
Qin Yi eyes with a smile, in the bottom of his heart loudly applauded.

The character attribute of Yuzhi Boju is almost the same as his guess.

The same double A-A talent, weapons, skills, are similar to what he expected.

However, when Qin Yi saw the column of realm, she could not help frowning.

The realm of the weasel is determined as shadow level in the system.

Not really. Qin Yi didn't agree with the system's judgment on the strength of weasels.

With the weasel in the original work, the strong performance, the strength of the appropriate shadow level.

However, the so-called boundary division of film level originates from Naruto world.

It is difficult for Qin Yi to judge the strength of the weasel intuitively and clearly from the systematic evaluation.

In addition to the realm of Huo Qubing, the display in the system can match the TIANYAO mainland.

The boundary of Baiya and weasel shows that it is totally different from that of TIANYAO.

Even, it can be said that the state of the three retinues shows that their roots are still from the original world of all parties.

However, because Huo Qubing lives in a world where the division of martial arts is similar to that of TIANYAO, this is the case.

As a result, there is also a problem.

That is the judgment of Qin Yi that the strength of these retinues needs more speculation in order to understand the position of the retinue in TIANYAO mainland.

For example, Baiya's combat power has now returned to the level of vice captain, which is equivalent to the congenital state of seven.

If so, the system recruits the retinue, each according to the original world division.

It is a rather troublesome thing for Qin Yi to judge their strength.

"Ding! The system adjusts to the host's annoyance.

In the column of each retinue's realm, add the combat power of each retinue's corresponding martial realm. "

At this point, the sound of the system rings again.


Qin Yi is stunned, the corner of the mouth cannot help but smoke.

"It can still show that. Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

next moment, Qin Yi is not make complaints about Tao.

"Host, did not ask this system again."

The system dropped such a sentence lightly and disappeared immediately.


Qin Yi was choked and coughed by the system.

"System, you come out, we have a good talk!"

"System, where are you dead?"


Qin Yi, angry, yelled in the bottom of her heart.

"Idiot host!"

Qin Yi's yelling and yelling is a systematic taunt.


"The system, we have the ability, we have a choice!"

Qin Yi immediately got angry, and her face was full of blue veins and gnashing her teeth.

This broken system is not considerate at all!

He dares to ridicule him as a host. If he can't train the system well, it will be a disaster.

He wants the system to understand that he is the master!

Of course, no matter how much Qin Yi yelled, the system never paid any more attention to him.

"System, you wait, one day, I'll fight with you alone!"

Qin Yi had no choice but to put down such a sentence at the bottom of his heart. Immediately, he put his mind back on the system panel.

"Hee hee, I'll wait."

"As long as you can beat me."

However, Qin Yi did not notice that when he left the bottom of his heart, a silver bell like smile suddenly rang out.


Qin Yi takes a deep breath, calms his mood and looks at the character attribute panel of the weasel again.

On top of that, some changes have taken place in the realm of weasels.

"Characters: Yuzhi Boyou;

realm: Shadow level (four heaven of Zhenyuan realm)."

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