Qiao Yang asked Gu Ye to stay. Although it was drunk, it was also the young master's order.

A Xing

What do you want him to do now?

Gu Ye was very careful to take care of the third young master just now. The relationship between him and Gu Ye seems to be very good. But he couldn't put an outsider in the third young master's house all night.

It's impolite not to say anything to Mr. Gu, and I'm not at ease.

He grabs a small head in vexation, discusses and generally asks Gu Ye: "well, then we are both here to guard?"

After that, he pulls a chair and sits down at the head of the bed and stares with Gu Ye.

Gu Ye

Only his paradise was broken into by outsiders, disturbing his quiet and comfortable.

What's more, the smell of the man he wants to monopolize will be sniffed by another man.

He was thinking about how to drive people out when the sound of opening the door came from outside.

It was Mo Yu who came back with his guitar half high behind him.

Standing in the porch, he was surprised to see the two men coming out of Qiao Yang's room, and asked, "who are you? Why are you here, Mr. Gu? Where's Qiao Yang? "

Ah Xing made a hush with him and explained in a low voice, "are you Mr. Mo Yu? I'm ah hang from Qiao's old house. Mr. Qiao sent me to take care of your life. "

"The third young master has a fever after drinking. Mr. Gu was here to take care of him just now."

"Is Qiao Yang ill? Is it serious? "

Mo Yu asked worried.

He quickly puts down his guitar and wants to see Qiao Yang's situation, but is blocked by Gu Ye.

Gu Ye looked at him faintly: "just drunk, cold, now asleep, you still don't disturb him."

Mo Yu

He has nothing to say about Gu Ye, who is very possessive and always takes him as his love enemy.

He asked ah Xing, "is Qiao Yang seriously ill?"

A Xing: "at present, there are no other symptoms except fever. And the third young master said before going to bed that he would let Mr. Gu stay here, so... "

He takes a look at Gu Ye and explains to Mo Yu in some embarrassment.

In the eyes of ah hang, Mo Yu is a friend who lives with Qiao Yang. And he also heard that Mr. Qiao and the eldest young master praised Mo Yuren very well.

So he automatically classified Mo Yu as his own.

Mo Yu about understand, he advised a line: "it's late, you go to rest first, Qiao Yang, this has me and President Gu on the line."

A Xing: "but..."

Mo Yu smiles: "Qiao Yang and we are all friends, living together, taking care of each other's habits."

"You're all right in here. You'd better go and have a rest. I need your help tomorrow. "

"The innermost bedroom is empty. You should go to sleep tonight."

"Oh, yes."

Ah Xing was really sleepy: "well, if there is anything, please call me up."

After ah Xing leaves, Gu Ye in the living room looks at Mo Yu lightly. He doesn't need to say anything. Mo Yu can understand his meaning.

But he can't compromise either.

Ah Hang is not at ease. Gu Ye looks at Qiao Yang and thinks it is inappropriate for him to be a guest.

But he knows that Gu Ye likes Qiao Yang, but he doesn't make a direct confession. He is trying to capture Qiao Yang's heart by gentle means.

Qiao Yang has a good feeling for Gu Ye, and even relies on him, but he doesn't like that.

In this case, he will not rest assured to put Gu Ye in Qiao Yang's room where he sleeps without vigilance all night.

After all, Gu Ye is too terrible.

He said, "Mr. Gu, you can stay in qiaoyang's bedroom, but you can't close the door. I'll stay in the living room all the time tonight. If Qiao Yang has any news, I'll go in and see

Gu Ye's silent oppression makes him feel guilty and afraid, but there is also a warning in his strong voice.

The meaning is clear: before Qiao Yang doesn't like you, don't try to take the opportunity to do anything to Qiao Yang.

Gu Ye looks at him faintly, low one: "you can't imagine how much I value him."

"That's good."

Mo Yu's tight body slightly relaxed, palms were scared out of cold sweat.

He went on to say, "and thanks to Mr. Gu for arranging a new residence for me. I will move there in a few days."

Gu Ye lost a sentence: "all friends, should be."

Then he turned and left.

The door of the room could not be closed. There was a watchman outside. But this space belongs to two people.

Gu Ye turns off the bedside lamp, and the room falls into darkness and silence. The only sound that can be heard is a man's even and steady breathing.

Adapted to the darkness of the room, from the open bedroom door sprinkled in the light of the living room, let him see clearly the sleeping face of the man.

Buried in the pillow and quilt that Zhang Qingjun's face more and more white and soft. His eyes are closed, and his long, narrow eyes have a nice curve.It's just a frown, which means that he's not sleeping very well.

Gu Ye gently sits in front of his bed and rubs his forefinger around the temples on both sides of the man with his index finger. The strength is not light or heavy, which makes the man's brow slowly open.

Sleeping face become more calm and quiet, also let the people who look at him also show a reassuring soft smile.

Gu Ye can't help but rub the back of his hand against the man's face, then slide across his cheek and pass through his thin lips.

On the back of the hand, there is a soft and moist feeling, like being gently kissed.

When Qiao Yang woke up, it was dawn. The light of day and night alternates, sprinkle into bedroom through the gap of curtain.

He snorted uncomfortably, reached out and rubbed his sore temples, frowned and sat up.

Recalling what happened yesterday, a soft and low voice nearby rang out: "are you awake?"

Qiao Yang turned his head and saw the man sitting on the chair beside the bed. The room was dim, and the light from the flat screen in the man's hand shone on his handsome face.

More clearly see that pair of beautiful peach eyes of concern and soft smile.

Qiao Yang looked around the room. After a long time of confusion, he asked, "Gu Ye? Why are you here? "

Gu Ye sits on the chair, looks at him and says, "you came back with a fever last night, and said that you want me to stay here with you."

Then he asked with a smile, "how, after I've used up, I've forgotten?"

Qiao Yang:???

He asked Gu Ye to stay and take care of him?

His memory stays in the Qiao family after the banquet, when he insisted on coming back, Qiao Jin sent ah Xing to send him back.

And then

There are only a few fragments in my brain, and I can't remember too much.

Gu Ye came over: "don't think about it. Come on, take your temperature first."

When Qiao Yang is still frowning with his messy hair, Gu Ye covers his eyes with a palm, and his eyes are in darkness.

It's just the broad, warm and soft palm, and the inexplicable sense of familiarity reassures him.

Let him forget the reaction.

After an electronic sound, the palm that covers the eyes is also removed immediately.

Gu Ye looks at the display screen of the thermometer with a natural look and a flat tone: "37.8C, it's OK. It's better than last night. What's wrong now? "

Qiao Yang was stunned by his rhythm and replied in a daze It's a headache, and it's hard in the stomach. "

Gu Ye: do you want to eat

Qiao Yang shook his head.

Gu Ye: "I'll go and pour you a glass of water first."

People left, the room fell into silence, Qiao Yang slowly had time to think.

So, did Gu Ye take care of him all night after he came back from Qiao's house with a fever?

In the living room, Mo Yu sees Gu ye go to the kitchen to pour water and knows Qiao Yang is awake.

He quickly came in and looked at Qiao Yang, who was sitting in front of the bed. He asked anxiously, "how are you doing? Is it better? "

"Don't worry, I'm fine."

Qiao Yang is still trying to remember last night, he asked: "what happened last night? Why is Gu Ye here? "

Mo Yu: "I'm not sure. When I came back, ah hang said you were drunk and had a fever."

"Again It's what you want to leave behind. "

Qiao Yang

He really let Gu Ye stay here.

Mo Yu said he: "I'd like to advise you for a long time. After that, I'd better drink less bars and hurt my body more."

Joe sighed, "well, I'll try to control it."

But it can't be controlled at any time.

Gu Ye carries a cup of warm water and a cup of hot milk. He first hands the warm water to Qiao Yang: "drink some first."

Then squint at Mo Yu.

Mo Yu stood up wisely and said, "I'll be relieved if you're OK. I'll go to sleep and talk to you

The water temperature is adjusted just right, warm and warm. It moistens the dry throat and relieves the discomfort of the stomach.

Qiao Yang just finished drinking, a cup of hot milk into his hand, higher than the water temperature, holding in his arms just can warm the stomach.

Qiao Yang didn't drink. He leaned against the head of the bed and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, I didn't have a rest last night, OK."

Gu Ye raised the tablet computer in his hand: "it's OK. I often stay up late. It's just something to deal with. "

"The main reason is that you burned a lot last night, and after drinking wine, I'm afraid what's going on in half the night."

He turned his mouth and slightly disliked: "besides, the ah Xing you brought back doesn't look like he will take care of people."

Mo Yu passing in front of the bedroom

Gu Ye, a man who can blow the pillow side wind.

Qiao Yang said with a smile, "thank you, Gu Ye. You don't have to worry about me in the future. I will take care of myselfHe looks at Gu Ye with sincere thanks in his eyes.

Gu Ye wants to rub his messy head, but he still resists.

He looked indifferent and said, "you're welcome. Maybe I'll need your help that day. It's still early. Do you want to have a rest? "

Qiao Yang finished the milk in the glass, put it down, patted Gu Ye's arm, and said with a smile:

"thank you, brother. It's not light yet. You should go home and sleep for a while. I'm fine."

He saw Gu Ye slowly say: "good."

Then Gu Ye turns to leave, about to step out of the bedroom that moment, Qiao Yang suddenly has a trace of nostalgia. He couldn't help but stop him: "Hey"

the man turned around and looked at him with some doubts: "what's the matter?"

Qiao Yang is in a dilemma: what should Gu Ye do?

He stopped for several seconds before he opened his mouth It's OK. I'll go to your house tonight and play for you

Gu Ye smiles and nods: "good."

Qiao Yang again into the bed, a cup of warm water and hot milk to ease after the body and brain discomfort, gradually weakened.

Close your eyes and recall slowly. The memory of last night is revived and replayed in the brain like a movie.

He remembers that he will go to Gu Ye's house to play the piano. Gu Ye coaxes him patiently.

Holding him back to his room and changing his clothes, he rubbed the back of Gu Ye's hand

When he is wearing pants, Gu Ye waits quietly with his back to him, straightens out his wrinkled clothes, coaxes him to sleep and covers him with quilts.

And his last cry: can you stay a little longer?

He especially remembered the mood at that time. He was nostalgic as before.

It's just that drunk people can tell the truth, while sober people will hesitate.

The sadness was swept away and replaced by a sense of satisfaction that filled the mood.

He takes out his mobile phone and sends a message to Gu Ye:

[I remember what happened last night. 】

Gu Ye, who has just washed, holds his mobile phone. Seeing this sentence, he immediately dilates his pupils and gets nervous all over the body.

Did Qiao Yang remember him holding him?

Remember him changing his clothes?

Remember his intimacy?

What would he think?

Then a second message came: "no thanks from friends. After you get sick, I take care of you like that! 】

hold the phone firmly and release it slowly.

Gu Ye smiles. He is helpless.

This is the first time in his life that he took care of patiently, took off his clothes for the first time, and had intimate contact with him for the first time.

The man took his first time as a care between his friends.

The third message came: "are you still going to the company this weekend? I have several kinds of flower tea to help you sleep. How about drinking tea and playing piano at your house? 】

Gu Ye smiles again. He laughs that he can be satisfied so easily.

He replied: "you're at home all day and you can come at any time. 】