Chapter 774: You are so pretty

Just like Sun Jie, in the eyes of the public, Su Qingying and Sun Jie are both strong women and she is the only daughter, who will inherit the family business in the future, and even have the opportunity to become the richest woman in the entire country in the future.


Sun Jie's image of a strong woman. Her strong character and domineering style are more than 90% true.

She is really a strong master from the bottom of her heart!

Su Zuiying was not.

Su Qingying is one of the most beautiful women with the greatest contrast between inside and outside, and can be regarded as one of the most obedient and docile women.

She has a problem!

Su Qingying, who was reading the interview draft in the car, suddenly turned her head, as if noticing Ji Feng's grace, and looked out first. Look at the low-point position again, because Lamborghini is a sports car. The body is low.

April relative!

Su Qingying saw it. It was an unfamiliar young man with a well-dressed Borghini, looking at himself. He seemed to be a young rich second-generation, and he didn't know who it belonged to.

Ji Feng smiled politely.

Su Zuiying also smiled politely - the next smile appeared quickly, and it went quickly.

Then she raised her hand and completely closed the sunshade.

Her smile was her courtesy and her tutor made her smile back with a smile, but that's about it. She didn't want to be watched.

The lights at the intersection ahead are changed so that vehicles can pass

The Su family's motorcade hit the road. Go straight through the intersection and go straight to L while Ji Feng turned left at the intersection. Of course, Ji Feng would not follow them, and would not post it so deliberately.

Regarding the investigation of the Su family, Wu You's team has already conducted it.

Ji Feng has also received all the detailed information of the Su family!

for the next step.

He could also guess what the Su family team was going for.

At the media meeting, the day before yesterday, Jinfu Jewelry had a big robbery in a store in Jinhai. Although the case was solved that day, there are still many things to be dealt with in the future.

After turning the intersection. Ji Feng picked up the phone again, entered the number, and sent a text message to the other party.

If you don't follow it, you won't follow it, but since it happened so coincidentally, then she will start this time.

In the middle of the convoy, in a Mercedes-Benz Maybach.

Su Qingying, who had completely closed the sunshade, was still reading the interview manuscript.

After a while at the media meeting, reporters will ask her a lot of questions. Including the security issues of the Jinfu Group, as well as the compensation of the clerk injured in the robbery, and so on.

What the reporter would ask was written in the manuscript, and naturally it was given to her in advance.


The phone rang suddenly, the sound of a message.

Su Qianying frowned expressionlessly, took out her phone and looked at it, it was a message from an unfamiliar number.

The content is: When is the moon? Is it you? The first time you meet a real person, you are much prettier than the news.

Su Zhuoying's pupils shrank violently.

The extraordinary family background and good tutoring make her rarely show an overly intense expression. Always calm, restrained, polite

But at this moment, she really has a big face

In fact, a little terrified!

At first glance, this sentence seems fine. In fact, there is really no problem, but Su Zuiying cares.

It's not what was said later, but the first five words - when will the moon be there.

This is Su Qingying's screen name.

But not her usual screen name!

She only used the screen name in one place.

That's a very different kind of privacy

Register anonymously, of course.

Su Zheying had seen many posts on that forum, but he rarely replied, and he only posted once, that time.

She expressed her inner confusion on the forum, and Zu revealed her own voice.

This is a very secret thing for Su Qingying.

Outside the Internet, only she knows.

On the Internet, it is impossible for anyone to know that "when the moon will be there" is her. When she registered for an account, she did not fill in her real information, and even the mailbox for receiving the verification code was temporarily registered.

the most important is!

She doesn't look special on that forum, there are too many people like her!

She only looked at it but didn't talk about it, and rarely posted a reply, so she was inconspicuous at all.

So logically. She felt that this could be a secret that she had kept in her heart all her life and would not be known by anyone.

But what's up with this text message now?

Su Zheying looked at the text message, her face changed drastically for a few seconds, and then she turned around abruptly to look outside the rear windshield of the car, she knew it.

It was the man who just opened a Lamborghini and smiled at himself.

She didn't know who that person was or how that person knew his mobile phone number. I don't even know how the other party knows that he is "when the moon is there" in the forum!

This is the scariest place.

The only thing she can be sure of now. It must have been a text message from the man just now.

Seeing the real person, you are much prettier than the news.

The other party seemed to know her secret, and seemed to know her very well, even her mobile phone number.

She didn't know anything about him.

Su Qingying was extremely panicked. She clearly a, if this thing is publicized, even though she hasn't done anything yet. Just said something online, but it was enough to ruin her.

At least her reputation will be devastating."

"Qingying. What are you looking at?" Su Qingying was not the only one sitting in the back row. Still sitting on the left - a very fat middle-aged man. A little too fat, sitting there like Maitreya Buddha.

Fortunately, the car was spacious enough for Su Zuying and thin enough. So not crowded together.

This man was around fifty years old and called Su Qingying "Qingying". But it is not Su Qingying's father, but an elder!

Su Ruiwen's right-hand man. Tang Deyang, senior vice president of Jinfu Group, president of the sales department, and fourth shareholder of Jinfu Group.

Tang Deyang was one of the earliest brothers who ventured together with Su Ruiwen.

Tang Deyang watched Su Qingying born and grow up!

So although there is no blood relationship. But the two are very close.

Su Ruiwen went to the capital for a meeting with a long-scheduled itinerary. Yesterday afternoon's flight, so today's media meeting was attended by Tang Deyang accompanying Su Qingying.

Su Qianying turned around and concealed her emotions.

She didn't see Lamborghini following

"Let's put everything else aside, this time you have to do well!"

"This robbery case has caused a sensation in the whole country. There are many foreign journalists at today's media meeting. If you can handle it well, you might be able to turn a bad thing into a good thing, and you will have a positive blind pass for you personally, and let them all I know. The successor of our Jinfu Group has the ability to deal with emergencies." Tang Deyang said.

"Second uncle said yes." Su Qingying replied

"My father and I are both old, and I'm not in good health. Maybe I have to step in front of your father, and the group will count on you in the future. You have to live up to your expectations." Tang Deyang sighed again.

He was breathing unnaturally because he was too fat.

"Okay, Uncle. You have time to lose weight and stop talking about frustration. You can't go." Su Zuoying pretended to look at the manuscript and replied, but in fact she couldn't read the manuscript at all.

My head is full of that text message!

A few minutes later.

Su Qianying, who was reading the manuscript, picked up her phone naturally, as if she remembered something, and quickly replied to the message.