At the entrance of the shopping mall, a beautiful figure stood upright. The gray one-piece skirt perfectly released the curves of the body. There was only a white girl's coat on the outside, which was simple and elegant. Tutu is short, and a pair of high-heeled boots subtly make up for this defect. The boots are still warm. I have to say that a woman who can match can give herself extra points.

Three points of appearance and seven points of dress, Tu Tu is already beautiful, and when she dresses up, she is extremely stunning, and all the customers who come and go look sideways. In just a few minutes, seven or eight men had their ears ripped off by their girlfriends.

"Look again, dig out your eyeballs." A vicious voice sounded, and the man who got off the elevator was so frightened that he quickly turned his head away and kept his eyes fixed.

"I don't look good? I want breasts and butts, and I stood in front of you naked at night, and I didn't see you looking like this." The three or five thick girlfriends cursed and almost dragged the boyfriend away quickly.

The boyfriend wanted to look back several times, but he couldn't muster the courage after all.

"Huh—" Tutu held her hands in front of her mouth and exhaled. In the twelfth lunar month of winter, the exhaled breath turned white, and he stomped his feet lightly, trying to check the time, when a warm and familiar voice sounded from behind.

"Have you been waiting for a long time?"

"Herring!" Tutu turned around in a flash, and there was a person standing behind him, with eyebrows like knives and eyes like stars, was it Dongfang Herring or who? Without any hesitation, Tutu threw herself into Dongfang Herring's arms.

"In such a cold day, if you wear this little, you won't be afraid of catching a cold." Dongfang Herring hugged Tutu, her small body contained amazing heat, soft and hot, and the cold winter didn't affect this delicate body at all.

"I'm not cold!" Tutu murmured.

"What material is the clothes made of? It's slippery." Dongfang Herring's hand skillfully landed on a very delicate part. Because it was a public place, he didn't feel embarrassed to grab it twice, but the feeling of the hand had already been transmitted back through the skin.

"I miss you so much." Tutu said softly, her eyes burning.

"Is there still time?" Dongfang Qingyu asked, he hadn't seen Tutu for such a long time, and he was already a little moved, Tutu twisted and rubbed on him like a water snake, and he immediately felt a little uncomfortable.

"It's in time!" Tutu's face was filled with traces of blush, she didn't look at the time at all, and she didn't care if it was too late, at this moment, venting her inner feelings is more important than anything else.

"Where are you going?" Dongfang Herring asked, he was not familiar with this area.

"The highest floor is the hotel." Tutu glanced around, pulled Dongfang Herring into the elevator, and went straight to the highest floor. Fortunately, you can scan your face for business now. If you want an ID card but don't have one, it will be embarrassing.

After leaving the hotel, it was already two hours later, Tutu turned into a koala, hanging on Dongfang Herring's body while walking, her cheeks were flushed, and her eyes were flowing.

"I'm afraid it's a bit late at this time." Dongfang Herring said.

"Anyway, it's not a big deal. It's a family reunion, but in fact, it's just my cousin meeting her blind date." Tutu said.

"Then we missed it?" Dongfang Herring asked.

"I sent a text message to my cousin just now, saying that there is a traffic jam." Tutu said.

"..." Dongfang Herring nodded seriously, "This reason is very reasonable, so should we go now?"

"They have already finished their meal, now the young couple will find a place to play by themselves," Tutu said.

"It's all right?" Dongfang Herring was a little worried. After all, there were elders present, and it was not good that he agreed and broke the appointment.

"They're at the milk tea shop now, let's go and see what's going on." Tutu took out her phone, and her cousin had already sent her the address.

Page Milk Tea Shop.

The decoration is very luxurious, and the area is not small. It may be that the end of the year is approaching, and with the full liberalization, the business of the milk tea shop is very good, which can be called hot. Every table is full of people. At a glance, they are all young people , There are even many students who are fifteen or sixteen years old. One very interesting thing is that boys generally wear thicker coats and cotton trousers, mainly to keep warm, and do not worry about face issues, while women are not afraid of people at all, either one-piece skirts, or miniskirts, thin Thin silk stockings are mostly incapable of keeping out the cold, but they are not cold.

"There!" Tutu's eyes were sharp, and she saw her cousin sitting in the corner and a young man with earrings at a glance. When Dongfang Herring saw Tutu's cousin, she knew that this girl was absolutely ordinary, with brightly colored hair, comparable to the disaster of the forest before rehabilitating her evil ways.

Under the suspender skirt, most of the body is exposed, and there are tattoos. The left shoulder extends down, just reaching the hillside. It is an unknown plant. Anyway, it seems to be tattooed like this on purpose. , couldn't help but look towards the overall tattoo.

There was a velvet waistcoat next to it, and the milk tea shop turned on the heat, so I took it off.

"Cousin!" The cousin also saw Tutu, and when she asked Tutu to sit down, her eyes fell on Dongfang Herring, and she lost interest after looking around.

"I'm sorry, cousin, there was a car accident some distance away, and I didn't come here until now. Is everything going well?" Tutu apologized.

"Don't explain, sister, I've always been here. It's understandable for a young man to be a firewood. There's nothing to be embarrassed about." The cousin stared at Tutu's face for a few seconds, and said casually.

"Where is it?" Tutu's face suddenly turned red, burning hot.

"What to drink? Order it yourself, you're welcome, Evan will treat you." The cousin handed the tablet to Dongfang Herring, which is used by the milk tea shop to order things.

"Hello, my name is Evan. You probably haven't eaten yet. The lobster burger here tastes pretty good." Evan is my cousin's blind date. He is tall and straight, with a mixed Chinese and Western face. Apart from the earrings, it looks much more reliable than my cousin. The Mandarin pronunciation has a Cantonese accent, and I don’t know why I took an English name.

"Thank you." Dongfang Herring didn't hesitate to order two hamburgers, french fries, chicken wings and chicken drumsticks, and another person ordered a cup of milk tea. The two cousins ​​didn't need to order, they had already eaten it.

When he saw the price, he was slightly surprised. A hamburger cost more than 30 yuan, a large portion of French fries cost 18.8 yuan, chicken wings cost 15.8 yuan each, chicken legs cost 23.8 yuan each, and a glass of milk tea cost 48 yuan. . Just order a few items, and for two or three hundred yuan, you can have a good meal in a restaurant.

I really don't know where the economic level of those students come from to spend here.

"Evan and I have officially confirmed our relationship as lovers, and we are waiting to get married for a while. How about you, when will you meet your parents?" The cousin looked at Tutu and Dongfang Herring, mainly asking Tutu.

"So fast!" Tutu was a little surprised, but she knew that her cousin still had a boyfriend yesterday.