733 Missing Talent, Part 112 - Edge (9) -

"(... it's still weird)"

Lunatica, diving into the darkness through the fortifications of Kandert, was imprisoned by strange sensations. Kandert is a fortress that merges with the towns where citizens live. Inside the fort, far more citizens should have lived than soldiers.

If there were 3,000 soldiers, would there be ten times as many citizens? In unfounded calculations, Renatica somehow wondered if there could be at least 10,000 people, even if they were making citizens blame.

In fact, because it's almost morning, smoke cooking is rising from each house. The matter is good in itself, but Renatica felt that the number of smokes cooked and the signs of people might not "fit". If so, I think of one possible possibility.

"(Try? No, if I make one mistake, it matters. But...)"

As Lunatica toured, one housewife-like woman came out of the house in front of her, with a cage in her hand. Apparently, he's going to take the taro that's on the outside.

Renatica thought for a while before sneaking up from behind the woman, blocking her mouth and tying her limbs up and restraining her. The eyes of a woman who doesn't understand what happened clouds to the colour of fright and starts to burst. But Renatica's restraint cannot be lifted by the power of a woman in line.

But Renatica watched the housewife go wild, not doing anything. I pulled out Matchette, and when I stuck it to the housewife, I didn't keep it slight, I just watched.

And after a while...

"Again, yeah"

Renatica snapped the neck of a housewife for certainty. Then the latent blood splashed all the time, but the housewife's body just twitched the same as before rather than continue to cramp in fright. Yes, like a broken doll with a thread.

Renatica was aware. By the time this fort is unusual, there are many who must have taken the form of men. At first I was surprised to see what was there, but apparently it was the same kind of doll that I had previously terminated. The end itself is easy as long as you are no longer certain, but the problem is so many that you can't compare it to the puppets you previously ended up with in Arnelia. Just because Arnelia's doll is a little different, Renatica wasn't able to tell at a glance either.

Speaking of sophistication, the doll that was in Arnelia is considerably higher. Arnelia's doll was distinguished by the fact that her heart tone was constant even if she chased or moved around. Along the way, I could tell by the texture of my skin, the way I handed out my eyes, my habits, etc., but Lunatica was also the first to see the doll here.

The first time Renatica identified the doll, she asked for Arnelia's help. But I don't have time to do that here. So Renatica drove those who seemed to be puppets for the time being to see how they were doing. Then, the housewife simply pulled back the same way she was ordered to do so, and never seemed to be seriously pulling around in the frontier of life and death.

Renatica draws one conclusion. I mean, he said the identity of the discomfort he felt was a doll. But...

"(This number... a thousand is loosely exceeded. What do we do with these numbers? If I'm the only one who can tell, not very much, but the other person, etc. -)"

"Can I give you a hand?

While Renatica was conceived, an unexpected figure was behind her.

"You don't have to try to win, just think about not getting hit!

"I know!

The elite of Aerial and 10 other rides struggling near the gate. They were going to kick the enemies around the gate and secure an invasion path for the alphilis who would come later after they invaded the candart in a lavish manner.

I have never been caught in enemy junctions so far, and now Muscade is with me. The Alphilis, who had the art of fighting even more sorcery with Larna, should never have been discovered so far by the enemy.

Yet in the gates the enemy waited like a mountain. No, the enemy was half-hearted and wandering there, too, and wasn't preparing to intercept. If they were ready, the Aerials would have been shot like rain at the same time as they jumped inside the gate.

But when Aerial kicked around 30 people in the front, the soldiers flocked like ants from the building there. It was only in the beginning that they looked surprised, but several soldiers took the opportunity to storm towards Aerial, one after the other.

Aerial even fought using handswords, bows and arrows, and witchcraft, but was outnumbered by many. Aerial looks back toward the gate as he rips off the enemies in front. The army of humans attacking us while communicating is sometimes harder to fight than the demons of the prairie.

"Lord Cowen's right, the jump bridge hasn't gone up. I don't know what kind of operation you set up, but the Alphilis will be here soon. If this is..."

But when Aerial expected it, the inner gate, which was suddenly made of iron fences, came down with a harsh and painful noise.


Aerial looked out for him. That would be so, because electroluminescent fire assault was key in Alphilis' operation, he hasn't brought in any major siege weapons such as breaking castle hammers. In other words, if the gate was closed, there would be no way to break through. Naturally it is a gate, but it will also have been processed for anti-magic purposes. But I hadn't heard of the presence of such gates, so I hadn't even confirmed the aerial.

The presence of the inner gate was exactly the thunderbolt of the blue sky.

"You mean trapped... how about it? You guys, follow me!

Aerial's decision was quick. When he called out to his companions, he drew the spot slightly. Perhaps the trick to raise the iron fence is near the gate, but with this force, the search for the place was also unbearable.

To keep his people alive, Aerial drove his horse from the beginning to the place he was supposed to be, leading his people to a place where they could easily fight.
