1577 War and Peace, Part 115 - Conference Day 5, Early Morning ③ -

When the man saw the amazing Mascarade, he spoke unfortunately.

"Look, I've had enough."

"Oh, you are!

"I said hello. You quit? Brandio the Fifth Pilgrimage or, hello."

Brandio greeted her sayingly, but Mascalade's attitude was creepy the other way around. Muscalade couldn't measure Brandio, wondering if he needed to go out of his way to reveal it.

Or I was surprised that the man in front of me was the culprit of this situation, and I also thought that, after a moment, he appeared to erase himself, but apparently Brandio himself is also in a confusing situation.

"Don't look so convinced. Do you want to know why Hamitte's alive?

"... it wasn't your fault?

"Oh, my God. I can use Necromancy for Wye too, but not with such precision. I can only do a few more determined behaviors and responses. And no senior necromancer can imitate the use of healing magic on a necromanced subject.

If Andetto were to exercise healing magic, it would normally collapse. "

"Then who and how?

"You think I'll teach you? You think you can get out of here safely in the first place?

Mascalade and Brandio hung around for a while on slaughtered words, but Mascalade had a better mouth first.

"You showed up before me on purpose. Teach, or are you going to stop talking about Hamitte? If you're going to kill me, I'm doing it when I was fainting earlier. Didn't I?"

"... the sweet lady in the pack, but isn't she an idiot? Well, right."

"Then it's a deal. I pull the black magician's information from the calamity, or I do. The main body of the calamity is still alive, and if I find out I'm alive, the black magician could try to make contact. You can use me at best.

Instead, you're gonna have to cover my life. "

"Ha, Sconner's reinstatement and what about them?

Mascalade swallowed up the word why he knew it. And I went on with the words without upset.

"Well, I can't tell you anything big in my position right now. Plus, I'm honestly not sure who to entrust Sconer's reinstatement to. Honestly, I've never heard exactly what the Orange Bull is thinking.

It was the countries of the war, starting with Arnelia, that created the current system of discrimination, but it may indeed be possible for Arnelia to overturn it. Looking at the attitude towards the Seeker, I can hope that Sconner will also be able to walk a little further depending on how he does it.

If your Lord is truly the Virgin of Arnelia, "

"Do it suspiciously. What good is it to have you on your side?

"I don't know. But are there other people close to black magicians, especially calamities, who could betray them? Besides, you should have more bills. Didn't I?"

Brandio was often troubled by Mascalade's offer, but eventually slowly offered his hand.

"Well, you're right. Yeah, let's negotiate."

"I don't hold hands. Some of you can read your memories."

"Be careful. In the meantime, you are outsourced, so I will hire you. You can still trust the burn. When I get some work done, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. I want to talk to you.

For now, your life is covered. If the danger is imminent, I can do enough to keep him hidden, but is there any hope?

"I have one problem. As far as I can tell, there were four calamities. The three corpses I have finished are split. There's a chance that the guy who came to me is the main body. You'll come to revenge at any cost if you realize your split's been hit, and you'll come to me to find out what's going on. What am I supposed to do?

To Mascalade's question, Brandio often thought.

"Did you see the face of the main body?

"I saw it. But I don't know who it is. I think he's parasitic to someone because he's talking about him. Seeing the trend so far, he wants to be parasitized by a beautiful woman. And for those of high stature."

"Hmm. If I knew exactly who that was, I'd have to hit my hand... all right, just do me a favor. Will you let me know when the main body of the calamity comes? I don't know what to say, just tell me. Yeah. First, we need to find out who the body of the calamity is."

"Wait, I guess I'm safe, huh?

Brandio nodded with a smile.

"Of course. You'll be on guard for the next four or six. Don't worry, I'll help you if your life is in danger. In any case, I'm gonna tailor the calamity on the spot, okay?

"(Hmm, you're gonna throw me away for pawns after all... okay. I'm just not gonna fall for it.)"

Mascalade is not stupid enough to pepper Brandio's words. As things stand, however, it was thought that Brandio would still be safer than Calamity.

"What about Hamitte? It's a hassle to follow me around in the first place, so Calamity figured out how to kill me. Isn't it easier to keep it hidden?

"That being said, I don't know what Wye did either. I mean, if I let it go as normal, yeah. In the meantime, don't worry, I completely forgot about you."

"Then it's still okay... but you don't know how it works either? Is that all right with you?

"I don't care if you can understand it all. If it turns out well, why don't we just say it's all good? Besides, the only people who always know the overall picture of the plan are the ones at the top. I'll do exactly what I'm told."

Mascalade looked into Brandio's eyes, but didn't know if he was lying. Mascalade was meant to be good at the art of spotting their lies in experience, but Brandio seemed to be better at lying than that.

"(Is that half the lie and half the truth? Well, fine, I'll use whatever it takes to make it look alive. Now if I can repel Calamity, I'll sell my soul to ghosts and evil spirits)"

Mascalade pulled up with one determination, but the remaining Brandio crumbles unexpectedly as he sees Hamitte working stiffly.

"I don't know how it really works... it's not that I don't understand Wye either, it's that I really don't want to. And now, I'm on your side.

Mascarade, are you getting away with this? If you betray Wye, you will die, and there awaits such a cruel end. "

Brandio didn't pray, he clapped to Hamitte to be afraid of something and left the spot.
