There's no need to love potatoes. People in the group have taken the initiative to microblog to understand the situation.

After going around the Internet, the people who came back were crazy.

"I'm so! I can't bear it! Snowflake entertainment media is too much! Deceive people too much!"

"That is to say, Tudou is the author of infinite rebirth. Their script is poor. Don't you want to destroy infinite rebirth? It's disgusting!"

All members of the group criticized snowflake entertainment media on one side and held grievances for their love of potatoes.

"No, I can't watch it. I have to take action! My father works in radio and television. Although he is not a big official, he also has the right to speak. Even if I kowtow to him next time, I will punish snowflake entertainment media!"

"Xiaomei did a good job! My second uncle is on duty in the cultural hall. Let him find out the bottom of snowflake entertainment media!"

"Yes, we can't stand idly by and watch what snowflake entertainment media has done to Tudou. It's certainly not the first time to do this kind of thing. We can't let this kind of company harm others!"

"I really want to cry. I thought I could watch infinite rebirth and development. Is my youth going to be destroyed like this? Wuwuwuwuwu... Sad!"

"We must teach snowflake entertainment media a lesson! Xiaomei, you two will trouble your family and relatives. We can't let snowflake entertainment media be so rampant again!"

I love eating potatoes. Looking at it, I was surprised to spit out all the water I drank.

He had never known before that there were such big brother relatives hidden in his iron powder group.

If you can really borrow the power of radio and television, you may be able to get back the copyright without spending a penny.

Thinking of this, I'm excited about eating potatoes.

He thought for a moment, typing madly with his fingers on the keyboard.

"In fact, I also want to tell you. I'm afraid you'll be disappointed with me, but since you've seen it on the Internet, I'll tell you everything."

"Today, I went to snowflake entertainment media, and then

Love to eat potatoes and tell him what happened in snowflake entertainment media.

Of course, what he said is naturally not from snowflake entertainment media.

In his mouth, he changed the script for two months according to the contract.

Today, I went to snowflake entertainment media to talk about the details. I found that the script I worked hard to write was eliminated by snowflake entertainment media. They added drama to the female owner Zheng Shuang. The script changed beyond recognition, and turned a suspense piece into a frothy drama.

In a rage, he proposed to change the script. Who would have thought that snowflake entertainment media company firmly disagreed.

He said Chen Qinglu's reprimand to him and the small meat group into insults to him.

"Just a web writer. Do you think you're awesome? If you weren't the original author of infinite rebirth, you wouldn't have the opportunity to come to snowflake entertainment media company!"

"The author writes your book well, and the script is handed over to the screenwriter. You can decide to change the script? Shameless!"

"Zheng Shuangshuang is the head actress of our company. We take her for granted and want to cut her part. Are you out of your mind?"

"30 million you must return the original amount, and the copyright of unlimited rebirth will be hidden. Get out of here!"

He is a novelist who likes to eat potatoes. He has the first-class ability to make up and make things up, shaping Chen Qinglu into an unreasonable brainless female boss.

This group is full of potato loving diehard powder. Listen to his description. One by one, you can feel their anger across the screen!

Some female fans cried angrily, and the group said they had a crusade against snowflake entertainment media.

Suddenly, sister Na's brain moved, like something, and said in the group.

"Marisu. Are you an employee of snowflake entertainment media? Snowflake entertainment media is so unreasonable. Please resign quickly and introduce you to work!"

When sister Na said this, it suddenly occurred to others that their "ancestor" Mary Sue seemed to work in snowflake entertainment media.

Otherwise, as soon as the selection activity comes out, she can't send it to the group at the first time, and she can pay in advance.

"Marisu, you work in snowflake entertainment media. Have you long hated their nonsense? Come out and denounce!"

"Yes, let's blow up all their black information! Don't be afraid of being fired. I can ask my father to arrange you to radio and television!"

"That's right. My second uncle can handle your work, too. Mary Sue, just say it!"

"Ancestor, you have no money to eat and my granddaughter!"

"Ancestors. And me!"

Speaking of marisu, the tone seemed to be more cheerful, and the angry atmosphere had eased a lot just now.

Everyone @ Mary Sue wants her to complain about her love of potatoes and speak for infinite rebirth in love with you.

Because they know that Mary Sue loves infinite rebirth and potatoes.

However, after more than twenty minutes, I didn't see marisu say a word.

"Where's marisu? Why don't you talk?"

"It's early morning. Go to bed."

"Well, let's talk about it tomorrow. Potato, you have 10000 hearts. We all know what marisue is. She will definitely turn to you!"

"I haven't asked Mary Sue before. I don't know how many dark scenes there are in snowflake entertainment media."

"Alas, it's a pity for the authors. How can they fight against such a big company without power and power? Snowflake entertainment media signed Zheng Shuangshuang, and of course they have to hold Zheng Shuangshuang first. Why don't they hold potatoes first?"

Seeing that Mary Sue didn't come out, the group began to criticize snowflake entertainment media again, and some people sent screenshots of call records.

"Just now I called my second uncle, called my third uncle up and told him about his love of potatoes."

"I really can't swallow it. Our potato fans are not easy to mess with!"

"Yes! Let snowflake entertainment media see our power!"

The members of the group began to act and make trouble on various platforms.

But when she saw the news that Mary Sue was working for snowflake entertainment media, she couldn't help but knock.

"Impossible? Marisu is young and should have no position in snowflake entertainment media. She should be qualified to participate in such a big thing today. She must not have seen the development of things!"

I love eating potatoes. Although I think so, I'm still worried.


In a unit building in Yuncheng.

Su Su sat on the bed, looking at her mobile phone, tears streaming down her face.

Today, her idol image was shattered. She felt uncomfortable. She didn't watch her mobile phone when she came back from the company, so she took her tablet and watched a play for a while. After washing, she planned to go to bed.

As a result, as soon as she saw the news before going to bed, she saw that all the people in the group were @ her. The comments of the group directly made her cry angrily.