Chapter 37: The true purpose of the Imperial Army

(seeking collection, recommendation~Thank you 08A brothers for your reward~)

On the way forward, Tang Fang has been thinking about one thing. Why can the tumors of the fungus blanket that can only be placed on the fungus blanket in the game hatch in the strong acid vapor zone? Could these super corrosive acid solutions be similar to fungus blankets? Organic matter?

An organic solution that can melt even the titanium armor of a space battleship? how can that be!

Obviously, no one can answer this question.

Because the self-replication skills of the bacterial blanket tumor require a certain cooling time and must be recovered for a period of time before they can continue to be used, the three people are not traveling fast, and it took nearly an hour to advance about two kilometers.

According to the rotation speed of Nami Star, it is already dawn at this time. The tepid light of the quiet star shoots into the strong acid vapor area and is scattered by the suspension liquid floating in the air, bringing a gloomy light to the entire foggy area.

Tang Fang turned off the searchlights on his shoulders, and glanced up at the surroundings. The edge of the fungus blanket was foggy and he didn't know how far ahead.

"Tang Fang, you can check the magnetic reading." At this moment, Aros' voice filled with surprise came from the communicator.

According to what he said, he exhaled the environmental reading window, and when his gaze scanned the graph drawn based on the scan result, Tang Fang couldn't help being taken aback. The magnetic reading in the nearby area was very high, and the curve fluctuated abnormally.

Similar to this situation, it will only appear around some active electromagnetic fields with extremely high energy, and it is not like a response in a deadly place.

"Aros, what do you think about this?"

"It seems that Nami Star is far from simple as we thought."

Tang Fangshen nodded thinking it was, and said "Yes."

Regarding why the Sulu Empire must be defeated and the right to develop Nami Star, the military said that the deep crust of Nami Star contains precious mineral resources, which can bring huge economic and military benefits to the Empire.

Tang Fang has always sneered at this statement, what precious mineral resources are simply fart! If it is really just a mineral resource, does it need to conscript the Archimedes? Doesn't the Thunder Fleet have its own exploration ship and research ship?

Also, when Alfred had a dialogue with Joanna, he explained that the mission of the research ship was used for deciphering and decoding. When he got off the space transport plane from the Archimedes, he noticed that the Thunder fleet was mooring behind. With dozens of pioneer-class scientific research ships of the same model as the Archimedes, such a huge scientific research team is only used to investigate the composition and content of resources in the depths of the earth's crust? This kind of nonsense is like BIAO's name, bed, only the mentally retarded take it seriously.

Just as Tang Fang frowned and thought, a queen that was supposed to continue hatching the fungus blanket suddenly stopped and gave him a message that he could not hatch in the designated place.

"Huh?" Tang Fang was startled, his attention turned to the back of the worm, and through the shared vision, he saw a very strange scene.

In front of the place where Chonghou is standing is a magnificent rock building, which is particularly eye-catching in the basin landform of the strong acid steam area from a distance.

Of course, this is not the most bizarre. What stunned Tang was that a weird rune similar to the Greek letter ε was carved on the outer wall of this rock building covering an area of ​​tens of thousands of square meters, mostly shrouded in acid mist.

"Ypsilon! It is actually the remains of Ypsilon!" He couldn't help exclaiming.

"What!" Aros frowned: "What did you say? Ipsyron?"

Tang Fang didn't answer, he waved to the two of them and ran forward. Aros and Howson looked at each other and quickly caught up.

At this time, the fungus blanket has spread to the foot of the rock building. Because of the lack of organic acid to provide nutrients, the fungus blanket cannot cover the surface of the building. As a result, it will not be able to remove the acid mist suspended above the rock building.

From the overall point of view, this is a platform building, the base is a standard square stone foundation, and the upper part is a diamond-shaped extension structure with a reduced area.

The rock mass is a light reddish brown, with a smooth appearance and a dense structure. Even though it has been immersed in the strong acid mist for countless years, it is still intact and as bright as ever.

"It's really the ruins of Ypsilon! I didn't expect this kind of thing on Namistar."

Aros and Howson stared at the stalwart building hundreds of meters high into the mist, with shock on their faces.

"No wonder, no wonder, it turned out to be like this." Tang Fang exhaled a sigh of breath, and instantly figured out all the gates, what mineral resources the Monya Empire was plotting, but the relics of the Ypsilon on the Nami Star.

Epsilon, which is a Greek letter and a code name, is what humans call a certain high-level civilization.

Two hundred and forty years ago, the moon was hit by a meteorite with a diameter of more than two kilometers. This news shocked the world. The United States, Russia, Britain, Germany, China and other countries with lunar landing capabilities successively landed on the moon. Investigation of this collision.

A few months after the incident, a well-known European media disclosed an important message. The meteorite was torn apart during the impact with the moon. A small spacecraft suspected of being an alien appeared in the impact crater. European countries led by the United States and China and Russia I don't know what agreement was reached, the joint concealed the matter, and the spacecraft was dismantled and shipped back to Earth.

After the release of this message, it immediately caused an uproar in the international community. In the face of public doubts, the media broke out a set of images taken by the moon orbiting satellite, thus proving the authenticity of the message.

As the satellite of the earth, the moon does not belong to any country or individual. It is shared by all mankind. Such behavior by several major countries is tantamount to stealing common property of mankind.

With the help of certain countries in Western Europe that have not benefited from it, the international situation has become turbulent, and the UN Security Council is even more troubled. Under pressure from the international community, China, which is committed to being the leader of third world countries, is the first to release technical data obtained from certain parts of the spacecraft in order to ease tensions with neighboring countries and surrounding areas. Then there are Britain, Germany, the United States, and Russia.

Combining these technical data, with the unremitting efforts of scientists from various countries, after ten years, mankind finally cracked the most valuable extraterrestrial technology on this small spacecraft and applied it to the human science and technology tree to develop A warp engine that surpasses the speed of light in space. Since then, human civilization has entered a new era and entered the Great Galaxy Era.

Later, with the completion of a spacecraft, various countries began to send scientific research expeditions to the outer space of the solar system. During this decade of rapid development of aerospace science and technology, humans have discovered something similar to that ship on planets not too far away from the solar system. The technological building of a small spaceship.

Through the research and analysis of the technologies used in these barren buildings, one after another extremely advanced scientific research results have been derived, including the famous planetary atmosphere transformation, quantum slipstream communication, controllable nuclear fusion reactor, zero The refining technology of the source element, etc., has greatly enriched the human science and technology tree in the field of aerospace, and laid a solid foundation for the formation of the Earth Federation, the colonization of the universe, and the expansion of the star map in the future.

As an unknown civilization that brought huge technological changes to mankind, its racial totem resembled the Greek letter ε, so the federal government adopted "Epsilon" as its name.

But unfortunately, as a mentor and predecessor of human civilization, in the past two hundred years, mankind has not had the honor to meet any Ypsilon tribe. In the vast universe, except for the ruined technological buildings and the ruined sands. Battleships, they seem to have suddenly evaporated from this universe. Only these relics and spaceship wrecks are still telling the world about their former glory.

Looking at the vicissitudes and magnificent ancient ruins in front of him, Tang Fang sighed lightly. If it were placed in the Federation era more than a hundred years ago, there might be many pilgrims here to cherish and mourn these people. A great deceased like a prophet.

But today, these epsilon relics have faded from the eyes of humans, and are no longer sacred, but have become something similar to the future technology reserve.

As beings that transcend human civilization, the places where they have lived and lived naturally retain the unique technologies of the Yipsyron family. Through the analysis and research of these technologies, it is very likely that humans can obtain a brand-new technology from which they can apply Based on the current scientific system, more advanced things can be developed.

Such as the power armor of the Sulu Empire, the zero source element refinement technology of the Monya Empire, the precision drones of the Sauron Empire, the laser weapons of the Charles Federation, etc., these cosmic features have all benefited from the benefits of Ipsy. The development of the dragon ruins.

The discovery of each relic may represent the advent of a new technology, a new weapon or even a new type of warship. Under the background of today's era of great chaos in the universe and separatist rule, one can imagine how precious it is.

Sometimes, because of the ownership of a ruin, countries even go to war.

In the case of Namistar, according to Tang Fang's judgment, only the Monya Empire should know about the existence of the Epsilon ruins on the planet, and the Sulu Empire is still in the dark.

The two sides use the central equator of Namistar as the Chu River and Han boundaries, each occupying half of the country. From a common sense, in a modern military war, the logistics support base must be placed in the rear, so as not to be directly exposed to enemy fire and beheaded.

He didn’t know where the base of the Sulu Empire was, but from the analysis of the frontline post, it was at least 2,000 kilometers away from the equator. On the side of the Monya Empire, the base was actually built less than 1,400 kilometers from the equator, so close. The distance can be said to be directly exposed to the threat of medium-range missiles. Even if the missile interception technology is very mature in this era, the enemy's medium-range missiles will not play a big role, but imagine that when facing the pressure of the enemy's missiles, it must also deal with joint attacks from the ground and low-altitude units. Under such circumstances, the pressure on the frontline forces can be imagined.

This is why the Tang side received, "The Sulu Empire has set up a missile base not far from the equator, and the headquarters hopes that he will find out the authenticity of intelligence and find out the deployment of troops." During this task, although he thought I was more or less puzzled, but did not suspect that this was the reason for a fake mission.

But now that I think about it, the whole thing cannot be speculated based on common sense at all. Why was the base of the 3789 Division built there? I'm afraid there is another reason.

The greatest possibility is that the Ypsilon ruins are near the base, or even directly inside the base. In this way, jamming equipment and fortifications will block the enemy's reconnaissance and protect the ruins from being detected by the Sulu Empire.

It’s a bit strange to think that Tang Fang didn’t want to attack when he saw the 3789 Division at the beginning. It’s a little weird to put on a defensive posture But now, I’m afraid it is to delay time so that the scientific research ship anchored behind the Thunder Fleet can step up. Decipher the rune code and obtain Epsilon Technology.

As long as the data can be obtained, even if it is defeated in the battle, Namixing's resource development rights fall into the hands of the Sulu Empire. For the Monya Empire, that was a loss on the surface, but it actually took a huge advantage.

The soldiers are not tired of deceit, it is really a good one to openly repair the plank road, and darken the conspiracy trick of Chen Cang. Tang Fang couldn't help but admire the guy who planned this combat strategy secretly.

If both parties know that there is not only one Epsilon remnant on this planet, there is another one in this strong acid vapor zone, but I don't know how the two sides will feel.

"Hey, look."

Just as he was immersed in thinking about the Namistar battle and ignored the surrounding environment, Hausen’s voice came from the communicator, and he turned his head, only to realize that the guy standing next to him did not know when he was there. At the foot of the ruins.

"You fellow, don't move, who knows if it will be dangerous." Aros said with a frown.

"What is the danger of this?" Howson gave him a blank look. As everyone knows, the Ipsyron clan disappeared in this universe for some unknown reason, and all the relics left behind became unowned. How could it be dangerous.

Ignoring Aros' warning, Howson took a step forward, only then did Tang clearly see what he was stepping on.

(Nearly 4,000 words big chapter, quite tiring, that’s all for today, and 6,000 compensation tomorrow. It’s still in the new book term, I would like to ask everyone for the recommendation ticket on Monday. Thank you, Little A~)