Chapter 1118: Learn more from me

Chapter 1118 Learn More From Me

Su Xia and Gu Yu also took out the photos in their hands one after another. The three photos indeed have a girl in each of them.

So where did the third girl go.

Is it because this person wants to harm Gu Yu?

The sound of crying kept lingering in their ears, causing Wei Sihao's heart to feel a little anxious.

"Let’s go up and talk about it first," he looked around and continued, "It's too depressing here."

Su Xia said: "Take another photo to see, I feel that the final escape exit is here."

According to her previous recording experience, this is the place where you are.

Wei Sihao obediently took out his mobile phone, and then stood at the door and took another photo of the entire room. Su Xia and Gu Yu approached them, raising their eyes in unison, and they all looked at the place where the cabinet was just now. place.

There are still only the shadows of these two girls in the photo, pointing at the cabinet.

Gu Yu walked over strangely: "Is the exit behind the cabinet?"

Wei Sihao went up to help, and the two together lifted the cabinet and moved it to the side. As expected, there was a door behind it.

There was also a piece of talisman paper pasted on it, and a few words were written beside it.

"Destroy evil spirits and release evil spirits."

drew a small flame pattern after destroying the evil spirits.

Su Xia: "."

Crossed a mountain, and another mountain.

It seems that we have to complete these before we can go out.

She has begun to doubt a person now, but there is no evidence.

At this time, Gu Yu said: “Does this little flame mean to burn something? I happened to see a lighter in the drawer of the coffee table in the living room before.”

Su Xia nodded and didn't speak. Wei Sihao looked down at the three photos she was holding, and suddenly said, "Sister Xia Xia, should we take these photos with the camera to see if there is anything? "

Su Xia blinked a little unexpectedly: "Yes, I didn't expect it."

They quickly took the three photos and let Wei Sihao take the front and back photos. There was nothing on the back, but in the corner of the front of the photo, you could clearly see a few numbers.

Only two photos can be seen, that is, in the photos of the two girls who helped them, you can see three numbers each, which together are six digits.

The evidence is already obvious.

Su Xia’s guess in her heart was confirmed. She suddenly remembered that the privacy password of WeChat in her mobile phone was also six digits, so she immediately entered the password, and the password was indeed correct.

The WeChat was clean. Only one person sent a video. Gu Yu clicked and looked at the cover of the video. He was shocked: "Fuck, isn't this my fiancé!"

is a video sent by him.

Gu Yu's head was about to be on the phone, and Su Xia was disgusted and pushed aside: "Your head is blocked, what do we think."

"." Gu Yu curled his lips and took out his mobile phone. He tentatively entered the password and opened WeChat as expected.

At the beginning of the video, it is a man facing the camera, looking extremely pity.

"Sorry, I thought about it or sent you this video. I don't know if you can see it before you die."

This sentence directly proved that he was indeed related to what happened in the villa. Gu Yuquan was shocked but inexplicably scared and closed his own video, joined Su Xia to watch it with them, and was ridiculed. .

The video is still going on.

The man shrugged. Although he said I was sorry, there was no apology on his face. "You should see some things you might not believe there, but I want to tell you that those are indeed true. .

I do feel guilty for you, not only for you, but also for the two people before, but I can’t help it. If I don’t do this, it’s me who will die. In this case, most of the People's first choice is definitely oneself, right? But don’t worry, I will give you some money for your family, and there will be others to accompany you later.

You will not be the last.

If I am not dead, she will not let me go.

Anyway, you love me too. To die for me, should you also be willing?

Three years ago, I suddenly had a nightmare. In the dream, a woman with blood-red eyes and claws came over to kill me. Every day as long as I close my eyes, I will have such a nightmare. What makes me feel scared is that, Gradually, when I woke up, I found that there really was a mark on my neck. I realized that this thing was unusual, so I found an expert."

The man paused, his eyebrows finally showed a look of fear: "It turns out that the ghost who has been haunting me is my wife in the previous life. He said that my family was very poor in the previous life. I made money to support me, but after I became an official, I despised her and abandoned her to go out. She eventually died of hunger and cold, so I was full of resentment. After killing my previous life, I found the reincarnated me. Swearing to make me feel uneasy for life and life.

But those are all made in my previous life, what does it have to do with me now!

The expert said that there is a way to make her soul frightened, that is to get the parasitic thing she parasitized and burn it down, but she protects that thing cautiously, I can't get it anyway. .

Later I made a deal with her.

She gave her a girl every other year, and she promised to keep me temporarily.

It's up to you this year.

And you also brought your friends over. I was really pleasantly surprised. She must not come to me again for a long time.

I was really helpless to do such a thing. After tonight, you should be trapped in that villa, just like the two girls before.

Finally, I am sorry for you in this life, and I hope you will never meet me again in the next life. "

He ended the video with a face full of ease, but Gu Yu, who understood the ins and outs, couldn't help it. His face looked like he was eating shit, and his face turned green: "I was calculated by him! This scumbag man !"

Su Xia said slowly: "So you have to look at people."

"Learn more from Sister Xia Xia," Wei Sihao said, "Look at Sister Xia Xia's vision so well, I found a wonderful man with a peerless look."

Su Xia Ang raised his chin, his face was full of pride: "That's right, learn more from me."

Gu Yu: "."

He was angry: "Come on, if you show affection, I will push you over to feed the ghosts."

The three of them finished joking and turned their attention back to what was in front of them.

They decided to go up and get the lighter first.

It's already obvious who the villain in this period is now. It is estimated that the other two people with her are more ill-fortuned.

(End of this chapter)