Chapter 442: : little brother

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Tang Dao chose to fly in the middle of the night, but when he came, he saw that Douglas and the others were already asleep, so he didn't bother them, and he had a habit of getting up on time the next day no matter how late he slept. See why he had breakfast.

The two were chatting with each other, and at this time, the young Vin Diesel was also wearing a pair of big pants, rubbing his eyes, and walked out without any image. He should regard this place as his home.

"OMG!~" Vin Diesel suddenly saw Tang Dao sitting in the living room, his eyes lit up, and he ran over quickly wearing slippers, "Don?" There was still a bit of disbelief in his tone, Tang Dao smiled Looking at him, he stretched out his hand, "Are you Vin Diesel? Nice to meet you, I've seen your play, it's cool."

At this time, Vin Diesel hadn't starred in blockbusters such as "The Man with a Thousand Faces", "Saving Private Ryan", "Fast and the Furious", but his tough style was already well-known on Broadway, and he was in some clubs. The experience of working as a "bodyguard" made him look very gangster, and with this bald head, who would believe that he is not a black and dark brother?

"No no no, Don, you are my idol, God." Vin Diesel's front teeth looked cute when he smiled.

Ms. Douglas next to her folded her hands, propped her chin, and said helplessly, "Sir, do you need to wear a pair of pants?" She didn't dare to look too much as she said this, for fear that she would not be able to bear it, and she had reached this age .

Vin Diesel was not shy, instead he made a muscular look, "A man should learn to show himself properly."

Even though he said that, of course he ran back to the room immediately, saying that he is also a person with status.

Douglas said helplessly to Tang Dao, "I'm sorry, Vin Diesel is a child who will never grow up."

"Isn't the greatest luxury for an adult to be childlike? Perhaps it's something even more unattainable than dollars."

Tang Dao took a sip of milk, then wiped his hands and joked.

Douglas was taken aback by these words. After thinking about it a few times, he still found it very interesting. Adults have too much compulsion. Your smoking posture is getting more and more proficient, and your lover is getting more and more casual. From pouring three cups at that time to not getting drunk now, this is degeneration, not growth. But no one pinches the cigarette in your hand, no one gives you a home, and no one stops the wine in your hand for you. To put it bluntly, you have nothing but loneliness and wine.

Douglas sometimes found himself missing a lot.

This is also a little difference between Europeans and Americans and Asians. They prefer to pursue themselves, while Asians pay attention to the future of the family. There is no right or wrong, and the way of life is different.

"Let's talk about the premiere tonight..."

Port Kismayo!

Kismayo, the capital of Lower Juba State in the southwest, is located in the eastern part of Lower Juba State, on the left bank of the Juba River estuary in the west, and on the west side of the Indian Ocean in the east. This is one of the important ports in Somalia. General Hassan After he came to power, this place developed even more rapidly. He attacked pirate gangs other than "his own side", making the sea much cleaner.

But there are always some people with dirty hands and feet!

They take things away and exchange them for money, but some things are not something they can move.

Mist stood with a gloomy face, with his waist thrust up, his eyes squinted, with a cold light in his eyes, looking at the two brothers kneeling in front of him, he said softly, "Where's the thing?"

The two **** were trembling all over, they were port workers, they kept their heads down and said nothing.

"Are you playing tough with me?" Mister raised his mouth, took his hand out of his pocket, and reached out to the employee next to him. The employee handed him a hammer, and Mister looked around at the two of them. , and finally walked towards Nego on the left. The leather shoes were still very rhythmic on the concrete floor. When standing in front of the other party, it was obvious that Neco was shaking.

"Sir...Sir!" The pressure finally made this brother unbearable, he hurriedly raised his head, and wanted to speak in a crying voice, but what greeted him was a hammer, which hit him directly on the face. He could hear the sound of the skull cracking, and there was a scream, and Neko fell to the ground. Mist stepped over him, picked up the hammer and continued to chase and beat him!

Ni Ge screamed, the blood oozed out from under his body, the sound was a little panicky, it was quite scary, in the end, he didn't make a sound, but he let out more air than he took in, obviously it couldn't work.

Mister took a long breath, turned around, and looked at the other black man.

His right hand was covered with blood, and even the trousers were stained with blood. He opened the opening under the suit, and then wiped the hammer clean with the white shirt inside. Where do you want me to hit?"

This pressure immediately opened up Nige's defenses, and he finally cried out, slumped on the ground, "Sir, sir, please, don't kill me." It was snot and tears, but Mister's face Not happy, "You talk too much nonsense." As he spoke, he stepped on Ni Ge's hand and twisted it a few times. The pain was so painful that the other party was heartbreaking. This is not over yet. A gun was stuffed into the In the other party's mouth, all the pain that followed was swallowed back.

"Tell me where the goods are!"

"Bought... by Alden McDowell." Ni Ge confessed very simply.

Mister waited for him to finish speaking, and shot directly. The hole in the back of the head was pierced, and he could stuff his thumb. How dare they sell the goods of the savior?

"Find him and kill him." Mist looked at the employees around and said, "Seek support from the nearest base."

Although the headquarters of Savior Company is in Mogadishu, it has small contact points in three places in Somalia, Kismaayo, Cape Hafon, and Bulgabo, with an average of about 30 mu of land. As the company's transit point, it can quickly Support any corner of Somalia and effectively help Hassan to provide help, which is why Hassan supports Tang Dao so much.

Both men understood that the present interests were perfectly aligned.

There are 20 employees at the base in Kismayo, 1 AH-1 "Huey Cobra", and 3 Land Rover off-road vehicles. This helicopter was bought by Tang Dao at a low price from Yingjiang by virtue of his extra-staff status. The price is 250,000 US dollars, half sold, half free, I bought two in total, and one is at Harfon Point. Although it is an old product from the 1960s, its performance is still top-notch. The M19720mm cannon it carries is also a heavy weapon.

Not to mention 20 well-trained employees.

Mist is very angry All he can do now is to get the goods back as soon as possible, or let the boss know, he will feel like he will be scolded as a waste! In the territory of the savior company, is there anyone who dares to move their own goods?

What an understatement!

"Call me air support, carry missiles, **** it, I'm going to send that **** to see God!" Mister sullenly, the fine lines at the corners of his eyes are clearly visible, he looked down at the two corpses, then raised his head , Looking towards the port office, there are still 4 people locked up inside, all staff members, and they also played the role of insiders.

In the past, relying on this kind of "selling" goods, they could earn at least hundreds of thousands of dollars every year, but now they reach out wrongly, and they can only send them to death.

A trace of coldness flashed in Mister's eyes, "Throw everyone inside into the sea to feed the fish!"

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