TL: Moonlit

The news of Lin Su’s contract plant spread quickly in the vicinity. No one expected that the little female who had been bullied all her life because he lacked beast patterns not only formed a contract but also possessed a purification ability that was extremely precious to the empire.

Once this news spread, those families who had bullied Lin Su were instantly filled with panic. They were afraid that Lin Su would come back to settle the score with them.

Those who had previously come with good intentions to advise Su Jin not to eat fruits and vegetables with impurities had a complete change in attitude. They now approached Su Jin, trying to strike up conversations, using all sorts of small talk. At first, Su Jin entertained them, but when they became incessant, he couldn’t be bothered anymore. “If you want to buy purified fruits and vegetables, just say so. There’s no need to talk about anything else. And if you’re just here to chat, I don’t have time for that now. Do as you please.”

Seeing that Su Jin truly ignored them, these people felt that Su Jin had become arrogant, relying on Lin Su’s purification ability. However, they didn’t dare say anything and could only leave embarrassedly.

Su Jin harvested the mature fruits and vegetables in the courtyard, cleaned and set them aside. Then, he looked at the small patch of vegetables that Lin Su had separately cultivated. “Xiao Su, it seems like the things in that area have ripened quite a bit. Do you want to sell them?”

Lin Su, who was cooking in the kitchen, came out upon hearing this. The courtyard, which had previously been filled with crops, was now empty, except for the small area below the window where he had cultivated the fruits and vegetables using purification seeds. “We won’t sell that patch. Let’s keep it for ourselves. The cherry tomatoes seem to be ready for consumption. I’ll pick them later and see if there’s any difference.”

“Then I’ll help you pick them.” Su Jin went inside and brought a basin, cutting off the small, bulbous-sized red tomatoes. He washed them and brought them to Lin Su.

Lin Su had steamed a plate of pork belly, and when he lifted the lid, the hot and fragrant aroma of the meat filled the air. Adding vinegar and garlic paste to it would make one’s mouth water.

Su Jin handed him a cherry tomato. Lin Su took it and bit into it. The sour-sweet juice and the rich tomato flavor spread in his mouth, accompanied by a refreshing coolness.

There was absolutely no bitter taste like the tomatoes that had impurities.

It seemed that purifying the seeds and cultivating crops could fundamentally eliminate impurities.

Moreover, the soothing power within seemed to be better than the later purification: “Give it to Male Father and William to try.”

Su Jin separated a basin of tomatoes, and Lin Su took one of the basins back to the room.

William noticed him and paid attention to what Lin Su was holding. His golden eyes flickered.

“This is for you, but eat less. We’re about to have dinner.” Lin Su directly thrust the basin into his arms, gave him a reminder, and then turned and left.

William looked at the small tomato in his hand. It was bright red, and it looked particularly pleasing to the eye. He reached out and took one, biting into it. Instantly, a strong tomato fragrance spread and a refreshing coolness brushed against his painful spiritual domain.

However, this time, the soothing coolness didn’t dissipate immediately. It gradually repaired the cracks in his shattered spiritual domain, albeit with minimal effect. It was much stronger than the effect of the fruits and vegetables he had eaten before.

Staring at the basin of cherry tomatoes, William couldn’t help but wonder if it was a new variety.

Su Jin came out of Kane’s room with a smile. “Your male father says these tomatoes have even better effects than before.”

Lin Su nodded. “That’s why we won’t sell the fruits and vegetables from that patch. We’ll keep them for ourselves.”

After dinner, Lin Su brought the B-rank contract beast blood to Kane’s room. When Su Jin saw him, he immediately asked, “Are we starting now?”

Lin Su placed the things down. “Yes, today we’ll try again.”

Su Jin took out the calming agent in advance, just in case. Kane crouched down, exposing the back of his neck.

Lin Su opened the container with B-rank contract beast blood, and strong energy permeated the air. The large black shadow, which had been partially translucent and sitting beside Kane, suddenly stood up, its black beast eyes alert as it stared at the blood in Lin Su’s hand.

Kane turned his head and looked at Lin Su. “What you have in your hand is…”

“It’s B-rank contract beast blood. It can activate beast patterns in contract beasts. I want to use it to see if I can connect my abilities. I don’t know if it will hurt, but regardless, male father, don’t move, and female father, pay attention to the male father’s condition. Don’t move till I say it’s over.”

Su Jin nodded solemnly. “Okay!”

“Then let’s begin.” Lin Su finished speaking and dipped his finger into the contract beast’s blood, placing it on the back of Kane’s neck. Instantly, the incomplete beast patterns on Kane’s body appeared.

Lin Su activated his ability, and a faint green light emanated from his palm, transforming into threads that slowly infiltrated the beast patterns. This time, as he entered, Lin Su could clearly feel the previously unresponsive incomplete points in the abilities responding. However, they quickly and greedily devoured his own abilities as he guided them.

“Ah…” Kane suddenly exclaimed, but Su Jin, who had been closely watching him, immediately pressed him down. “Don’t move, endure the pain, don’t let Xiao Su’s efforts go to waste.”

Although Su Jin said so, he was also extremely nervous. The body he was pressing down was tense and trembling, clearly enduring the pain with all his might. Su Jin’s heart tightened as he glanced at the focused Lin Su. His ink-black pupils were filled with concentration, and his expression was tense and serious, a level of seriousness Su Jin had never seen before.

Kane gritted his teeth, enduring the excruciating pain that felt like scraping bones. His vision darkened in waves due to the pain, and he clenched his fists tightly, wishing he could faint the next second. Unfortunately, he unexpectedly remained conscious.

In contrast, the contract beast Da-Hei, who was lying next to him, made comfortable purring sounds and even rolled on the bed, revealing his pink belly. His tail wagged like a propeller.

The dense natural aura filled the room, causing William, who had just finished eating a bowl of tomatoes next door, to suddenly raise his head. His golden eyes flickered uncontrollably, and the beast patterns hidden under his clothes emerged, rapidly devouring the natural aura permeating the air.

What is the little female doing? How can there be such a strong natural aura?

Lin Su’s complexion grew increasingly pale, sweat dripping from his forehead, and his lips turned paler. The rate at which his abilities were being consumed was even faster than he had imagined, much faster than the consumption rate of a level 1 ability. It was evident that he couldn’t fully repair Kane’s beast patterns in one go.

According to his judgment, this kind of repair would require at least two more attempts.

In other words, to fully repair B-rank beast patterns, he would need to spend three attempts with his current abilities.

The green light in his palm disappeared, and Lin Su’s body was soaked in sweat, his face nearly translucent from exhaustion, like he had been pulled out of water. Su Jin was frightened and quickly asked, “Xiao Su, how are you?”

Lin Su pursed his lips, trying to gather his energy, but he realized that he was truly exhausted. Overwhelmed by an unprecedented sense of fatigue, he could only manage to say three words before fainting, “I’m fine.”

Su Jin quickly hugged him, calling out Lin Su’s name in panic. He was also concerned about Kane, who had been silent for a long time and didn’t know what to do.

Suddenly, he caught sight of the door opening and looked at William standing at the entrance. “Come in and help me check on Xiao Su. He fainted.”

Even before Su Jin spoke, William had noticed the small female in his arms, whose face was pale to the point of translucence. It was the first time he had seen Lin Su so weak.

Feeling a pang in his heart, William endured the pain in his spiritual domain caused by movement and took over Su Jin’s place, holding Lin Su in his arms. He gently touched the soft cheek of the little female, releasing a few strands of his spiritual thread to examine Lin Su’s condition.

Upon discovering that the weak little female in his arms was merely sleeping, he finally relaxed.

After letting go of Lin Su, Su Jin went to check on Kane’s condition. He found that he had fallen asleep at some point and was even snoring. He didn’t know what to say. Then he looked at Lin Su, who was quietly sleeping as well.

His panicked heart finally calmed down. “Xiao Su is too tired. It’s partly my fault for not understanding. Are you okay?”

Noticing William’s trembling body as he held Lin Su, Su Jin suddenly remembered that he had a more severe mental disorder than Kane!

“I’m fine. He’s just exhausted and fell asleep.”

“I see. I’ll take him back to his room. Can you make your way back on your own?”

“I can.”

Returning Lin Su to Su Jin, William coughed for a while, slowly propped himself up, and looked at Kane, who was sleeping soundly with closed eyes. The beast patterns on the back of his neck emitted a strong natural aura, the same aura he had sensed before.

After Su Jin sent Lin Su back to his room, changed his clothes, and wiped his body, he came out again. Seeing William standing at the door without entering, Su Jin nodded. “Alright, you should rest too.”


After Su Jin left, William looked at the sleeping little female on the bed, his eyes filled with an extremely gentle gaze. How many more surprises can you bring?

Author’s Note:

William: It’s captivating~