Chapter 897: There is a way

"His Royal Highness, what about Albert? What about the White Beard Pirates?" a major general staff officer said in a very humble tone.

"The Star Alliance Navy will convey this news for us." Halifax waved his hand and leaned his head on the back of the seat, looking exhausted and lazy.

The 13th prince’s words are very subtle, but everyone here knows that Boyle Ben and his White Beard Pirates can be used to distract the attention of the Star Covenant Navy and reduce the pressure on the Hydraqi assault fleet.

What kind of partners? In Halifax's eyes, those pirates who can't make it to the table are simply cannon fodder that can be abandoned at any time.

Whitewash? Become a nobleman? Only fools would believe such a promise.

The Quetzalcoatl began to turn, and the two wings spread out diagonally flattened. A pair of threaded pulsed light vortexes erected on the belly of the ship radiated an azure round halo, and the cross-phase suppressor cast a light mark in the stern void. The 500-meter-long hull turned into a glimpse of light and disappeared into the void.

Behind them are more than 1,500 fifth-generation warships, successively starting the warp engines and entering the virtual space.

Halifax could not understand that since the 44th Fleet had detected their whereabouts, it must have been able to guess that their goal was the "Morning Star Casting" entrenched in the Delar star system.

Why did the 44th Fleet take the lead for Tang Fang, not hesitating to take its own life?

He didn't understand, he didn't understand anyhow.

Of course people like him would not understand that what Mie Nakamura is guarding is not "Morning Star Casting", she guards her home, a warm society full of humanistic care.

Mie Nakamura hopes that one day, Captain Tang can become her family...not an ally, not a collaborator, but a family member. If her death can be exchanged for that person’s approval, she will show a bright smile under Jiuquan. .

Halifax certainly would not understand, because he and Nakamura Mie had made a completely different decision. He used his allies as cannon fodder and a tool to cover his retreat.

One is a woman with a yang flower, and the other is a noble prince.


Tang Fang didn't know that on the other side of the starry sky, Mie Nakamura used her life to interpret the nobility of the soul and the brilliance of life.

He is still worrying about the future of Turanx United Kingdom.

Since Rules disclosed that the Sword of Oath Special Guard had left the Socatu star system and was approaching the border between the two countries, there has been a pessimistic atmosphere in the Turanx United Kingdom.

In the face of internal and external troubles, where is the future of this country? How should people choose the path under their feet?

Although he killed Sange Will, Henrietta could not fully control the domestic situation. Those people were violating the old man’s orders, and the new faction was even pretending to be deaf and dumb. Now that he received such a message, it is conceivable that Know how chaotic the national political situation can be.

Everyone is looking for a way out for themselves, everyone is watching.

Allen and Kulsen have not yet reached the Phidia star system controlled by Ankatri, but they still make a voice to the outside world, hoping that the lords from all over the world will unite and regain the capital from Tang Fang and the traitor Henrietta. His Majesty the King takes revenge.

This call was pushed higher and higher by the propaganda system under the new faction lords, but no one really responded to the call to send troops to Khanos, because the lords were not stupid, and even His Majesty’s Lionheart King’s independent fleet and the sons of war were defeated. Losing, relying on their local fleet, where is the opponent of Tang Fang's corpse battleship cluster.

They are just bluffing and fighting a propaganda war.

However, due to the video data released by Henrietta and the threat from the Sauron Empire, this propaganda attack was not as powerful as the previous days. Some people asked themselves who is the enemy of the Turanx United Kingdom. , Who is the enemy of the people of Turanx United Kingdom?

In this situation, it was the fifth day after Zhou Ai left.

Khanos Star System, Nasiro Star, Campbell City.

The noon sun shines on the glass curtain wall outside the high-rise building, reflecting the dazzling light, dazzling many people's eyes.

The flowers bowed their heads, longing for the moisture from the rain. The sycamore trees on both sides of the road stood quietly, embellishing their green in the world of reinforced concrete, and also dotted with people’s lives, giving this small inland city a touch of freshness. Fresh.

The light of the three Khanos brothers bake the earth and the hearts of the people.

After the war, the city resumed its former busyness again. Without Hymn Will and Khanaru, people's life and work continue, but there is more melancholy and confusion about the future, which is reflected in their faces. In terms of action, language.

A billboard floating in the sky on the Champs Elysees, a young man in a T-shirt walking back and forth.

Not a juggler, nor a parkour athlete, but a person who has thoughts of committing suicide without knowing what kind of stimulation.

He hasn't jumped yet, maybe he is hesitating, or he may want to remember the color of the sky, the outline of the city, the voices of relatives and friends in his heart, and take them to another world as precious wealth.

In short, the manager of the billboard did not dare to weaken the lift of the airbag, worried about stimulating him, and really jumped down and fell into a horrible corpse.

People from the police station have sealed off the area involved and set up an air cushion under the billboard.

There were a lot of traffic jams on the streets nearby, and the non-motorized lanes on both sides surrounded many people. Several drones hovered around the billboard. The camera lens below contracted and stretched occasionally, turning the face of the suicidal person into data recording for storage. chip.

The spectators held mobile video cameras, turning the scene before them into pictures or short videos on social software.

On the overpass not far from the location of the incident, a man and a woman were quietly looking into the distance.

"Jump, jump fast, jump fast."

"Either jump or get down honestly, don't delay everyone's time here."

"MD, why haven't you jumped yet? It's really unlucky. I would have stopped taking this road if I knew it."

"You can find death, but can you change a place or another way, jumping into the river, cutting your wrists, taking medicine... all good methods... Damn, I have to go to work, what should I do if I am late?"

"This kind of person is more than guilty."

"The guy who hasn't planted, hurry up to die, my wife is still at home waiting for me to eat."

"D...D...D..." The urging whistle sounded.

A middle-aged man with a big belly came out of the car, walked quickly to the blockade, and shouted to the police inside: "Hurry up and get him down... If this delays the company's contract, none of you There will be good fruits."

The police officer in front brandished an electric baton and said sharply: "Go back, go back, never go back again, don't blame me for arresting you for obstructing public affairs."

The man shook off the sweat from his forehead and said, "Dare to talk to me like this. Do you know who I am? Even if your chief comes, you dare not speak in this way."

Another person ran over and said: "The **** above doesn't even cherish his own life. Not only that, but also wasting other people's precious time. This kind of person is not worth saving. It is so good to let him die, and the world will be one less evil from now on. Some are clean."

This man with eyes, wearing a shirt, white-skinned and tender, and gentle, looks like a talented scholar.

At this moment, a few media workers ran out of the traffic, one released the interview drone, and another patted the police on the air cushion on the other side of the cordon.

"Why doesn't he dance yet? The people who don't dance "Focus Moment" are coming... John, find out if this person comes from, and what is the motive for committing suicide? Find a way to ask some questions around his lightness... …"

A somewhat obese young girl rushed out of the crowd. Instead of running near the cordon to disturb the policeman picking her nostrils, she stood in front of the traffic and said loudly, "Can you please stop irritating him? The one above is a living People are our compatriots, life is priceless, love is priceless, please save him... at least don't say those cold words."

There was a boo from the traffic and the crowd: "Which green onion do you care about, pretend to be a good person."

"Don't speak? Okay, let's settle everyone's time and money first, 50 yuan a minute, how about it, not too much."

"Bah, Madonna BIAO, what's the matter with you, where is the coolness and where to stay."

"Tsk, tusk, it must be another JIAN product who wants to be famous. The current way of hyping is really getting no lower limit."


Kylenia took off her sunglasses and looked at Tang Fang and said, "Now, do you still feel ashamed of the people of this country? Now, do you still think they are a group of lovely people? Now, you still think that you can find someone Is everyone satisfied with the solution?"

"This country is like a boiling pot of hot oil, everyone is impetuous, everyone is selfish, they have no faith, no bottom line, no morality, everything is self-centered, they don’t know how to respect others, and they don’t know how to respect life. ."

"They are vain, indifferent, indifferent, fearless, greedy, greedy, hate people and laugh people... The law of the jungle of natural selection, abandoning the noble side of life and calling oneself a high-level animal."

"You want to save them in the same way you treat normal people, and that won't bring any change. There is an old saying in Eastern culture, "If you don't break, you don't stand," I believe you can understand it better than I do."

"The Turanx United Kingdom is like a dying person who can no longer be treated with mild medicine. It must be treated with a strong medicine, scraping the bones to cure the poison, and then live."

"So don't worry about sacrifice, don't think about the cost, the entire history of human civilization is an epic full of killing and hurting each other."

"Have you seen that girl? Maybe one day you will be called that kind of name, or a hypocritical name. Remember, kindness is a virtue, but as a leader, being too kind is equivalent to being weak ."

Kylenia said a lot in one breath, there are many reasons, and there are her expectations.

Tang Fang did not take off his sunglasses and kept looking at the distant scene. After a long time, he said with a long sigh: "A person who commits suicide does not cherish his life. That is not the reason why we also despise his life. This is not a reason, but a kind of right." Human’s own respect... The people on the other side can treat themselves as advanced animals, but that doesn’t mean I should also treat them as advanced animals.”

"If I disrespect them, it is equivalent to disrespect to myself. This has nothing to do with choice, just because I am a person, a ‘person’ with spirituality and thought."

Kylinia said, "Is this your true thoughts?"

Tang Fang said: "Actually, I was just like them. I was used to being indifferent. I was used to thinking about issues from the angle of interest. I was used to be indifferent to everything. I was used to believing in science without reservation, thinking that science was the only truth in the world. , I heard the voices of the Star Covenants, saw the actions of the Star Covenants, and then came to Turanx United Kingdom. When the lives and future of many people were turned into responsibilities on their shoulders, I clearly respected the words of life. What it really means."

No one heard the conversation between the two people on the overpass on the opposite side, and no one recognized that the two people who disturbed the political situation of Khanos stood on the ground of this small city, quietly watching what happened ahead.

In some people's minds, the life and death of others is not as good as half a day's salary.

In some people's minds, the lives and deaths of others are not as good as the momentary grievances of their wives and children.

In some people's minds, if the life and death of others cause inconvenience to themselves, it is a very bad thing.

Kylenia didn't speak, but looked at his profile. She finally knew why Henrietta respected him so much. She finally knew why Marion called him that way. She finally knew why she followed him willingly...not the kind of willingness to fulfill the transaction content, but a kind of willingness with longing and dependent emotions.

"Let's go. UU read " He raised his head and glanced at Kanbel's sky: "The wind is blowing..."

Kylienia sighed and shook her head helplessly. She still couldn't change Tang Fang's mind, but her heart was warm. If everyone... If everyone can hear his heart...

"I seem to have found a way to solve the problem." Tang Fang's voice awakened her.

The diluting hot wind blew over her and messed up her hair.


A few minutes later, the young man still jumped off the billboard. He deliberately took advantage of the wind and jumped onto the road without air cushion.

There was a burst of exclamation from below, during which there were several loud whistles. It seemed that some people felt very irritating and relieved.

But the result of the matter was that the suicide did not fall to the ground and fell to death. A gray shadow rushed down from a further place with a violent wind, rolled up the young man’s body and threw it onto the air cushion, hovering in the air, slapped. The wings quickly went away, and eventually turned into a small black spot in the halo of the blazing sun. (To be continued.)