Chapter 848: : We are patients

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Ocassie and Tang Dao stood side by side on the top floor of the school, blowing the wind. The latter returned to Somalia eagerly after inspecting the school. In fact, this crash course job fair was also organized by him, so that everyone can choose their own careers .

Bodyguards from both sides stood guard around the rooftop, and even the nearest spot suitable for sniping was observed.

"The Oroman tribe really intends to form their own army?" Ocassie said hesitantly. Of course, he didn't mean to regret it, but he just understood that when the army in the hands of the other party formally formed an army, Somalia would start a new era. Rapid reforms took place.

For example, fight against those tribal armed forces who do not obey the government's orders!

"Of course, I have prepared 300 million US dollars to arm this army." Tang Dao still held a bottle of beer in his hand, shook it lightly, and could vaguely hear some movement.

Ocasie looked at him enviously.

In fact, he didn't know that in Libya in North Africa, the strongman would give his son Mutasim 28 billion US dollars to form an army!

The 300 million US dollars is not enough for others. Of course, there is no need to worry about weapons.

Tang Dao intends to build a 1,000-strong reinforced battalion first, with a company of about 300 people, a total of 4 platoons, and a platoon of 5 squads, with about 15 people in each squad. Abandoning the AK47 and using the M16A2 automatic rifle, this should be The second-generation eagle sauce individual rifle, each squad has two M249 squad automatic weapons, which are the weapons with the most persistent firepower in the infantry squad, and each row has a sniper, equipped with M82A1-style 12.7 mm Anti-materiel rifle, commonly known as Barrett.

The fourth platoon of each company belongs to the artillery platoon, equipped with 2 AT4 anti-tank rocket launchers, 2 javelins, 4 PP87 82mm mortars, 3 107mm rocket launchers and 2 PI-20 Add howitzers.

The company of these things has already gone to Sweden to discuss authorization with Saab Bofors Power Company. As for those 107 rocket launchers, they have discussed these authorizations with Zheng Hong before. The company is already stepping up production, and there is no need to worry about American products. In 1988, I was hit by FNMI (the manufacturing plant opened by the Belgian FN company in North America), and my confidence was a little bit broken. Then I didn’t respond in the past few years. About 200,000 M16A2s have been piled up. The production capacity is seriously overcapacitated, and the funds cannot be returned. , almost went bankrupt, and the savior company took 61% of their shares at this time.

In other words, the savior company is the major shareholder.

Isn't it easy to get some authorization?

Let the Ukrainian military factories work overtime to build, and first ship 3,000 pieces from the United States.

Don't look at his equipment as a bit of a panacea, but unlike Brother Baixiang, the Savior Company has complete equipment to manufacture different types of ammunition, that is, the former Maoxiong military industry is very developed, even if it dies, there are still A lot of people came back to life in him.

The vehicles used by the troops plan to use the self-produced OMCRG-31 "Lin Ling" armored transport vehicle. Of course, it is not yet in the research and development stage, but it should be equipped with the troops this year. At present, the Hummer and BTR-80 armor are mainly used. Personnel transport vehicles, in addition to these, a battalion is also equipped with 17 Hinds, anyway, the company has money.

And Tang Dao is a patient with insufficient firepower phobia, and he is a patient with Rabbit. This kind of disease hopes to get more firepower support. It is best if the tube is big and thick. Pulled 11 BM-30 Tornado rocket launchers from the Ukrainian warehouse!

It is the third-generation rocket launcher system developed by the Soviet Union after "Katyusha" and "Hail".

All good traditions, the Katyusha is famous in World War II, the hail has been sold in 56 countries, and the BM-30 is launched to fight against the M270 rocket of the eagle sauce.

According to the European Conventional Forces Treaty identified in 1990, the Soviet Union deployed about 351 units in Central Europe, and deployed 51 units from the western border of the Soviet Union to the Ural region. From this distribution, we can also see the status of the tornado as the main assault force in the Soviet army.

This is the drizzle.

If you need other heavy firepower, you can only form special artillery battalions and armored battalions in the future when the army expands. Now, except for the 11 BM-30 tornadoes that are in a separate sequence, the others are the establishment of the Somali Independent Eighth Battalion. This should be the largest in East Africa. There's a troop of "money" too.

When Tang Dao was talking with Ocassie, the following job fair was almost over. The former threw the beer can in his hand to the side and grabbed the hair by his ear. This Somalia feels that the mosquito is very bold. , dare to bite yourself in broad daylight.

That's why I have a good temper now, otherwise, I'll be bombarded with cannonballs.

"Since the establishment is also given, does that mean we are also allowed to make our own decisions about the military rank?" Tang Dao said.

"Okay." Ocassie nodded. Anyway, he gave everything that should be given, and it wasn't so close. He hesitated, "Are you going to send them to the front line?"

This question is asked.

"The duty of a soldier is to fight. The situation in Somalia is very unstable. I will eliminate the extremist organizations near Mogadishu first. However, it will not take a short time to form an army. We need more soldiers." Preparation."

The number of the main army is still too small, otherwise it will be pushed straight across, but what he needs are professional soldiers, who know what is forbidden and what is cooperation between infantry and tanks!

All of these took a lot of energy from the umbrella company. From Mist to now Li Jinfang as the president of the umbrella company, he has been training intentionally or unintentionally to gather this force. However, the follow-up conscription has already begun, and only the Oroman tribe is recruited. .

They are required to be in good health, have no bad habits, have strong limbs, and then have to go through a series of physical examinations. If they succeed, they can get this salary of no less than 200 US dollars per month, and no less than 600 US dollars during wartime, but their service period is For four years, the company will give the family $3,000 a year, which is enough for a family of five in Somalia to spend extravagantly.

Therefore, the work of several conscription points is still going smoothly.

"We will build Somalia together." Ocassie said looking at Tang Dao.

"Yes, I plan to build 4 more elementary schools, 2 middle schools and 1 high school in Mogadishu. The company will bear all the money." Tang Dao is to cultivate more "cultural people". At least those who can read and write can provide more excellent soldiers for the company in the future, but according to Ocassie, this is for the education of Somalia!

He was very moved, hugged Tang Dao, and kept saying thank you.

Boss Tang was a little out of breath from the enthusiasm, patted him on the shoulder, and said with a smile, "We should go down."

Ocasie responded, took off his glasses and wiped the corners of his eyes, which was touching. He is a qualified president, but not a good leader. The domestic situation is getting worse. The government has no credibility, the military cannot control authority, and the judiciary cannot Show justice, this is the situation in Somalia right now.

So, he's just a transition.

When someone from Tang comes to power, it will be a drastic reform, which also represents a war. At this time, more military and political alliances must be drawn.

The two walked down the stairs from the rooftop. There is no elevator at all. I am afraid that only the big hotel in Mogadishu has an elevator. However, it was bombed by extremist organizations before, and now it is a mess. As a point, the government has no money, and Tang Dao wants to build it, but it's not suitable yet.

At that time, it will be built into a zone, mainly to entertain foreign guests, and the foreign ministries of other countries will also be placed in this zone. This is just his current idea, and it may become, because of the situation, that there is no one who has diplomatic relations with Somalia.

All closed!

This also shows that in terms of the world structure, many people are unwilling to play with you. You are a little trash entertaining yourself. Ocasie wants to change this result. He sent people to the United Nations, but almost no one Just ignore him, who would think highly of a war-torn country?

Some people even asked the ambassador, who is the government of your country? Mogadishu? Hargeisa?

This news came back and deeply hurt Ocassie. It is impossible for anyone to accept that a country is divided into two parts. Give Tang Dao.

This is not an escape, but a hope that Somalia will be stronger.

When walking towards the playground, Ocassie couldn't help asking when he was going to take over?

"Don't worry, buddy, the time hasn't come yet." Tang Dao said.

This should be the most peaceful transfer of power in Africa. People are fighting to death and armed rebellion, and the two of them push each other, which is a weird thing.

Tang is a very stable person. If there is no armed force close to 20,000 under his hands, he will definitely not take over. Fist is his best pronoun Even if a person is armed to the teeth, you It is also impossible to be stationed in every place.

The place is laid down to be stationed and developed.

Ocasie is indeed anxious, he hopes to be able to reach the goal in one step.

When the students on the playground saw the bosses approaching, the instructor stood up and shouted, and everyone immediately stood in a line, which looked like a basic soldier.

This should bring some comfort to Ocasie's mind. He nodded in satisfaction, went up and said some unnutritious words, then followed Tang Dao to say a few words, and then left. He still had a lot of things to do.

"Take our people, let's go, and the next batch of students will be added to 500 students. The time will be half a year. I will let the logistics department cooperate with you." Tang Dao finished speaking to the person in charge of the crash course, and took 14 Individuals left, and the other students looked at them enviously.

Almost no need to worry about food and drink in this life.

Tang Dao said a few words to the little angel, and the latter got out of the car and ran to the person in charge to convey the boss's words, "The logistics department will bring 10 pigs over, and everyone will leave after eating."

Immediately, cheers jumped up.

Pork is considered a luxury in Somalia, and they eat more camel meat.

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