Chapter 964: : System three. Zero!

Wieland-Yutani is supercorp in the movie "Alien".

Business Scope: Human immigration outside the solar system!

Of course, this goal is definitely unattainable for the current savior company. Even the dimension where the Wieland-Yutani company is located is a super science fiction world, and there is a big gap in basic science itself.

There is still a long way to go to truly colonize the planet, or to develop weapons like the individual mobile combat platform AMP.

Not all weapons are available in the science fiction world.

Like a lightsaber!

This is not a fantasy. After the millennium, a handheld laser manufacturer in HK, WickedLasers, announced that they had successfully developed a new type of handheld laser with a high imitation lightsaber appearance design and adopted the Spyder3 laser, which is legally available. largest laser.

But can this thing hit a pistol with a speed of more than 300 meters per second?

If it can't be cut, what does it have to do with ordinary cold weapons? It just shines. Of course, if technology allows, Tang Dao will also be produced. After all, this world, in the eyes of some people, is composed of poor people who call themselves smart and rich people who call themselves stupid.

The big camels in the Middle East will definitely be curious about this "magical" thing. It's not expensive to sell it for hundreds of thousands of dollars. Good figures cost millions. This kind of thing is more like a handicraft.

Tang Dao's reason for the company comes from the confidence of the system!

After Hurst finished his report, he chatted for a while, and then left the office. Tang locked himself in the inner room, lay on a chair, consciously called the system, and a light screen appeared in front of him.

A banner above floated from right to left.

"Congratulations to the host assets reaching 100 billion U.S. dollars, the system is automatically upgraded to 3.0!"

Why, Tang Dao feels that this system is becoming more and more intelligent?

The display interface also changed its background, turning it into black, but in the void there was a scarlet eye overlooking the earth and life, and a sentence was written on the side: Are you ready? We... set out to create God!

Many types of the interface have changed, from the original [aircraft], [artillery], [individual weapons] are collectively called [modern weapons], while others are [mathematics], [physics], [Chemistry], [Biology], [Astronomy], [Earth Science], these are the six basic sciences of natural science.

And these have more specific classifications, such as gene editing!

Tang Dao was curious and saw many existences that completely subverted the three views, for example, merging human DNA with animal DNA to create so-called mutants? ?

This is not alarmist talk.

Tang Dao saw a news in a Somali newspaper in the first half of this year. In South Africa, a woman named Angela gave birth to a dog-faced girl who could only bark in a hospital in Durban. At that time, all the doctors and nurses were so frightened that they almost fainted. According to some experts, because Angela was pregnant through artificial insemination, it is estimated that she was injected with dog sperm that was mistakenly sent to the hospital by the driver of the courier company.

But this explanation seems unlikely. First of all, it must be clear: whether the mating of two different subjects can produce the next generation, if possible, then there will be countless strange animals in this world, because among animals , Sometimes different kinds of animals XX happens from time to time.

In addition to animals, engineered plants can also be edited, which will be the rush of agricultural giants to enter the field of gene editing, for one of the well-known reasons: lack of regulation.

Genetically modified crops as we know them—herbicide-resistant corn, for example—go through an expensive safety testing and approval process because they carry bacterial genes.

If the DNA of some strong animals is injected into the human body, can a "superman" be edited?

Human beings are using science to change the world, but why not use science to destroy themselves? When the ethical and moral order cannot suppress the inner desire, will the devil be released?

There is no shortage of crazy scientists in this world!

Some people also think why humans cannot log on to Mars or even other planets in space? Because human beings lack sufficient physical fitness, in a factory in Amsterdam, local organizations that sell human DNA have often been destroyed.

Studies have shown that the DNA similarity between Asians, Europeans and Africans is as high as 99.99%, and the remaining 0.01% may be due to scientific rigor or real differences. Will genetic weapons cause the total destruction of a certain continent?

Those great powers looking down on everything from above are afraid. They are afraid of the secrets of the human body and science, but the ambition in their hearts keeps them researching unscrupulously.

And those achievements that cost billions and half a lifetime of hard work may not be achieved are just numbers in the system!

Of course, science can also be used in people's livelihood, such as gene therapy, which can kill cancer cells in the human body, and even reorganize beneficial cells in the human body to transform humans.

When people with strong bodies and four or five meters tall appear in the live broadcast in the future, are human beings still human?

The corner of Tang Dao's mouth twitched and turned off the classification of biology. You don't need to think about other physics, and you understand that this is definitely a research that can log on to Mars at any time.

He looked at the number in the upper right corner, the evolution of System 3.0 has turned his heart value into money value: net worth: 137.5 billion US dollars!

This money can be exchanged for many things, for example, some papers that are enough to influence the world's physics community can even be exchanged for scientific research results.

For example, the value of human cancer treatment in gene editing exceeds one trillion U.S. dollars. The money must belong to Tang Dao. No matter where he comes from, financing, robbery, and deception are all fine, but it is absolutely impossible for individuals to gather so much money. possible!

And Tang Dao will definitely not tell the secrets of the system. At that time, even if he is the richest man in the world, he will definitely be "dead" in prison for no reason, and then he will actually be dragged away by a mysterious organization Do a planing.

This world has always been disgusting!

If Tang Dao is a very paranoid person, he should say at this time, "The world is too filthy and needs to be reorganized."

Does it look like a villain in Marvel?

Almost every villain has great ideals. They want to change the world. Who can say that a person with such ambitions is a bad guy? All bad guys, nothing more than not serving the interests of those in power.

If the savior company develops a weapon that is enough to raise its price, then it will be killed by hooligans as a threat to the world. Therefore, it seems that there is only one last way left to go.


Tang Dao further discovered that this system should not be called arms, but the birth of villains. There are many more impactful papers on modern science in the evolution version 3.0. If these things fall into the hands of those scientific giants, right? Can there be further progress?

How long will this take?

ten years?

twenty years?

Or thirty years?

Can people still see the so-called colonization of the universe in this life?

Tang Dao is a young man who is occasionally decadent. After all, there are too many factors that human beings have to resist, and time is the biggest enemy.

He exchanged 1 billion net worth for a paper on controllable nuclear fusion. Of course, these will not affect his actual net worth, which means he still has so much money.

Tang Dao intends to publish this paper in his own name. Don't you think a scientist's company leader is more convincing?

Of course, the paper does not represent the actual results, and there may be speculations.

He wants to make Messiah Inc. a gathering place for the smartest people in the world.

Pu Taigu lay on the table and carefully studied the patterns released by the Savior Company. When he was tired, he picked up the water on the side and poured it vigorously. Compared with prisons, at least, he poured water this time voluntarily.

Prisons in South Korea...

It is also full of depression.

He had been beaten before, and he had also beaten others in a fit of anger, but what greeted him was the most enthusiastic counterattack.

Those members of the self-proclaimed violent organization are nothing but bullying bastards!

But Pu Taigu often comforts himself in the mirror that he is a real strong man who dares to face life and challenges. He will even face the chaebol who sent him to prison!

At this time...

The sound of the door opening interrupted his thoughts. Pu Taigu raised his head and saw his son holding a basketball walking home. He stood up with a smile and walked forward. His face suddenly stiffened and his body stopped. It was dirt, and there were bruises on his face, obviously from a fight with someone.

"Enjun, what's wrong with you?" Pu Taigu was nervous and wanted to rush up, but the other party took a step back, stared at him with unfriendly eyes, then smashed the basketball heavily on the ground, and pushed him away, " You murderer, go away!"

Pu Enjun pushed his father down, rushed into the house, and locked the door behind him.

And Pu Taigu, who was slumped on the ground, had a dazed face, but then lowered his head sadly, in the whole living room, only the cold wind pouring in from the windows was blowing the night, it seemed that only this A voice accompanied him.

Pu Taigu stood up slowly, walked to the dining table, looked at the cooked food, smiled reluctantly, "It's cold."

Sitting down by myself, a little lonely.

But gradually, his eyes turned red, and his shoulders shrugged slowly. He hated more and more the misfortune imposed on him by those chaebols, and he wanted to climb up! Climb to the top of this world, this planet, and let the person who slandered him kneel in front of him.

Don't say anything, life should forget hatred.

That's because there is no self-comfort with strength, if you have the ability, then kill his whole family!

Please put down kindness, that thing is like a stinky stone in a latrine, worthless, only smart and fierce people have the right to revenge, poor people?

He should be bullied!