"Clean up the portal!"

Zhan long people look at each other several times, all from Lu Tianlong's eyes to see the strong killing opportunity.

This is Lu Tianlong, who attaches great importance to love and justice, and has a clear distinction between rewards and punishments.

"By the way, boss, a few days ago, in the blood manggu land, your eyes..."

There was a moment's silence in the cabin, and some people spoke curiously.

In all people's minds, all appear before in the blood manggu land, Lu Tianlong's Scarlet eyes.

The huge energy contained in that eye has awed all the power of blood in the ancient land of blood manggu.

It also directly led to the collapse of xuemanggu.

"That's the eye of evil spirits."

Lu Tianlong said lightly.

"What eye of evil spirit?"

All of them were stunned, and then all of them opened their eyes, and suddenly a little bad feeling flashed in their hearts.

"It's the eyes of the ancient supreme evil spirit that, for some reason, entered my body."

Lu Tianlong's answer directly shocked everyone. Several people even couldn't control themselves and stood up directly from their seats.

"Boss, what's going on here? How can the eyes of the supreme evil spirit enter your body

"Yes, evil things like the eye of evil spirits will do harm to you now that they are in you?"

Wen Tianhao and others spoke eagerly.

They have also heard from Lu Tianlong before that the energy of the supreme evil spirit in ancient times will not be destroyed, and the body will not be destroyed.

There are even rumors that as long as the conditions are met, there is no supreme evil spirit in ancient times, and there is even hope of resurrection.

Now, all these things appear in Lu Tianlong's body

I'm afraid to think about it.

"Don't worry, at least it's still under control."

"Especially after absorbing the power of blood, I feel that I should be able to control part of the power of evil eye now."

Lu Tianlong gave them a smile, knowing their worries and comforting him.

"Well, that would be great."

"But you have to pay attention, boss. You must not let the supernatural things control your body."

The crowd was relieved, but still a little worried, cautioned cautiously.

Lu Tianlong nods and smiles to reassure everyone.

However, no one noticed that Lu Tianlong's eyes were filled with worries.

He didn't tell the truth.

So far, Lu Tianlong has used the power of evil eye twice.

For the first time, he directly defeated the king of luochaguo by using the power of the eye of evil spirits.

And destroyed half of the city.

At that time, it was Lu Tianlong who actively used this power.

After use, the body appears huge problems, as if hollowed out, is no longer have any energy.

The second use of the power of the eye of evil spirits is that two days ago, in the blood manggu land, not only directly killed the great supervisor of the ancient demon clan, but also made the whole blood manggu land collapse.

However, this time and the first time are completely different.

Because this time, it was not Lu Tianlong's active use of the power of the eye of evil spirits.

According to his physical condition at that time, he could not use the eye of evil spirit at all.

In short, it was the eye of the evil spirit who launched its own strength in the blood manggu land a few days ago.

This is Lu Tianlong's worry!

The eye of evil spirit, unexpectedly, launched an attack on Lu Tianlong when he was desperate and his life was threatened!

And when the power of the eye of evil spirit erupted, Lu Tianlong felt that there was a consciousness trying to control his body.

And directed his body to complete the final attack.

It's like in your body, suddenly another consciousness appears to compete with yourself for the control of this body.

It's absolutely terrifying.

Lu Tianlong's mind suddenly flashed the agreement reached between Lu Tianlong and the spirit general under the supreme evil spirit in the spirit mountain range.

Lu Tianlong never talked to anyone about that agreement.

No one has said that, so far, he is the only one who knows.

The agreement he reached with the evil spirit general was about the resurrection of the supreme evil spirit in ancient times!

Yes, it's about the resurrection of the supreme evil spirit in ancient times.

According to the general of that evil spirit, the ancient supreme evil spirit will revive. He asked Lu Tianlong to provide help when the ancient supreme evil spirit revived.

Can the supreme evil spirits in ancient times really revive?

Lu Tianlong's mind constantly flashed a dialogue with the evil spirit general at that time, thinking about the words that the evil spirit general said that made people feel strange.

To be honest, Lu Tianlong had no choice but to agree.One is that the situation was critical at that time. The lives of the Lord of the Phoenix and Qing'er were all in the hands of the evil spirit general Xuying.

He could kill both of them any time he wanted.

In that case, even if the evil spirit general asked Lu Tianlong to die, Lu Tianlong would certainly not hesitate.

Of course, there was another reason why Lu Tianlong agreed to the deal of the evil spirit general at that time.

That is Lu Tianlong u'er's, the ancient supreme evil spirit can't be revived!

It's really because this thing is so incredible. The supreme evil spirits in ancient times have been dead for so many years. The energy is suppressed and the body is sealed.

After thousands of years, how can it be revived?

What if this is a myth?

However, after so many days and experiences, Lu Tianlong's vision has been broadened.

He now suddenly realized that what he thought was impossible would become a reality.

In other words, the supreme evil spirits in ancient times may really revive.

In this case, the eye of the evil spirit entered Lu Tianlong's body.

How can this make Lu Tianlong not worry?

He is really afraid that in the end, if the evil spirit's consciousness is strengthened again, he will probably take his body

"Boss, we should go down."

It was quiet in the cabin. When Lu Tianlong was thinking just now, everyone was silent, and no one opened his mouth to disturb him.

I don't know how long it took, Wen Tianhao came over and said softly.

"Here it is? Well, let's go down

Lu Tianlong reflected from his meditation.

With a smile on his lips, he decided not to think about the mess.

Do your best and listen to the destiny.

About the resurrection of the supreme evil spirits in ancient times, Lu Tianlong felt that it was better to let nature take its course.

No matter whether the ancient supreme evil spirit will eventually revive or not, and no matter what kind of changes will happen to his body at that time, Lu Tianlong thinks it doesn't matter.

From ancient times to the present, the ancient people in the world have experienced hardships and fought with so many evil forces. It is natural that they are still standing.

Evil does not oppress justice!

Lu took a deep breath, held his head high and walked out.

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