hard work of digging canals. They don't want to bow down for five bushels of rice. However, with the experience value, the situation has changed. Some experts began to ask if the river is exhausted and still recruit people?


Oriental herring had a hunch when he went to Guozijian. After the elimination of the giant hell tiger stick, the manpower was liberated. Players had nothing to do for a while, and they couldn't be idle. The new year was coming soon. Everyone wanted to find something to do and make some money for the new year. The canal in tiger mountain was undoubtedly a good place to go.

The salary is not low, the settlement is flexible, including food, money and experience. Who doesn't want to go?

The river was exhausted and opened to recruit people. On the first day, 10000 people were recruited, on the second day, 30000. On the third day, the number soared to 50000. Finally, a total of 180000 players were recruited, including experts with a level of more than 100.

Two thirds of the canal, which was supposed to take a month to complete, was completed on the fifth day. Lin qianer went to experts for field investigation, and finally made some modifications and additions to the drawings. The river section was bent, increased by 30 km, and the total length of the river reached 210 km.

Not to look good, but to consider the water flow and the task of irrigation. The imperial court has given so much support, so we should give back.

In addition, at the entrance, a port, a small port, and the largest port that the prayer River can bear. Tiger Mountain: the plan to build a transmission array was secret at first, but finally decided to make it public.

Tiger Mountain has a imperial platform, so there is almost no need to consider the security issue. The transmission array is invested in the name of "made of green wood". Xiao Yi means that if you invest, you have to have a return.

If a transmission array is only used by itself, it will take decades to recover the cost and make a profit.

After the opening of the Grand Canal, the transmission array was opened to connect Qinglong City, White Tiger City, rosefinch City, Qingsha city and dream city, and the geographical location of tiger mountain was highlighted.

The port of the Grand Canal will become the nearest port to the city. Goods need to be transshipped. As long as they are not stupid, they will enter from the prayer River, pass through the Grand Canal and turn around in tiger mountain.

Of course, due to the throughput of the port, some large building ships may choose the Yangtze River or the Yellow River. However, it is predictable that 50% or 60% of the ships will use the tiger mountain to turn around.

"Master, I have a question." craftsmen pay attention to inheritance, because craftsmen have too many personal experiences and secrets. If an apprentice wants to become a master and no one leads the way, it will take too long. If you worship a master, you can save more than half of this time.

Therefore, the more apprentices there are in craftsmanship, the more powerful the master will prove. The master of devil chili worship is very powerful. Now the level is a master. There are 128 large and small disciples, disciples, great grandchildren and so on, which add up to more than 2000.

The master's name is a round of fireworks. His salary is calculated by hour, 80 silver coins per hour.

"What doubt?" a round of fireworks lit a cigarette and puffed. He was 68 this year. He was a rural man. He thought he was at an annoying age. Unexpectedly, he radiated his second spring in the game.

Not only did he not expect it, but the whole family did not expect it. He took the pension money to buy a game helmet. Because of this, his relationship with his son and daughter-in-law was particularly stiff. His daughter-in-law threatened to drive him out of the house several times.

He has been a mason, carpenter and electrician all his life. These skills can also be used in the game. When he contacts the transmission array, he can learn many things as soon as he comes into contact. He can understand what others think is very difficult. After a little thought, he can understand that the level rises quickly. At the same time, people are still in the intermediate level, and he has become a master.

When he reached the master level, his income suddenly increased. When he took more than 20000 yuan a month home easily, his son, daughter-in-law, grandchildren and grandchildren looked at him differently.

His daughter-in-law no longer scolds him for being old and immortal, his son no longer dislikes him, and his grandchildren are close to him. This situation becomes more and more obvious when his monthly income rises to more than 30000.

About six months ago, his monthly income exceeded 200000, and his status at home was significantly improved. His son and daughter-in-law almost covered all the housework. He didn't need to make a snack. He looked up and down every day with a smiling face. He saw such a smile on his son's face when he was a child.

His attitude is very good. He doesn't blame his son and daughter-in-law, but society is too realistic. His son, daughter-in-law and grandchildren flattered him. He didn't raise his tail because he knew that everything he had was because of money, but when he didn't have money, his son and daughter-in-law's attitude would immediately plummet.

The master level craftsman's salary is really high, but he doesn't have things to do every month. In order to ensure his income, he began to earn.

To worship a teacher, you have to pay for it. Even if he has nothing to do for a long time, his income will only be reduced and will not be interrupted. Because he knows that he depends on his apprentice in the future, he always gets along well with his apprentice.

"Why didn't anyone build a multi-directional transmission array on the edge of the East China Sea?" asked the devil pepper. He knows that there are three ports along the East China Sea, but there is no transmission array. Every time the cargo depends on the crew.

Some seagoing ships are too big to enter the prayer River, the Yangtze River or the Yellow River. They have to drop their goods into small boats at the port, which is very troublesome.

If there is a transmission array, the goods will arrive in three seconds, which is fast and convenient.

Tiger mountain is the first force to build a transmission array in the East China Sea, but it is only one-way transmission, not two-way or multilateral.

"What do you think?" a round of fireworks asked slowly. He was very ordinary to such a question.

"Should it be safe?" the devil pepper looked at the master in an uncertain tone.

"The transmission array attaches great importance to the stability of space, because the instability of space means a major disaster. You haven't been to the East China Sea. It's not clear. The space in the East China Sea is very unstable. Tide, sea breeze and volcano interact. These problems must be solved if you want to build a transmission array on the coast. Secondly, along the coast of the East China Sea, the salinity is too high, which is easy to corrode materials, and ordinary materials are easy to corrode With the use of high-grade materials, the cost will come up. Finally, there is the problem of safety. The East China Sea is the front line to face other countries. If the war is defeated, the consequences can be imagined. "Fireworks round road.

"That's right." devil pepper was a little disappointed. The answer was too regular. He could think of it. It didn't have the shocking effect he expected.

"In fact, the most important thing is money. The Central Plains has been ruined by flue-cured tobacco leaf sawtooth locusts, smiling bats, dark gold cockroaches and hell tiger sticks for so long. The major forces have no money and are a little powerless to build." the fireworks snuffed out the cigarette butts, stood up, patted their hips and said, "work!"

"Wow, what a big change!" Lin Shifu was really bored lying at home. When the Jianjia fell asleep, he went online and walked out of the room, he suddenly felt like walking into the Grand View Garden.

I remember when I was online last time, "Tiger Mountain" was still bare. Now it is covered with green trees. The key is that there are more than 50000 people in the rows of buildings at the foot of the mountain, green wood laboratory and green wood manufacturing, making the foot of the mountain look like a small town.

In the distance, a ditch winds out, like a black dragon, about to take off instead of. Workers are like small ants, very busy. Tiger Mountain has changed from a bandit's nest to a prosperous town. This change makes people feel very wonderful. All this is made by her men.

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