When Zhou Yingbing thought of how Zhang Zitao had opened his clothes and even used his hands to help treat his illness, he felt a wave of fear in his heart.

Although she had been in the business world for quite some time and had experienced many hardships, her mood was no longer calm.

"Yes, sister. Not only that, the herbs on your body were also chewed up by the Zitao's brother himself. "

Zhou Lingling added.

These words of hers, once again set off a monstrous wave in Zhou Yingbing's heart.

Even if she knew that Zhang Zitao saved her, in her heart, she couldn't accept the fact that the medicinal herb, accompanied by a man's saliva, was on her body like this.

As soon as she heard it, a strange feeling rose in her heart.

If this was her sister Zhou Lingling, she could still accept it.

"Lingling, why didn't you help me? Tell me, when he was treating me, did he do anything improper? "

Zhou Yingbing hurriedly asked.

From Zhou Lingling's tone, it was obvious that Zhou Lingling was present during the treatment. Asking Zhou Lingling such a question was naturally the best.

After all, Zhou Lingling was the most important witness.

"An immoral action? Wu, Zitao's brother only touched your chest a few times, but he is really treating you. I'm sure of that. As for the herbs, I also want to help, but Zitao's brother insisted on doing it himself. He said he was a doctor, and he knew that better. "

Zhou Lingling rolled her eyes and explained to Zhou Yingbing.

"Lingling, what nonsense are you talking about? How can Little Tao be that kind of person!"

Elder Zhou hurriedly said from the side.

Zhou Lingling's words, were simply messing up the situation.

At this time, Zhou Yingbing was fine, but Zhou Lingling was just joking with her and Zhang Zitao; this was Ben's playful mentality.

"Lingling, is what you said true?"

Zhou Yingbing's expression became heavy as she asked Zhou Lingling.


Elder Zhou naturally knew that Zhou Lingling was messing around, and gave her a stern warning to make her say the wrong things.

If Zhang Zitao really wanted to eat Zhou Yingbing's tofu, why would he look like that after coming out of the pavilion?

Even if Elder Zhou did not personally witness Zhang Zitao saving Zhou Yingbing, he still dared to guarantee it.

After all, Elder Zhou had been through dozens of years of trials and hardships, so how could Zhang Zitao not know from Zhang Zitao's expression and reaction back then?

On the contrary, Zhang Zitao's reaction made Elder Zhou feel very close.

It was very similar to his reaction when he touched the girl's hand back then.

In Elder Zhou's time, the feelings between men and women were quite pure.

One of the jokes they used to make in those days that now looked like a fantasy was that of a young man and woman taking a walk by the river.

The man held the girl's hand. The girl shyly shook it off, but the man held it back.

They walked by the river, and when the woman came home, she went home and told her mother she was pregnant.

Her mother jumped and asked her what was the matter.

She said she was holding hands with a boy, and her mother didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

However, since the man was engaged to the woman, they didn't pay much attention to it.

In a situation like this, people would really laugh their teeth off.

But at that time, Elder Zhou held onto the girl's hand tightly, as if they were Zhang Zitao walking out of a pavilion. If Zhang Zitao had any improper thoughts towards Zhou Yingbing, Zhang Zitao definitely wouldn't have such a reaction.

Hearing Elder Zhou's shout, Zhou Lingling stuck out her tongue and stood to the side.

"Grandfather, ask Lingling to tell us."

Zhou Yingbing's face was gloomy, and she could not help but say this.

She wasn't sure why her grandfather, who had kept them safe all this time, would have such a strange attitude on this matter.

It was completely in Zhang Zitao's favor!

"Elder sister, the truth is indeed not as I just said. Actually, Zitao's brother didn't do it on purpose. In the process, he already tried his best to avoid coming into contact with your body. And I was the one who deliberately brought the Zitao's brother here to deal with the herbs. "

Zhou Lingling stuck out her tongue and explained.

Hearing what Zhou Lingling said, Zhou Yingbing's face immediately became gloomy.

Zhou Lingling had completely reversed the situation. It was clear that she had listened to Elder Zhou's tone and done so because of this.

She could tell, but she didn't expect that Zhou Lingling had been lying to her from the very beginning.

Now that Zhou Lingling had told her the truth, she didn't believe him anymore.

"Elder Zhou, what are you doing?"

Zhang Zitao walked into the pavilion and asked Old Zhou and the other two in confusion.

"Zhang Zitao, thank you for saving me today."

Zhou Yingbing was obviously suppressing her temper and said this to Zhang Zitao.

In her heart, although Zhang Zitao had saved her, he had done a great favor for her.

But when Zhang Zitao touched her body, intentionally eating her tofu was something that she could not accept.

"No worries, you're welcome. Do you feel any discomfort now? "

Zhang Zitao secretly felt that there was something wrong with Zhou Yingbing's tone.

But when he thought about it, Zhou Yingbing was normally an ice mountain beauty, so it was obviously reasonable for her to say that with such a tone.

After all, she was usually like this.

"I'm already much better, thank you."

Zhou Yingbing said expressionlessly.

"It's good that you're fine. You can just lie there tonight. Tomorrow morning, just get your sister to remove the herbs on your body. "

Zhang Zitao whispered in his ear as he walked out of the pavilion with a cigarette hanging from the corner of his mouth.

As Zhou Yingbing watched Zhang Zitao's back, he secretly felt displeased.

Zhang Zitao had eaten her tofu like that, yet he was still acting so hypocritically now.

She really didn't think that Zhang Zitao would actually be such a beast's heart.

The current her, however, did not realize that she had misunderstood Zhang Zitao because of his personality, and Zhang Zitao did not think that Zhou Yingbing would think like that about him.

If Zhang Zitao knew about this, he would definitely scream in his heart.

He was obviously trying his best to be cautious and prudent, but sometimes he had no choice but to do so.

It wasn't something he wanted to do on a subjective basis.

If he had any thoughts towards Zhou Yingbing, he would definitely not take advantage of her in front of Zhou Lingling.

With Zhang Zitao's perspective, he could whenever he wanted to.

But Zhang Zitao didn't want to do it.

Also, Zhang Zitao didn't need to do it, what's the point?