Chapter 432: Test yourself

Rutherford is really not good-looking, on the contrary, there is a little ugly-from a human perspective or a cow perspective.

The cattle began to disperse, thanks to Rutherford's strong physique and some obstacles set up by the staff.

He was still running, spinning back and forth around the overturned obstacle, flexible like a monkey, not a chimpanzee.

Tang Fang thought this was very interesting. He watched someone he knew being chased by a group of bulls, especially a guy with the size of a horse monkey. What was even more funny was that he had an extremely serious habit of cleanliness.

Surviving under the horns is a very serious matter. However, Master Captain couldn't suppress the inexplicable feeling of joy in his heart, so he walked to the stands with great interest and looked at the court with a smile on his face.

This undoubtedly blocked the sight of some people. The strange thing is that no one was angry about it, and no one came forward to talk about things. At this moment, the auditorium, which was full of mania and noise, seemed to have a cool breeze and became quiet. some.

A big monkey, a group of angry bulls, if placed in a mountain environment, there is no doubt that the winner will be a monkey, but if placed on a plain with scattered obstacles, this is definitely a very sad story.

Rutherford had no retreat, he was driven to a dead end by the bulls.

The emcee’s sensational commentary reverberated in the steel dome, cheers and encouragement were like a sea, but he was very tired, his legs were like a thick plaster cast, heavier than a weight.

The timer on the huge display screen has been running for nearly 10 minutes. For the average person, being able to endure for so long under the attack of the cattle is a peak, but for him, this result is not enough!

Those bulls also consumed a lot of energy, and a thick layer of sweat came out. Soak the black or yellow fur and stick it together.

Rutherford leaned against the fence, hesitating to give up. After all, life is the most precious thing, it transcends money. Beyond the material, even beyond the spirit, it is the shackles used by the law of life to bind mankind, and it is also a gift.

Sweat dripped drop by drop, from the forehead to the neck, from the back to the feet, there was a wet and sticky feeling from every part of his body.

Rutherford has a habit of cleanliness, he can tolerate physical fatigue and joint soreness. Only the greasy sensation of sweat sticking to his body was beyond his tolerance.

He is not a person who admits to death and likes to be horny, so he chose to give up. Since his efforts and intentions have been communicated to those people, whether the goal is achieved or not is not so important.

Taking a deep breath, he pressed the electronic device tied to his wrist.

The cattle were approaching, and the black eyes were burning with angry flames. The pain from the horns and eyes made them mad and fearless, vowing to crush the black human like charcoal in the fence.

Rutherford did not panic at first. He is just a little curious, why the separation wall in front of the fence has not been raised yet, is the staff dozing off? Or is it system delay?

He raised his wrist. Pressing the button again, the signal light turned on, and he was sure he saw it, because the red glow stung his eyes.

But no matter how he blinked and looked around, the **** separation wall was still completely silent, as if it had been welded to death, quietly huddling in a trough only 3 meters from the fence.

There were sporadic exclamations from the stands, and the emcee's explanation was a little strange. On the big screen, Rutherford's eyes were round, and there was light flashing in his pupils. That is the fire of fear that only humans can ignite when facing death.

When the first bull crossed the trough, he suddenly realized. At first he was very angry, wishing to kill all the bastards, but the anger only lasted for a short time before being replaced by calm. This is not the calm before death, because he laughed, so natural, Can't see the slightest far-fetched.

At the moment of facing death, he figured out one thing!

Some audience members stood up and looked straight at the black man who was clinging to the fence. They thought he was very pitiful, but they were more puzzled. Why didn't the separation wall rise? Does he want to commit suicide?

There are some people who don’t look away. Of course, they account for a very small proportion, mostly women.

Some others yelled: "Knock him to death! Knock him to death!"

Wildness and bloodthirsty can be equated in some cases. The catalyst may be wine, anger, or even interest.

Unfortunately, what happened in the next second surpassed everyone’s imagination. A shadow flashed in the stands behind Rutherford, to be precise, a figure, like a swooping goshawk, falling on the stand. In front of Thurford, countless sands were shoveled away.

"Wow..." the audience exclaimed.

If you listen carefully, you will find that the exclamation has changed its taste, similar to applause.

Because it was not only sand, but also a strong bull.

It flew out sideways, like a large discus, smashing the bulls swarming behind, looking from a distance like a bowling ball knocking down countless pins.

Is that a person? Is it alone? Is it really alone?

The audience stared at each other speechlessly. The railing in front of the stands was surrounded by a thick circle of people. Their eyes gathered at one point. To be precise, it was a person, a young man who hit a bull with a human body.

The picture of the huge video screen changed and a close-up shot was given. However, the young Asian man in the picture frowned slightly. In the next second, all the video recording and imaging equipment in the bullring were paralyzed.

The damage to the equipment did not cause much reaction, and now everyone's focus is on the young man in the field.

There is no doubt that he is very young.

Not only was he young, he was not very strong, he was of average height, and he looked no different from ordinary people at first glance, but it was such a seemingly weak Asian man that he actually knocked a bull into the air...

It doesn’t matter if this is a tower-like sturdy man. The key is that the young man who doesn’t look at the cattle behind him, step by step towards the blacks, cannot be called a sturdy man no matter what angle he looks at. Missed.

At this moment, two cows rushed out of the battle group and rushed straight towards the youth. He did not look back or move. The roar of a lion roared from the stands, and two iron tower-like figures jumped out of the auditorium, and an eagle shot down.

"K...K..." There was a sound of broken bones. Although the venue is large, the sound is very small. But there is no need to listen to the scene at the scene, as long as you have eyes, you can see and think.

The two bulls were crawling on the ground, too dead to die.

Aros moved his elbow, followed Tang Fang and walked towards the exit silently, and the soot laid a line behind him.

Howson learned from the matador cut off the tail of the ox and put it in his pocket. He laughed and hurriedly chased, it is hard to imagine that his burly body runs so lightly, like a gymnast on a balance beam, but the expression on his face makes people involuntarily sound a nursery rhyme----- -Little girl picking mushrooms.

It was not until the four people walked out of the bullring and did not enter the shadow of the entrance channel that the spectators in the stands came to their senses, speculating about the origins of the three people, and why the black man would rather die than give up, and "Cressy" What role does the bullring play in it?


Tang Fang raised his head and looked at Rutherford across the table in silence. Diagonally across, Raleigh Rodney held a cup of steaming coffee, shaking his hands slightly.

He was not in the mood to listen to Rutherford's tragic story, which the black man had said for so long. The only thing he remembered was the name "Rutherford" and the **** cleanliness of black men.

Just like just now, Rutherford said it took nearly 20 minutes to go to the bathroom, which made him very uncomfortable, because every time he stayed with a young man surnamed Tang, he would have to endure that kind of **** for a while. The tension and pressure on the back, the environment of the coffee shop is very elegant, but for him, it is no less than getting into a coffin.

The air conditioner brings fresh wind. There are soothing music flowing at the fingertips, accompanied by intermittent "jingle" crisp sound. It was the sound of Churchill churning coffee and the spoon hitting the wall of the cup.

Tang Fang calmly said nothing. In fact, he had already smiled in his heart, and he really didn't know whether to use "uprightness" or "naive" to describe this quirky black man.

According to Rutherford’s description, this is a sad and touching story. If it is performed by a handsome tough guy, it might fascinate a large group of girls. It’s a pity that this story has neither a prince nor a princess. There is no life and death, and there is no regret for wife, children and husband. There is only one protagonist in this story. He is called "Rutherford"-a black man who looks exactly like a horse monkey, but he has to install himself Negro set by cleanliness.

Rutherford is not a businessman as he imagined, his profession is a **** supervisor, working in the "Watt" group under the "Trolloc" star system of the Silver Eagle group.

The "Watt" Group is a small mechanical processing enterprise, specializing in the customization and processing of mechanical parts. It has obtained the "Rover Technology Consortium" through bidding through institutions like the "Vitano" Group Information Platform. "A batch of processing orders.

After the processing of the products was completed, Rutherford was responsible for escorting the goods for delivery between the "Babylon" and the responsible personnel of the "Rover Technology Consortium". However, when they reached the border of the Yinying Group, they suddenly encountered the Phoenix Empire and the Silver Eagle. The "Third Committee" pirate group branch fleet that was active in the northern part of the "Sokanada" area on the border between the League and the Star Alliance was blocked, and all the cargo was thrown away. Only the crew members safely withdrew to "Trolloc".

As a result, the goods cannot be delivered on time. The "Watt" group has to pay a large amount of liquidated damages to the "Wanderer Technology Consortium". After investigation, those on the group board of directors found that they were in the "third committee" pirate group branch. During the robbery of the fleet, the armed forces belonging to the **** team did not launch a counterattack, allowing the pirates to take down the convoy without blood, and rob the cargo and ships. The **** ship was the one who gave the order to "give up resistance" The team's supervisor-Rutherford.

Although he carefully explained to the board of directors that the "give up of resistance" order was issued for the purpose of saving the lives of the crew, those in the "Third Committee" are all unblinking murderers, and they are rivals to the current government of the Yinying Group. Once angered the opponent, even if the crew of the **** team are civilians, it is difficult to guarantee that they will not be killed by the angry pirates, so he very sensibly chose to give up the resistance, hand over the cargo ship to them, and escape back to the headquarters with only the crew. .

The board of directors remained unmoved and determined that Rutherford was greedy for life and fear of death, which was an act of malfeasance and was primarily responsible for abandoning the ship.

Later, under the begging of the company's senior leaders. The board of directors decided to suspend the punishment of Rutherford. Accordingly, he must go to the "Babylon" branch of the "Rover Technology Consortium" to meet with Corey Christian. Plead for its exemption, or reduce the liquidated damages. And depending on the results, we will discuss the punishment for him.

Rutherford had no other choice but to compromise, and went to the "Sky Garden" to find Corey Christian, hoping that he would be able to waive or reduce part of the liquidated damages.

Hope is always good and reality is always cruel, if it is a company in Star Alliance. Corey Christian may look at some people or compromise on social influence, but the "Watt" group is really a foreign company. How can the "Rover Technology Consortium" fight to lose their own interests Complete each other.

Ever since, in the eyes of the young and beautiful receptionist, Rutherford became a piece of brown candy, a brown candy that couldn't be shaken no matter what.

The so-called "Fu Wushuang", misfortune does not come singly, here Corey Christian hides Rutherford from sight, while the "Watt" group has another big problem over there. For the goods robbed by the "Third Committee", the insurance company of Yinying Group gave a reply of "no compensation".

In a society under the control of the Yinying regiment government, the folkway advocates bravery and loyalty. This kind of atmosphere is integrated into all aspects of society, and even the establishment of national laws and regulations has been greatly affected.

From the standpoint of Rutherford, this is correct. He must consider the safety of his subordinates. Giving up resistance was the best and only way at the time. Facing the strong forces of the "Third Committee", escorting the team Even if you choose to resist. The result is also destined to remain unchanged, even the lives of all crew members.

From the point of view of the insurance company. This can undoubtedly become an excuse for their refusal to settle claims. Rutherford's doing so is not only an act of malfeasance. It is even more cowardly and timid. As the head of the **** department of the "Watt" group, he should be fully responsible for the hijacking. Moreover, the claims adjuster also raised a doubt. The “Watt” group’s **** fleet took a relatively high safety channel. Why did the “Third Committee” pirate ships dare to rob and **** the ship at the risk of being discovered by the Silver Eagle Navy. fleet? Will there be their spies in the "Watt" group? Or is it simply a play by the "Watt" group co-directing with the "Third Committee" in order to cheat the insurance?

At this time, Rutherford was completely pushed to the forefront. Not only the board of directors suspected that he was collaborating with the pirates, but even the relatives and friends around him were suspicious and despised.

Speaking of it, Rutherford is naive. In order to show his courage and prove his innocence, he even made up his mind to commit a risk, and wanted to use practical actions to tell those on the board that he was not a coward. He is braver than anyone else.

Then, naturally there was a thrilling scene in the bullring of "Claisie".

Tang Fang felt that this was not naive, nor straightforward. It was simply a brain injury. In order to prove to others that he was brave enough to make fun of his life, this kind of thing can only be done by an ignorant teenager who has not been tempered by society, Rutherford. De Ke is an adult and the head of the **** department of the "Watt" Group. How can such a person with sound thinking do such ridiculous things?

So, he looked at Rutherford's eyes a little strange, wondering how Howson thought Master Captain suddenly became sexually interested in this black man with cleanliness? Otherwise, why did he look at Rutherford without blinking like a blind date?

Howson hesitated to tell Claire about this...

Tang Fang didn't know the nasty thoughts in Howson's mind. He continued to ask if Rutherford really planned to make his mind clear, but the other party told him that the electronic device on his wrist was broken and the wall did not rise on time.

Churchill scolded the staff of the bullring angrily for eating dry food, but Tang Fang frowned. Then, he looked into Rutherford's eyes. A few seconds later, a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

It seems that the blacks have thought about it, but they just don't believe it, let alone say it.

The power field is intriguing and deceiving, so is it so in the business field, and so is life.

From birth to growing up , to maturity, to death, one can never escape one situation after another. The person who set the stage may be a country, a society, a culture, or even other subtle changes. Mainstream thoughts and consciousness.

Of course, the above are irresistible and unavoidable. You can only choose to accept it in reverse, because it has become a habit, so it is natural.

Rutherford not only has a cleanliness addiction to external factors, he also has serious cleanliness addictions at the spiritual level, which can be seen from the fact that he does not hesitate to take risks to prove that he is not a coward.

However, what he didn't expect was that he, who claimed to be benevolent, loyal, and responsible for his work, was sold by his own company, or in this way and by this means.

irony! It's ironic! A capitalist is a capitalist, and the ability to squeeze the surplus value of employees is at its peak. You have to work hard for them when you live, and even if you die, you have to make the final profit for them, even if... he doesn't want to.

A framed **** did not hesitate to prove his innocence by death, and a father who was forced to die, in order not to make his wife and children sleep on the streets, he would rather choose to end his humble life. (To be continued)