Chapter 151: : 700,000 fine gold

Aidid generously gave Tang Dao a half-year deposit, and an additional $3 million was added to his account.

As long as you give me money, I can say anything, and I can even laugh with you.

But obviously this Somali is not thinking here, he was ready to get up several times, Tang Dao naturally did not force him to stay, he deliberately made an excuse, said that he still had something to do, and then asked Mister to send the other party away, standing by the balcony Watching Aidid getting into the car, the latter just stepped into the car with his left leg, then suddenly raised his head, and waved at Tang Dao with a smile.

"Goodbye." Tang Dao put his left hand in his pocket, raised his right hand and shook it gently, watching the other party's car leave. He picked up the half cigar again, "John, how many employees do we have now?"

"There are 271 trainee employees, 104 regular employees, and 48 elite employees..." Obviously, John is more reliable as the head of the umbrella. At least when the boss needs an answer, he doesn't have to look through the roster.

Tang Dao nodded slightly, "All trainee employees will be sent out, and 20 regular employees will be selected. Since we have taken the other party's money, of course we have to express it. Are you right? Come up with a contingency plan to ensure that our employees can arrive and provide support as soon as possible if anything happens."

"By the way! There is no need to save on weapons and equipment. Each group is guaranteed a PK heavy machine gun and 3 RPGs!"

Anyway, the protective umbrella has a generous boss, and the warehouse is still moldy, so pull it out and try the gun first, he doesn't believe that under such firepower, there is no one who doesn't have eyes to come to seek death, anyway, this matter Tang Dao is Let go of John. If you do everything yourself, you won't be exhausted like Zhuge Liang?

"Then book a flight to Kyiv, and the personnel will be selected first from the Arctic Foxes and Team A."

Tang Dao took two puffs of the cigar, feeling that the taste was not right, his brows frowned slightly, he threw it into the ashtray in disgust, changed his foot and crossed his legs and said, he always felt that something would happen when he went to Kyiv this time Come on, his face is famous on the KGB or the intelligence agencies of many countries. He is terrifying to death. Who knows if the other party will have any assassination methods?

After hearing his order, John nodded to express his understanding, and looked at his watch, "Boss, the appointment time with Mr. Grant is coming soon."

"Then go and see this young Mr. Lieutenant Colonel."

"Bastards! We want food! We want freedom, overthrow the Soviets, peace and liberty!"

On the streets of Kyiv, a man with blond hair was completely naked, with a dog collar around his neck, on which was written in Russian: "Уберитеэтотпроклятый коммунизмизукраины! Standing on a pickup truck and roaring, his face was pale and ugly.

As he shouted, many young men and women below raised their hands and cheered, and some even kissed in public.

They use this behavior to "welcome" the courtesy of the Western world.

Even more excessive people turned this into violence. Under the stimulation of alcohol, people who could be seen were beaten everywhere. In the Ukrainian joint in the dark night, there were screams everywhere, and there were rushing alarm bells from the explosion-proof troops.

"They're just crazy!"

Robert, who was standing by the window of the hotel room, muttered with solemn eyes, and pulled the curtains hard. He seemed not to want to see this kind of scene. He turned his head and looked at Yulia, mother and son sitting by the window behind him. Then he shrugged awkwardly and clapped his hands, "I mean, you can just live here, I think it's safe here."

This hotel was jointly established by several local tycoons in Kiev. It is also a bit powerful in Ukraine. Look at the dozens of security guards guarding the gate tightly, and there are some lethal weapons in their hands, even shotguns. Well, these parade people don't have this kind of ability, most of them are bullying.

Yulia hugged Firmino, touched the latter's cheek, and nodded when she heard the words, "Thank you."

Robert smiled and shook his head, "It's okay, it's a matter of little effort, our job is to help people in need." Does he really consider himself a charity?

There's no idiot here, but he's the only one with a stupid excuse.

Yulia lowered her head. She had a failed marriage. Of course, she understood that what a man pays for a woman is nothing more than that shit. We are all adults, and it would be inferior to hide it.

"You take a good rest. I'm going out first. If you have something to do, you can come to the next door and call me." Robert felt that the atmosphere was not right, so he hurriedly said that he was walking outside as if he was running away, and he was almost tripped by the carpet at the door. After closing his body, he smiled awkwardly at Yulia, closed the door, stood in the corridor, and let out a long breath.

"Hey..." The sudden greeting startled him so much that his soul jumped. He opened his eyes and looked in the direction of the sound, and saw two employees standing not far away with cigarettes in their mouths, "Hurry up!" Gun, what are you? Failed? Do you want us to help you?!"

This chat with men, the topic is very simple, just talk about women.

Robert put up a **** and clicked his lips. This is to greet the women of the other party's family.

"You have been hanged by a circumcised woman these days."

"You care about me?" Robert stared, not wanting them to talk too much on this topic, so he changed the subject, "How about the shipyard?"

When it comes to business, several people's hearts are also closed.

One of the employees said, "I found one. It is a local Запобеду shipyard in Kyiv. This shipyard has a history of more than 70 years. It is one of the early shipyards in Ukraine, but it is not doing well now and I want to sell it."

Запобеду is translated for victory!

Very old Soviet style.

In fact, what they don't know is that this shipyard was once considered brilliant during World War II. It helped the Soviet Union build Katyusha-class submarines. Later, after Han Sihu attacked Ukraine in World War II, this shipyard also "rebelled". After the war ended, for some reason, the factory became a privately held company, and it was considered a ray of hope.

But in the late 1980s, the light dimmed. The increasingly severe situation made the factory precarious. Orders were cancelled, and the boss died suddenly. The shareholders decided to sell the company. In 1987, the asking price was 70 million US dollars!

Who wants it?

Who wants it?

Local merchants can't afford to sell itBusinessmen from other countries are not idiots, who would have the extra money to throw out just to make a splash?

If no one buys it, the price can only be reduced, so in four years, they went from 70 million US dollars to 700,000 US dollars...

"Cough cough cough... How much did you say? 700,000?" Robert coughed violently when he heard the price, his eyes widened, and he couldn't believe it. The money included the entire shipyard equipment. If it is sold to those third world countries that need it, it can be exchanged for a lot of money.

"That silly... where is the seller?"

His excitement almost told the truth.

"I have already contacted him, and he told me that I can arrive at the hotel in ten minutes." The employee looked at his watch, "I think it should be here."

As soon as the words fell, the Motorola placed between his crotch vibrated.