Chapter 481: : PMC Corporation Aid Association

Zhang Xiyuan looked at everyone's expressions with some interest.

This hard dish is very tooth-piercing!

His face changed from astonishment, doubt, to grimness, and he was obviously intimidated by this "menu". The ABC set meal in it seemed a little flashy to Zhang Xiyuan.

The benefits and treatment of basalt stone are not too high. If it is a high-level person, the annual salary is about 210,000 US dollars. If it is an ordinary employee, the per capita monthly salary ranges from 4,000 US dollars to 8,000 US dollars, and it also has a 24-hour standby. If an accident occurs, Basalt Stone Company is only willing to pay $100,000 in compensation.

Compared with the savior company, this is far behind, but it is also far behind in terms of the quality of employees.

Since the company has more than 1,000 employees, Tang Dao has raised the recruitment standards. First of all, non-special forces retirees from the first team are not allowed. This will remove a large group of people. According to the educational standards of special forces in the Western world, they are generally in high school. Or graduated from a university with a corresponding cultural foundation.

If they are backup employees who mainly do some light work such as key protection, they have to pass the assessment of the savior company. Most of the people who can pass here are not bad in terms of physical and cultural quality.

Moreover, Umbrella Company also quoted a signing fee. After the first-line players signed the contract, the rewards ranged from 10,000 to 20,000 US dollars, while most of the replacement players were around 2,000 US dollars. Those who had already signed before would be paid up.

Anyway, they are trying to find a way to pay employees, and there is an elimination system for those who want to respond. Those who are unqualified will be kicked out of the army or demoted.

When Zhang Xiyuan heard about this kind of order, his first thought was that this was simply a game played by the rich, and Basalt Stone couldn't afford it, nor could he play it.

For one round of shells in this package, he can recruit two employees who are considered "veterans" in Africa, and although they represent the arms business of the Savior Company, they are not willing to equip those goods on their own employees.

Extravagance is unacceptable!

Although some people are disdainful, others are also moved. What Ibin Barrow sees is a steady stream of money. His EO company’s asking price is not cheap, but it has a good reputation in South Africa. First of all, most of his employees are South Africa's original special forces or special agencies have retired. Secondly, they have excellent weapons and equipment.

But he finally understood the horror of arms dealers. Just the goods on the "menu" can start a war. The nature of this PMC industry is completely different.

The savior company, which has air and land weapons, should be called a giant.

Ibin Barrow's face was ugly, and the gap between the two sides was trampling on his dignity.

Tang Dao also had a panoramic view of everyone's eyes below. He grinned at the corner of his mouth and tapped his fingers on the table. When everyone raised their heads, he said, "There are a lot of things in here. If the price Too expensive, we can also rent!"

"For example, the selling price of a female deer is 5.1 million US dollars. Of course, it is not equipped with any weapons, but if you want to rent it, it will cost 120,000 US dollars a month. We will be equipped with basic weapons. Of course, a deposit is required. If it is damaged, it will be discounted. compensation for damages."


This makes the people below a little interested. They are not EO and umbrellas. They must be covered by helicopters in combat. They can't afford this kind of combat.

Of course, they can't afford the $120,000-a-month lease.

"What about Il 76? Do you rent it too?" Ibin Barrow spoke. This was the first sentence he said when he entered the conference room, staring at Tang Dao and asking.

"Of course, why not?"

Tang Dao said with a smile, "We just need to verify the capital and company reputation if we want to lease important equipment. Of course, EO has this qualification, but the deposit must not be small, and the monthly rent is 750,000 US dollars. At your own expense."

The price is very affordable...

"These are discounts within the association, only for members of the association." Tang Dao's next words made Ibin Barrow frown.

He glanced lightly at Tang Dao, and it seemed that this Asian was very determined.

"Gentlemen, the market in Africa is huge, and this piece of cake is enough for us to eat, but near 2000, more and more people will join this kind of business, you should feel it, just in North Africa, small PMC companies There are close to 30 companies, all of which are of a scale that cannot be put on the table, but you cannot deny that when the world situation becomes more and more dangerous, PMC is becoming more and more popular. If a consortium joins it, it will have a great impact on our business It was a major shock."

Tang Dao supported the table with both hands, glanced at everyone, and said in a deep voice, "The African market should be controlled by us pioneers! Latecomers should not give them a mouthful of soup."

This is Tang Dao's ambition, monopoly is the most profitable.

"Joining the association, our umbrella company will provide training, intelligence sharing, and task sharing for members, ensuring that everyone can make money, and! The president of the association changes every three years."

Now everyone's mentality has suddenly changed. If the savior holds the position of president for a long time, wouldn't everyone be like a subsidiary company?

If it can be changed, then the distribution of benefits will be different.

Tang Dao looked at some "deceitful" future allies below. The chairman may not be him, but it could be Xuanwushi Company? It could also be... EO companies!

The two are the biggest in the association, as long as they maintain mutual cooperation, you were the big brother three years ago, and I will be the big brother three years later. This method is very similar to the future bear.

Tang Dao does not want to conflict with EO. Africa is too big to accommodate anyone's ambitions, but one mountain cannot accommodate two tigers. If the two sides break out of disputes over market share, it will be bad for everyone.

The way to solve the opponent is to win over the opponent!

There is EO in the south, and the savior in the north. Everyone has money to make money together, so why fight and kill?

What era is it, still killing people?

Ibin Barrow's eyes flashed, he raised his head, and happened to meet Tang Dao's eyes. They are both smart people, and he immediately thought of the key point.

"I EO to join the association!"

Ibin Barrow put his right hand on the table and said loudly, he agreed, and the others agreed one by one for fear of falling behind.

Tang Dao was very satisfied, and then confirmed the name of the next charter: African PMC Company Aid Association! The abbreviation is headquartered in Cape Town, South Africa, where the association has rented an entire building.

The other offices are in: Mogadishu, Kinshasa, Abidjan, Johannesburg and Cairo, and the money will come from the association.

Members earn US$80,000 per year, but if they hold a position, the annual meeting of the company under their name will not be less than US$300,000. This can be regarded as a shackle, holding small companies tightly, but preventing them from gaining power.

The annual membership fee is about 2 million US dollars, which is enough for the association to rent office buildings and recruit personnel in these places.

Tang Dao served as the first chairman of the board, while Ibin Barrow served as the second in command, followed by Zhang Xiyuan and other five people as the directors, which can be regarded as setting up the structure of the association.

Of course, Tang Dao is also planning to set up a webpage on the Internet, and put the profiles and quotations of each company on it, and organize it into a comprehensive mercenary website to firmly stick to the African market share.

The birth of this association has boosted the prestige of the savior company and Tang Dao himself, and it has become more important among various forces in Africa and the world.