Originally, Ji Feng, who had the highest force value among them, was already injured. If he folded into another Ouyang Yu, it would be even worse.

So Ji Feng would not agree to her idea no matter what.

The other two naturally expressed strong opposition, and Ouyang Yu had no choice but to give up.

But the solution does not work, and the problem still has to be faced.

Especially now that the problem is constantly creating a movement that everyone can hear, so that everyone can't ignore him at all.

The only thing that is fortunate now is that the seal that I don't know who left it is still strong, and it has not been able to break open after being hit for so long.

But they are not very happy, because sooner or later they will face the dragon.

Said that Cao Cao Cao Cao will arrive.

There was a sound of something being torn apart in the air.

Ji Feng looked at it for the first time, and he saw a finger-sized crack appeared out of thin air in the originally calm sea.

The rest of the place outside the crack is still calm, but looking in from the small hole, you can see that the sea water is constantly stirring and showing a eddy state.

This time, no matter how stupid a few people were, they realized what was about to happen.

"The seal, this is going to be knocked off by him." Brother Eagle said blankly.

"How could this be, doesn't it mean that the seal has been in good condition for so many years? How could it be broken by him today?" Dai Lin said angrily with a low curse.

"Who knows what's crazy about that thing, don't talk about it, think about how we can hide now, I guess he will rush up soon." Brother Eagle said anxiously.

"It really can't be done, so I have to go back to the forest. That Flood Dragon is an aquatic animal, so it shouldn't stay on the shore for too long, right?" Ouyang Yu said.

"He doesn't need to stay for too long, he just needs to roll up the sea water, and the huge waves alone will be enough for us." Ji Feng replied.

After he finished speaking, he looked at Xiaocao who was silent beside them.

Treating this benefactor who saved his life, his tone softened a lot, and he said softly: "That dragon is coming for us, take this opportunity to return to the forest quickly, relying on your strength You should be able to protect yourself.”

Xiaocao didn't expect him to say that at all, and looked up at Ji Feng in a daze for a while, with a very complicated expression.

Although Ji Feng felt that something was wrong with her, he didn't think much about it. He noticed that the crack in the sea was getting bigger and bigger, so he speeded up his speech and urged: "Go back to the forest first, leave it to us here."

Ji Feng's logic is very simple. Since the matter was caused by them, it is natural for them to calm down.

Anyway, this grass is innocent and should not be implicated. Not to mention that she had rescued Ji Feng before, and she was a benefactor to them, so there was no need to be implicated by them.

Xiaocao's lips trembled, and she looked at Ji Feng in disbelief.

She knew very well that the group of people in front of her were definitely weak against the Jiaolong, and Ji Feng's injuries had not yet healed.

And her ability was obvious to everyone present.

Even if they didn't know her ability during the victory period, just because she was able to save Ji Feng from that tree before, they should have a glimpse of her ability to protect herself.

Now that she stays in such a critical situation, the hope of survival is even greater for several people. They should not want to leave by themselves.

But now Ji Feng took the initiative to ask himself to leave here first.

As if he didn't want to drag himself down.

This made Xiaocao feel a little uncomfortable. She had only regarded these people as tools before.

From the beginning to the end, he showed goodwill to everyone, and deliberately pretended to be pitiful in front of everyone, hoping that they could take him out of this place.

Even for fear of being left behind by them, she concealed the fact that the dragon had a grudge against her.

But I didn't expect that Ji Feng would make such a decision.

Then she turned to look at the other people.

It was found that none of them revealed that they wanted to stay, but instead they were all urging her to go first.

In the past, she had already run away at this time.

At most, when the two groups of people fight, and while the Flood Dragon is not paying attention, within the scope of her ability, she can quietly rescue this group of people.

She doesn't even need to save all of them, she just needs to leave a living room so that the other party can be grateful to her, and then she can leave here with herself.

This was the best decision for her, and she didn't even need to say anything from Ji Feng, she originally planned to hide before they were not paying attention.

But seeing the people in front of her speak directly, she felt a little embarrassed and left.

These people in front of her are not aware of her entanglement, especially Ouyang Yu, who has been carrying her avatar Ye Ye for the past few days, and keeps urging her to leave here quickly.

Probably because the human figure she transformed into was too weak and pitiful, Ouyang Yu unconsciously regarded it as a weak person.

"You guys have to think about it clearly, if I leave, you will not be the opponent of that Flood Dragon at all, you will be beaten badly by it, and you will even...die." Xiaocao changed the sweet tone that she pretended to be cute before, The voice even sounded a little indifferent.

"I know, but it's our own business. You can go back quickly. If we win in the end, we will go back and take you over. The promise to take you out is still valid." Dai Lin said mildly.

Xiaocao looked at the expressions of these people in front of her as if she was looking at an idiot.

Don't these people know that as long as they ask themselves, their chances of surviving later will be much higher?

"Don't worry about Xiaocao sister, hurry up, we will face it sooner or later. Instead of hiding all the time, it's better to explore his strength. What if we can beat it?" Ouyang Yugu Tsukuru said lightly.

Xiaocao was too lazy to refute her Xiaocao's younger sister's name. If you really want to count it, she was not sure how many years older than them.

"Winning that Flood Dragon? It's just you?" Her cute little face was full of ridicule, and she said with a sneer.

Although everyone was a little surprised by her sudden change of face, they were too lazy to think too much about this scene.

However, Xiaocao didn't let them go, and saw her continue: "You are still too naive, didn't I understand what I said earlier? You are not the opponent of that dragon at all, it is in a state of starvation. The formal style will be very violent, and the combat effectiveness is higher than usual."

"Not to mention... When it comes ashore and sees me with its own eyes, there is a chance that it will go completely crazy."

"What do you mean by that?" Brother Eagle asked subconsciously.

"I mean, that Flood Dragon was originally aimed at me. You are the ones who have been implicated by me, a bunch of idiots, you actually want me to go first." Xiaocao said coldly.