1312 City of Pleasure, Part 147 - Queen of Pleasure ㉜ -

"... ahhh, I've prepared you so far, but you couldn't."

Libidu's body was over Zaratan Road's head. This place is inherently the safest, and Libidu, which can split the body as an evil spirit into several pieces, has left some of it in this place from the beginning. Because if even some of them are safe, other parts can be reproduced over time. He even performs a cross that stumbles on him. It must be something that has an edge, but it had nothing to do with it from the beginning.

In doing so, he succeeded in preserving his existence. But it doesn't serve its purpose. More, we need to pass on pleasure to humans in the world. Extremely, even death can be made pleasant. I think Libidu wants you to know how great it is. I don't mind forcing it. Because isn't the person you taught pleasure happy to drool fluid out of a hole called a hole with a smile all the time? Libidu seriously thought so, but didn't understand that the smile was already from a broken person.

Libidu thinks.

"Hey... does it take a hundred years to regain your original power? The power of Jake's boy is a mystery, but it would be just one generation old, and there would be no way he would be alive after a hundred years. Arnelia may get in the way again, but all she has to do is prepare based on this experience. I guess the place is Tarram again... or maybe some other pleasure spot? I guess that's just another way to look around the different cities.

Nevertheless. "

I wonder why this warcraft pulled up on its own. Sure, that was more convenient, but I couldn't afford to give orders. If you were in spiritual restraint, you wouldn't have yourself.

When Libidu was asking about the expressionless Warcraft, Libidu realized that his body had stopped moving at all.

"Ugh... what's this?

"Restraint due to psychosensitivity - didn't you know?

In front of Libidu, a grown maneater emerged. If you intervene with Doom, you'll also know he's here, so you're saying Doom dropped by? And what does it mean to show up in the meantime?

"You... what do you mean? Besides, could it have been that tone?

"Fusion with Insomnia is progressing - while absorbing her knowledge - and her personality is fused somewhat -? I'm still hungry though."

Libidu thought that Maneater's smile was distorted and, oh, you've been acting like a whole evil spirit for a long time, etc. And the rapped man eater went on.

"This warcraft has not been brainwashed from the beginning - it is unknown, but because it is a warcraft that talks in spiritual waves - it does not accept the kind of brainwashing -"

Then why were you listening to my orders?

"I don't even know that -? This warcraft - I like you - any of you - alive or dead - because I can't be imprisoned by the ethics of the human world - I felt your danger and helped you - for no other profound reason -"

"About me? I don't know if this intelligent or not. A warcraft?

Libidu had a painful look at understanding, but it couldn't help it either. Libidu doesn't understand the love of the average person. I was never given love, just taught how to apply pleasure only. So whether Libidu will survive for hundreds of years to come or not, he will surely not understand Zaratan's favor from now on.

But the biggest problem would be that these evil spirits don't want to do that. Maneater went on before the grunting Libidu.

"Ah - I almost forgot - a message from Doom -"

"What? Yes! Why don't you ask Doom to come back soon? That's right, I have to ask you!

"I can't do that - because he said, 'I don't need a kid to play alone' - Doom wants someone to be able to play with him - so -"

Maneater opened his mouth. Libidu, who is supposed to be an evil spirit, blues.

"Hey, no way -"

"Yes - you're useless so don't worry - I'll have this Zaratan later too - it looks big and worth eating -"

"Wait! That's ridiculous."

There was no hesitation in Maneater's actions. A whole glimpse into Libidu's head made Libidu realize his fate. But even at a time like this, it is Libidu who shames his own unknown that he has certainly never tried something called edible pleasure. Libby Doo, who laughs while being eaten, and Man Eater, who chews in one breath the existence that was his companion. The sights of the world, when seen by men, are not comprehensible to the warcraft of the Misty Valley, except that the most powerful evil spirits of the world were born here secretly.
