Chapter 300: you kiss me or i kiss you

After looking at Su Yu carefully up and down.

Ji Feng smiled and said, "Wife, you see that I have helped you so much. How about I suffer a little loss tonight and help you warm the bed?"

The name of his wife made Su Yu blushed.

It was the first time Ji Feng called her wife in these days, and it seemed that it was the first time Ji Feng called her wife since the two signed the door-to-door contract.


That's it.

Just strangers.

But as long as it is not a cold-blooded person, long-term relationships will also produce feelings.

Just like He Ji Feng.

Although the two started because of the bar, they found Ji Feng and signed a contract for a son-in-law.

But from the beginning to the present, what Ji Feng has done and performed has exceeded Su Yu's expectations by too much.

Originally, she didn't know Ji Feng.

As for Ji Feng's expectations, it can be said that he just hopes that the father of his own child will not be an immoral, lazy and lazy person.

As compensation, she will give Ji Feng 30,000 yuan of pocket money every month.

But now it seems that her previous worries are superfluous, completely superfluous.

Even Ji Feng's current performance makes Su Yu feel a little unworthy of Ji Feng, and even has a sense of crisis.

This sense of crisis began when Ji Feng and Yu Bingxin had an affair, and Sun Jie took the initiative to let her man pretend to be her boyfriend.

You know, each of these women is excellent.

Of course, thinking about it this way, Su Yu's strong personality made her unable to take the initiative to show this in front of Ji Feng.

"This is impossible."

As for Ji Feng's words, Su Yu directly refused.

Although her attitude towards Ji Feng has indeed changed a lot now, it is impossible for her to sleep in the same bed with Ji Feng now.

"Then I'll change one, give me a kiss, or let me give a kiss, you choose one for yourself."

Ji Feng knew that Su Yu would not agree to the previous request.

That's just what he said, that's his purpose.


Ji Feng's words made Su Yu blushed again.

But for a while, I couldn't think of anything to refute, and I didn't know how to refuse.

The two of them have already obtained the certificate, they are legal husband and wife, and they have children, although the children were born by accident.

But kisses really don't go too far.

The social atmosphere is open, and some young people even go to open a room after knowing each other for a week or two.

Ji Feng's request is really not excessive.

After hesitating and struggling in his mind, Su Yu had no choice but to say, "Alright then, I'll give you a kiss."

"No, this."

Seeing Su Yu's agreement, Ji Feng looked proud, pointed to his right cheek and said, "That's it, don't pity my handsome face, take a sip."

Ji Feng's words made Su Yu roll his eyes.

This is really not ashamed, how can anyone describe their face as handsome.

However, it made Su Yu feel that Ji Feng has not changed.

Even during this time, Ji Feng was pretending to be someone else's boyfriend, but it didn't change in front of her.

She didn't know if Ji Feng was with Sun Jie during this time, pretending to be her boyfriend, or if anything happened between them.

She won't investigate, she won't investigate, she won't even have the idea.

She is a smart woman, and some things are completely personal, and it is useless.

"You close your eyes." Su Yu blushed.

Ji Feng has been looking at her, she is really not good at talking, she is very shy.

"Okay." Ji Feng said, closing his eyes, waiting for Su Yu's kiss.

After Ji Feng closed his eyes, Su Yu finally gathered up his courage, stood on tiptoe a little, and kissed Ji Feng's right face.

But just when Su Yu's lips touched Ji Feng's right face, Ji Feng turned his neck deliberately.

As a result, Su Yu's lips just kissed his lips.

The two kissed like this!

This is the first time the two have kissed so far.

Su Yu's lips were soft and fragrant, and Ji Feng enjoyed it.

Su Yu, who was only going to kiss Ji Feng's face, suddenly turned into kissing Ji Feng, and Su Yu didn't react.

After reacting, he quickly distanced himself from Ji Feng.

"You are shameless." Su Yu said dissatisfied.

"It's not my fault, my neck is a little sore, I just want to move." Ji Feng made an innocent expression.

But how could Su Yu not know that Ji Feng did it on purpose.

It's just that she really can't do anything about it.

"It's okay, it's okay." Su Yu could only comfort herself in her heart.

However, Su Yu found that she didn't seem to feel any discomfort when kissing Ji Feng.

"Then, is it over for Sun Jie?" Su Yu changed the subject.

Because, she felt that the atmosphere around her was a little ambiguous.

"It's completely resolved, I won't have to go in the future." Ji Feng said with a smile.

This is how he does things, and what can be solved is solved decisively, without procrastination and meaningless.

"It's a good thing to fake a beautiful boyfriend, shouldn't you guys enjoy it a lot." Su Yu asked deliberately.

It is impossible to say that there is no feeling about this matter,

She is essentially a woman, and she is pregnant with Ji Feng's child.

"I already have such a beautiful wife, how could I still be interested in other women, who has my beautiful wife." Ji Feng said.

"Cut, a man's mouth, a liar."

Su Yu knew that Ji Feng was coaxing her.

But somehow, she still enjoyed it.

She Su Yu, a dignified strong woman, when did she become like a man who coaxes little girls?

"It's getting late, go home and rest, don't make my son tired." Ji Feng said.

Su Yu is now pregnant and has been pregnant for a month now. Although it is not very obvious, the health of the belly and child must be guaranteed.

That was his first son, the seed of Lao Ji's family.

"Who said that a son can't be a daughter?" Su Yu raised his brows in dissatisfaction.

Women are still very sensitive to this topic.

After all, men want to have a son, but Su Yu prefers a daughter.

"It's okay, my son and my daughter are fine, my children like it." Ji Feng said.

He has no patriarchal ideology, both boys and girls are fine.

Hearing Ji Feng's words, Su Yu was satisfied.

Ji Feng and Su Yu left the company and returned to the community together.

The two got out of the car and went upstairs.

In a relatively hidden corner, a man wearing a jacket, hat and mask was holding a camera and filming Ji Feng and Su Yu getting out of the car and going upstairs together.