There is an idiom called 'like a tiger with wings', which describes an already powerful tiger becoming more powerful and flying into the sky. This winged tiger is a well-known existence in the game. He is the car of the player Haruo Yamano, who is a hunter. His greatest hobby in life is traveling, traveling all over the mountains and rivers of the motherland.

Haruo Yamano is 34 years old this year. He has started his own travel plan since he was 18 when he was in college. In the first three years of college, because of academic reasons, he could only use the winter and summer vacations to travel. He put the map in his head , Before each trip, I will do my homework and formulate the most ideal route. At first, I rely on a lot of things because I am poor.

His transportation cohabitation is a bicycle. In his senior year, he found a way to make money through traveling, live broadcasting and writing travel textbooks and travel guides. With the experience of the previous three years, he started quickly. In the first half of his senior year, he I bought my first car, a motorcycle, for 26,000 yuan. The bicycle was bought at home, not by myself.

When he was 30 years old, Haruo Yamano had visited most of the tourist attractions in all the provinces of his motherland, including Tibet, crossed no-man’s land, and climbed Mount Everest. At the same time, he also realized his wealth through live broadcasting Liberty, I have changed several cars in a row, each of which is more expensive than the other, and the current RV is worth more than five million.

Since the age of 31, he has focused on conquering places that are not scenic spots but worth visiting. Many people asked him why he didn't go abroad. He said, "I can't get enough of the great rivers and mountains of the motherland in my life. How can I have time to see foreign countries?"

The moon abroad is very bright, but the moon at home is rounder.

After "Cosmic World" came out, Haruo Yamano took part in the closed beta in the Snappers. He was a game fan, and he was a fish in water in "Cosmic World". During the public beta, he was also the first batch of people to enter the game. , Among the top few players in the game, there is definitely him.

His requirement for himself is to spend two-thirds of his time traveling and enjoying the mountains and rivers, and one-third of his time spending upgrading and killing monsters to do tasks. In fact, the time spent traveling is often exceeded. Even so, he The level of the public is basically within 10,000. Some people are rewarded by God, and Haruo Yamano is such a person.

The talent is too high!

At the age of 32, he met his true love, and then he was abandoned without knowing what happened. After that, he worked hard, entered the business circle, and chose the clothing industry.

Food, clothing, housing and transportation, in reality, these are the four industries that will never be outdated. In the game, living in this one is more flexible, and food and clothing are as important as in reality.

It is relatively late for Haruo Yamano to enter the Nuan Pavilion. There are already many large companies and consortiums entering the clothing industry, but Haruo Yamano has his own advantages in the Nuan Pavilion. He has traveled all over the world and has seen countless materials. The materials he launched can basically become hot items and are sold out in one go.

Haruo Yamano does not make finished products, but only makes materials. After several years of development, he has become a pivotal figure in the clothing industry.

"It should be for the materials!" Looking back at the sky in the dimly lit place, the rain was still falling, and he was rushing in the rain, which showed that things were a little urgent.

Haruo Yamano's Nuannuan Pavilion fell into "East Harbor", and soon Xiao Yiren sent a message. After Dongfang Herring agreed, he brought Haruo Shanye's Nuannuan Pavilion to the viewing platform. Looking back at the dimly lit place, he had already added a vest. Sitting on a chair beside her, she looks very ladylike.

"This place is refreshing!" Haruo Yamano climbed onto the viewing platform and was immediately shocked by the scenery in front of him. Because the height of the building has surpassed the cliff, the shape of the viewing platform is like a light bulb, with lights in all directions. Gold can be incorporated under the eyes.

The magic power of the top magic crystal is almost invisible, giving people the illusion of touching raindrops.

"The last time we met was in "Wanbaolou", right?" Dongfang Herring made a gesture of please sit down.

"Actually, we have met twice, and this should be the third time we have met." Haruo Yamano said as he sat down in the Nuan Pavilion. His skin was dark, but his face was handsome, his eyes were bright, and he had a unique charm.

"When is the next time?" Dongfang Herring asked.

"It happened last year. In the black market, I came earlier, in the corner." Haruo Yamano said in the warm cabinet.

"Tea or drink?" Dongfang Herring nodded. There are many people in the black market, and it's normal not to pay attention. Moreover, he was in a hurry every time he went to the black market, and he didn't have time to look at other people, so he didn't see Haruo Yamano. Drilling the warm pavilion is also normal.

"Juice!" Haruo Yamano explained after Zhuannuan said, "I prefer the original flavor."

"It's the same when looking at the scenery!" Interjected looking back at the dimly lit place.

"That's right, the uncanny workmanship of nature is beyond the reach of manpower." Haruo Yamano said seriously.

"What do your tigers usually eat?" Dongfang Herring asked.

"Meat, when there is no meat, I also eat fruits. In the mountains and forests, there are still more fruits." Haruo Yamano said in the Nuan Pavilion.

"Only you can make the king of beasts vegetarian." Dongfang Herring said.

"No way, follow me. Sometimes in the mountains and forests, I'm sleepy for ten days and a half months. It's good if I don't starve to death. How can I be picky." Yamano Haruo drilled into the Nuan Pavilion and said.

"Does rainy weather have a great impact on flying?" Dongfang Herring asked.

"It's very big, the speed has dropped by at least 30%." Haruo Yamano said in the Snapper.

"I thought you should enjoy the rain scene on a high mountain at this time." Dongfang Herring said.

"It was like this a few days ago. From the fourth day on, I couldn't bear it anymore. I was infected with a cold. Fortunately, my physique is still good. I will be fine the next day after taking the medicine. If I can't go down the mountain, the consequences will be serious." Haruo Yamano drilled the Nuange Road.

"You people who often climb mountains still get sick?" Looking back at the dimly lit place, I was surprised.

"It has been raining for many days, the humidity is too heavy, the temperature drops, especially at night, the temperature in the mountains is far lower than that of the city, the cold is extremely severe, and people with poor physique can't stand it for several hours." Haruo Yamano drilled into the warm pavilion road.

"There is such a thing." Looking back at the dimly lit place, he seemed to have discovered a new continent, very curious.

"There is basically no continuous rain in the game. Players have no such experience, so they don't know." Haruo Yamano expressed his understanding in the Snapper.

Because Dongfang Herring and the dimly lit place both knew little about tourism when they looked back, it was rare to meet an expert and kept asking for advice. In the end, Haruo Yamano couldn't sit still when he went to the Snapper.

"Well...Actually...I'm here to ask for something!" Haruo Yamano's voice in the Nuan Pavilion became smaller and smaller, and his face was a little red, but his skin was originally dark, so it couldn't be seen.

Dongfang Herring and the dimly lit place looked back at each other and stopped talking.