"I don't know! This is the first time I've heard of it."

"I don't know, what kind of ant, the name is so strange."

"Red flame green golden mud pill ant, with such a long name, it must be very powerful."


Everyone doesn't know the Red Flame Green Golden Niwan Ant, and Dongfang Herring is no surprise, he doesn't know it, and the probability of others knowing it is even lower.

"Since you don't know each other, let me explain it to everyone." As soon as Dongfang Herring opened his mouth, the others immediately shut up, quieted down, and listened quietly.

"The name of the ant is the Red Flame Green Golden Mud Ant. However, this is not the point. The point is the toxicity of the Red Flame Green Golden Mud Ant. The toxicity of a single Red Flame Green Golden Mud Ant can kill 3 players above level 130. , remember, they are soldiers." Dongfang Herring said.

Everyone took a deep breath. Among all professions, the life value of warriors ranks at the forefront. Warriors die 3, and other professions may die 4 or even 5.

"The toxicity of the red flame green gold mud pill ant manifests itself as pain, itching, redness, swelling, confusion, etc., it is very scary." Dongfang Herring said.

Everyone has a serious expression, there are many powerful monsters, and the attributes displayed by the red flame green gold mud pill ant are not the most powerful, but everyone knows one thing, Dongfang Herring raised it seriously, there must be a reason.

"The second feature of the red flame green gold mud pill ant is in the damage to the building. The embankment of a thousand miles is destroyed by the ant nest. This sentence is used to describe the red flame green gold mud pill ant. It is beneficial." Dongfang Herring said .

Many people's faces were a bit ugly, and they faintly felt that Dongfang Herring was going to say something.

"The underground of "Qingsha City" has been hollowed out by the red flame green gold mud pill ants. The underground is a huge red flame green gold mud pill ant nest. The red flame green gold mud pill ants may erupt at any time, and "Qingsha City" may Destroyed and turned into ruins." Seeing the unbelievable expressions on everyone's faces, Dongfang Herring calmly said, "Don't think I'm just scaremongering, the actual situation is several times worse than what I said."

Everyone was silent, because there was no detailed source of information, and they didn't know what to say.

"The matter of "Qingsha City", after all, is the matter of "Qingsha City". It is still relatively far away from us, and we can't care about it. Next, let's talk about what is related to us." Dongfang Herring said, and everyone shook their bodies. Vibration, sit up straight.

"Map!" Dongfang Herring said, and Wang Feiyan immediately called up the map of "Xuanwu City". Dongfang Herring picked up the magic pen, drew two lines on the left and right sides of the main entrance, and said: "30 meters underground, there are red flame green golden mud pill ants, and the number is about 100,000 each. After the meeting, I hope to organize forces as soon as possible." Exterminate these two groups of red flame green gold mud pill ants."

Wang Feiyan wrote down the words 'as soon as possible' in the notebook.

"Everyone must be wondering why I am so inspiring." Dongfang Herring glanced across the crowd, and when they met his gaze, they couldn't help avoiding it.

"On the Yanhuang land, about 15% of the area has been occupied by the red flame green gold mud pill ants. This is what I found. It is very difficult to eliminate the red flame green gold mud ants, I have a premonition that the casualties caused by the red flame green gold mud pill ants are unmatched by all previous disasters." Dongfang Herring's words made everyone feel a sense of crisis.

Dongfang Herring used red to mark on the map the places he explored where there were red flame green golden mud pill ants. As the red area expanded, everyone understood Dongfang Herring's concerns.

"Time is running out. We are facing life and death. I hope everyone will do their best. That's all I want to say. If you have any questions, you can ask them now." Dongfang Herring said.

"Is there any Red Flame Green Gold Niwan Ant in "East Sea Port"?" A handsome young man asked.

"No!" Dongfang Herring replied.

"In other words, we only need to eliminate the red flame green gold mud pill ants in "Xuanwu City"?" The young man confirmed.

"That's right." Dongfang Herring said.

"Is there a nemesis for the red flame green gold mud pill ant?" a warrior asked.

"Not yet!" Dongfang Herring replied.

"How aggressive is the red flame green gold mud pill ant?" A tall and thin magician asked.

"When you don't encounter an enemy, you are more gentle. Once you encounter an enemy, you will immediately enter the berserk mode, which is very terrifying." Dongfang Herring said.

"Is the queen of the Red Flame Green Golden Mud Pill Ant capable of fighting?" asked the corner-eyed thief.

"I don't know. The queen of the red flame green gold mud ball ant hides very deep, and I haven't found it." Dongfang Herring naturally tried to find the queen, but he searched and searched, but found nothing.

"Is the red flame green golden mud pill ant just one species or are there many species?"


At the end of the meeting, Xiao Yiren began to arrange specific actions, while Dongfang Herring left. He searched a few relationships and found that there must be a number between zero and one.

There must be a number between zero and one who is an insect expert. Although he is an amateur player, his research on insects is not inferior to any expert. In some duels, he beat the expert many times. Sometimes, the expert does not understand the problem. I have to ask her, if you want to say that the only shortcoming is greed for money.

However, there must be a digital knowledge reserve between zero and one, and greed for money is really not a shortcoming.

"Dongfang Herring!" There must be a number between zero and one to see Dongfang Herring appearing, with light in his eyes, the kind of light that a hungry wolf sees a little white rabbit.

The fat sheep delivered it to the door by itself.

Dongfang Herring is famous, there must be a number between zero and one to know him, it is not unusual, this is the first time Dongfang Herring has seen there must be a number between zero and one.

The first impression is that the skin is bronze, which has nothing to do with the traditional snow-white skin, but the hair is very black, thick and dense, like a waterfall.

The appearance can not be said to be beautiful, nor can it be said to be ugly. It is good-looking, with a slender figure, a little thin, no makeup, wearing a coarse cloth dress, and a pair of eyes that are bright and bright.

"Hello!" A strange feeling arose in Dongfang Herring's heart. There must be a number between zero and one. She is definitely not a person who is short of money. She charges for answering other people's questions. The starting price is 1,000 yuan. Comparable to a lawyer.

Maybe he's not rich, but he's definitely not on par with the poor. I don't know why he's dressed so plainly.

"Let's get straight to the point. You definitely didn't come to chat with me. You are very busy, and my time is not cheap." There must be numbers between zero and one who speak directly. This is her usual style. Anyone who has come into contact with her People are uncomfortable with her directness, and most of the communication between people is still polite.

"I want to buy you, please make an offer." Dongfang Herring said surprisingly.