Chapter 929: : Don's iron fist method

Everyone was "scared" by the iron fist of the Somali high-level.

Everyone has received the notice of military control, even the ambassadors stationed abroad of various countries have also received the news, and in order to "accidentally" be affected, they have specially set up vigilance and security in the ambassador's area. Those who wandered outside and didn't come home will be severely punished according to Yilian. If they carry weapons or similar weapons, they can be killed on the spot, and the armored vehicles will drive over and run over them.

This degree is determined by the people below.

But in order to prevent the people below from violating military discipline, you can see pickets wearing white helmets everywhere on the street. They are just deterring those crazy soldiers. After all, you want Somalis to have the self-discipline of the rabbit family ,almost impossible.

There are two standards of military discipline in this world.

Rabbits and others.

The Somali Ministry of Defense tried their best to instill in them the idea of ​​being for the people, but it took time, but unexpectedly, the troops in Erpis and Mogadishu did not have any violations of discipline during their night missions.

This shows the leading role and control of grassroots officers.

Tang Dao was very satisfied with this operation, which effectively suppressed the arrogance of mercenaries and some criminals, and, most importantly, the speed of collecting guns and ammunition increased significantly.

In the chief's office.

Tang Dao was leaning on the sofa, holding a cigar in his hand, squinting his eyes, while Cui Bo with the rank of general sitting next to him was sitting upright, explaining the results to him, "In the past half a month, we have confiscated a total of 72,125 guns of various types, 2,010 rocket launchers, 420,000 rounds of ammunition, and 113 artillery pieces."

Tang Dao seemed very calm when he heard the number.

What a joke, after fighting wars for decades, if the folks don’t have so many goods, he would have doubts about the work attitude of the defense department. Compared with rabbits, this is nothing compared to the rabbits (specifically, the white rabbits are so terrifying ).

And the most important thing is that Mogadishu is close to the sea. Many people are related to pirates, and the security is extremely poor. Someone must have entered the house in the middle of the night. How can you protect yourself without weapons?

"Did any twists and turns occur?" Tang Dao said.

Cui Bo nodded, "Working is relatively difficult, and the local associations and families are relatively deep-rooted."

Someone Tang laughed when he heard the words, sat up straight, put the cigar on the ashtray, and slowly took a sip from the teacup, "Then it's all sudden! What the hell, this person just didn't kill enough, and he returned the club. , the poor in Mogadishu only have one pair of underwear, and four or five people have to wear them together. This is a bunch of vultures lying on the corpses sucking nutrients. They just took this opportunity to sweep him away. What kind of family is there? So blind ?Let the inspection department investigate, and those who break the law will be judged according to the law;

After all, the city of Somalia has more than 2 million people, and because after someone Tang came to power, the army subdued almost all the tribes in the country, he did not touch the chiefdom system, but added a sum to it, that is, any children of the chieftain have Enjoy the right of inheritance, and get his land and wealth, and one of them needs to report to the country and inherit the title of chief.

Does it look like a tweet order?

This effectively prevents the family from growing bigger, and many countries do this.

Originally, this kind of law was almost impossible in Somalia and other Africa. After a chief came to power, most of the other brothers and sisters could only go into exile. Tang Dao's law directly changed the one announced by the parliament, and one can imagine the shock it caused.

But even if some chiefs are not convinced, vested interest groups such as tens of thousands of troops and hundreds of thousands of reserves can crush them in an instant. After all, the elite class is just a small number of people, and most people are ordinary people. It should be said that those who win the hearts of the people win the world.

Tang Dao canceled the agricultural tax, and this alone is enough.

He does not allow any chief to form a private army, does not allow the border area to be blocked, and does not allow the establishment of a court without permission. Anyway, a series of them are aimed at these people, but if they patronize them, they will definitely arouse their resistance, so Tang Dao is used. old means.

The Chiefs Fund Alliance was established, and Tang Dao was appointed as the chairman. What is his main job?

Get a few good projects from the investment company under the Savior Group, and then carry out financing, and distribute them according to the investment situation. Naturally, these people who contributed money are with Tang Dao. Don't confess Tang Dao?

However, he has changed from real power to a landowner who enjoys it. For the sake of the dollar, it seems that it is not unbearable. Disintegrating the enemy from within, wooing some, and attacking some, this method is becoming more and more skillful.

That is to say, he has never stayed in the rabbit's house, otherwise, he has learned the dragon slaying technique more thoroughly. Of course, this kind of method is only qualified to use at a certain level, just like so many people in the rabbit's house know it, but how many people know it? Personal use?

Ordinary people, where do you go to slay dragons?

Therefore, according to Tang Dao's thinking, the rabbit family is actually the most open-minded, but Ying Jiang is not satisfied. There are many things in the world that he is not satisfied with.

In Tang Dao's series of sugar-coated shells, the elite class disintegrated.

He had no choice but to implement his policy. Therefore, the number of people in Mogadishu continued to rise, reaching nearly 3 million. The Ministry of the Interior is already considering the use of a new generation of identity verification system invented by Switzerland. It is best to learn from Europe. input.

Of course, all this takes time.

The weapons in front of us are the biggest "gets", they can be recycled, and when the time comes, the waste can be used. According to Cui Bo, according to this trend, there may be more than 300,000 guns in the whole of Somalia. No, it should be said that in "tons" calculated.

It’s scary to think about it Those gentlemen who claim to be civilized seem to be eating **** steaks on the dining table, laughing at each other, discussing business, there is blood on the corners of their mouths, and their eyes are full of blood. Greed, and behind them, a huge iron cage was closed. The black people inside hated each other, but looked at the guests at the table with hope.

I hope they can give them a bite to eat, but the gentlemen will just throw the unfinished food at their feet and feed the dogs, and those pots will be thrown into the iron cage. The delicious food left on them makes the black people quiet for a while, and then, Caught in a long-term bloodbath.

In the end, only the strongest stood, exhausted.

The gentlemen said with a smile, "Look, this orangutan really looks like a human."

Everyone at the dining table laughed, only the rabbit on the side watched coldly, holding a brick in his hand, and looked angrily at the Gallic chicken that was about to push itself into the cage, jumped up and smashed it down , knocked the opponent to the ground, and then yelled at the gentlemen loudly.

"Bastard, come **** me!"