Chapter 1075: : Only a few lunatics decide the world!

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The carbon-14 dating method is actually not accurate.

After a certain number of years, it will become very awkward, but even so, people including scientific researchers are still shocked.

Tens of thousands of years ago, what the hell, the evolution of lanugo was not completed.

Tang Dao, who got the test result, naturally wouldn't believe it 100%, but instead aroused more doubts.

"Did anything be found on that skeleton?"

Scientific researcher: "On the skeleton, we found that the cause of death was suffocation, but we found traces of heavy blows on its skull, but according to its weight, we made a model, unless it uses more than one ton of force, face it directly head."

When he said this, there was disbelief and strong self-doubt in his tone.

For such a big creature, it must be a colossus standing up. What could hammer him to death from the top down?

Northwest Hammer King?

"Can you still capture DNA?" Tang Dao asked.

"Although it is relatively more difficult than other parts of living tissue and non-living tissue, it is completely possible to extract DNA from non-living tissue bone tissue, but it is only in theory, such a long period of time..."

Scientists seem a little embarrassed.

Tang Dao didn't want to force the other party to conjure up, "Do your best."

He didn't put his hope on them either. After the researchers left, he lay down on the sofa and entered the "Basic UC".

"Good morning, Mr. Nicholas." Louis Costa's face quickly popped up.

Tang Dao responded casually, and asked impatiently, "Did you find anything in the sample I gave you?"

"The situation is very complicated. What I found was a top biological laboratory, which belongs to TyrellCorp. According to the regulations of the "Federal New Species" investigation law, they have reported this species to the Joint Commission, so, sorry sir, It should now be said that the entire Federation is working on it."


"This news is really bad." Tang Dao said, but soon his attention was attracted by other information, "You mean, this is an unknown creature?"

Louis Costa nodded.

"We have detected new biological factors on the bones, which are strange and full of...malignancy."


Tang Dao was a little surprised. The other party obviously thought about this word for a long time before saying, "Which aspect is it referring to?"

"If this factor is occupied in the body for a long time, it can quickly deplete people's physical fitness in a short period of time."

Tang felt a chill in his heart.

Perhaps seeing his nervousness, Louis Costa said with a smile, "However, they lack activity and cannot spread normally. This is the strangest thing, but death is still sticky."

"Is there any information on such behemoths in the federal database?"

Louis Costa frowned. Whenever he thought about it, he liked to make small movements, such as shaking his head.



Louis Costa became unusually serious.

"External network inquiries show that at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean, the Federation Fleet once discovered a giant beast over 200 meters long, and it was alive. According to radar scanning, it resembled a dinosaur, but it did not attack ships, but just circled around. This is a rare record.”

"Is there a video?"

"Of course, it was released by the federal government."

Louis Costa thought about something, hesitated and said, "The giant exoskeleton of more than 150 meters researched by the Anaheim company may be an order from the military. They want to hunt giant sea monsters!"

This news is a bit unexpected.

"Actually, there are traces of many creatures. They are huge in size and tenacious in vitality. Some biologists even believe that they are not so easy to be eliminated by nature. They may be hidden in a corner, and there are even civilizations among them. !"

Tang Dao interrupted, "Similar to Skull Island?"

"The fantasies in science fiction movies are often artistic processing, but paranoid scientists are always looking for them seriously." Luis Costa said something full of philosophy, "And they are still enjoying it."

Finally, with a sigh, "The world is too big."

"Help me keep an eye on the news about the skeleton, collect the contents, and send me a copy when the time comes. Now let's talk about the situation of the spaceship."

Louis Costa nodded and spoke slowly.


"Shenshan" laboratory.

[Hogwarts] Gene Human Pioneer Institute.

This is what they call internally.

They always considered themselves at the forefront of genetic modification.

"Inject No. 1 potion!"

There was a stern voice on the radio.

I saw a strong man **** in a laboratory, and then a researcher wearing a protective suit and a mask shot the opponent's arm with a syringe in his hand.

Then, just stood aside, very nervous.

The experimental product was very quiet at first, but suddenly, it suddenly became manic, with roars and pitiful sounds from its throat.

"Experimental product No. 1 failed." The person in charge was still a little disappointed in his tone, "The security department entered."

Four or five gunmen came in and shot at the experimental subject on the bed!

This is called human destruction.

I don't blame them for being like this. They used to put people down and take them away, but accidents always happened. Over time, they did it like this. As for the blood?

Just wash it off.

Someone is in charge of washing the floor.

"How many test items are left?"

"There are two more, but they have been taken away by No. 3 laboratory." The assistant said.

The person in charge stood up, a little sulking, "How far is the data?"

"The fusion is about 0.7%!"

"That little, **** it."

The face of the person in charge turned green, and at this moment, someone knocked on the door and came in, "Dr. Steve, the boss is looking for you."

"Okay, I'll come right away." The person in charge nodded, gave instructions to the assistant next to him, took off his clothes, and followed him out of the laboratory.

"Is it just me?"

"There are other doctors."

Steve raised his eyebrows slightly and didn't say anything. He just followed the other party to the depths. There were many checkpoints, including armed personnel and iris iron gates. They were very strict. Even a mosquito would have to scan twice. QR code.

The boss's office is in the deepest part.

Company employees like to call this: "The Abyss."

This kind of nickname may be another kind of respect.

Standing at the door, Steve was still a little nervous, and pulled his clothes. The secretary next to him glanced at him, and he responded with an embarrassed smile.

When you knock on the door and go in.

There were already a few people sitting inside.

Steve knew each other and was the person in charge of several projects. Naturally, such a large laboratory would not put all eggs in one basket.

He just glanced, and his eyes were attracted by a man behind the boss's desk, mainly because his hair was red.

It looks ordinary, but this hair color still adds a bit of flamboyance to him.

But the most attractive thing is the... mechanical arm on his right hand!

It looks a bit old-fashioned, and it looks very lifeless when it moves, but Steve knows that there are weapons installed in it. He has seen it with his own eyes, and the muzzle popped out of it, killing people.

"Dr. Steve is here. Okay, everyone is here now. Doctors, I called you here while I was busy. There is only one thing."

Iron Hand, this is his name and nickname.

What it is called, no one knows.

He spoke, his voice also had a metallic taste, "Let you evaluate how far the genetic modification of the Savior Company has gone?"

As he said that, he showed these doctors some battle scenes of Yu Jin and some "unknown source" negatives in the black market. Of course, they didn't know that these were all released by the Savior Company.

Seeing the posture of Yu Jin and others, Steve's eyes widened.

After looking at each other with colleagues, they all saw the surprise and fear in their eyes.

"Doctor, what do you think?" Tie Shou turned around and asked.


Dr. Steve hesitated.

"It seems that they are indeed ahead of us. No wonder they have the ability and ambition to sanction North America."

Iron Hand's voice was very soft, as if explaining, "How long will it take us to get to this point?"

"Did our experiment fail again?" Speaking of this, he raised his head and asked, which made Steve and others' hearts jump.

I want to explain, but I don't know how to say it.

Steve said as if struggling.

"We're almost there, but we don't have enough test items."

"Almost." Tie Shou's fingers tapped on the table, UU read www. This made everyone quite uneasy. After about two minutes, the other party finally spoke, "Okay, I will arrange for another batch of experimental products to be sent. I hope you will not fail again."

Steve nodded hurriedly.

Leaving the office in a cold sweat.

Standing at the door, both legs trembled a little.

A few people looked at each other, FMD, the savior company, where did your MD get so many technologies?

That's all right now, if this skill is not achieved, I'm afraid everyone will have to eat dirt.

At this time, the Iron Hands in the office also wouldn't place their hopes on these scientists, and had to think a little bit.

He was on the phone, his eyes still wandering.

"Yeah, get me their tech ASAP, I'm stuck here and it sucks, how bad is it? It's like I want to blow your head off right now, but you tell me you're in New York, and it **** !"

"Don't give me nonsense, the stabilizer of the savior company is definitely better than ours, if you don't want to become a monster, you can use snacks, and the matter of Skull Island..."

"Forget it, this matter is none of your business, I will arrange for someone to go, those big guys need to be cleaned up!"

When Iron Hand said this, he gritted his teeth, not knowing who he was targeting.

He obviously has some mental problems, just like Tang Dao, who doesn't answer before speaking and doesn't answer after speaking, this is a typical brain problem.

This kind of person is not a lunatic, but a genius.

The world is so big, and those who subvert it are always those few lunatics.

Of course, you have to succeed, and if you fail...

Just like the art student who failed the ranking, he can always be pulled out as a model.
