At first, the System thought that he was just casually saying this and Guo Zhenyu just casually listened, nothing strange would happen, but in the end he discovered that he was overestimating Guo Zhenyu, he was not like what he imagined, he did not care about small matters, the System instantly felt that his small life was filled with deceit.

Oh, no, he was just a system. He had no life, so the only thing that could be said was that he could feel the malicious intent coming from the world.

"If I give you a little bit of sunshine, you'll be brilliant. If I give you a little bit of color, you'll be debaucherous."

He did not know where the system had heard this, or else the system would not have said these weird words, as it was originally the alien that had invaded the system. He did not know when, but he started to come in contact with these words.

"I'm too lazy to tell you. See how I'll deal with him."

Guo Zhenyu knew that no matter what the system said now, his goal was very simple. It was purely because he wanted to look down on Guo Zhenyu. How could this be? Guo Zhenyu thought that he was handsome and elegant, how could he be looked down upon by others?

Of course, before that, he had to quickly turn his attention to the clone.

At this moment, clone appeared somewhat innocent. Although it seemed like he wasn't completely innocent, he was also quite innocent to be used as a shield.

The clone originally only wanted to attack Guo Zhenyu unilaterally, but now it seemed like he was too naive, as this was not possible, and his original plan was not going to be completed either. In the end, as long as he did not kneel down and beg for mercy, it would be great, but how could he hope for him to move back into the situation and turn his original loss into a victory.

That's not scientific.

However, even though he was destined to lose, he could not remain calm. At the very least, he had to launch some resistance.

The clone looked at Guo Zhenyu who had turned into a flamingbird, and thought about it for a long time, but was unable to think of anything, but he still knew about Fire Fearfulness. If Guo Zhenyu had become a flamingbird, then he should have to turn into a water attribute cultivator to deal with him.

However, Guo Zhenyu could change his entire body, while the clone could not, he could only use a part of his body to transform into a tool, which was truly a weak point for him, but he still had to resist. Although he did not know what the final result would be, he still had to work hard to know what the result would be.

The clone's left arm started to turn into a thick water pipe. Originally, clone would change to a few cold tools or guns, but this time, the change to something like that really surprised Guo Zhenyu, but as for why clone would change into something like this, Guo Zhenyu knew very well, but he did not point it out, as long as he was not afraid that he, Guo Zhenyu, would bully the weak.

Originally, he wanted to turn into something even more powerful. However, in the end, he discovered that no matter how powerful something was, if he could not defend against Guo Zhenyu's attack, then it would all be in vain.

This was also the truth, but Guo Zhenyu was clearly feeling proud of himself, because when he saw the expression on clone's face, he felt as if he had been struck by six million.

After Guo Zhenyu saw the clone's arm become a water pipe, the expression on his face became a little strange. He did not know what to say in his heart, but he still could not easily submit to him so easily. After the system saw this, it also felt that it was a little funny.

After Guo Zhenyu became a flamingbird, he slowly realized that the way he was breathing out was also hot, so if it was a flamingbird, then all the skills were related to fire. Even if he were to spit out a mouthful of water, it would also be hot, not just hot, but it could also be hot.

Guo Zhenyu looked at the clone, and then unfurled the pair of huge wings on his back. Because he had Guo Zhenyu from just now, he had already started to become a very big flamingbird, so the wings behind his back were now even more powerful than before, and the entire body of the flamingbird was completely golden yellow, and the fire in its eyes was also very high. It could be seen that this was the best time for Guo Zhenyu to attack, but the clone had to be on guard, and even if the flamingbird was attacking now, it would have to wait for the clone to start to relax its guard before starting.

Guo Zhenyu flew above the clone and started his attack. He spat out a long stream of flame at the clone, and then also started to adjust the direction of his attack. After that, he sprayed it towards the clone's body.

The clone saw Guo Zhenyu spew out a flame towards him, and started to panic a bit, because he never thought that he would not be able to dodge even this, because the flame was very ruthless, nobody knew what direction the flame would turn towards next, maybe the next step would be to spray the flame towards his face, and at that moment, he would not even be left with ashes.

However, as the clone dodged the flamingbird's attack, it stretched out its own arm and used its will to control its own arm to continuously spurt water out of the water pipe, and towards Guo Zhenyu's mouth at the same time.

However, in the end, the clone found that the fire Guo Zhenyu spat out was of no use, because the fire Guo Zhenyu spat out was not an ordinary fire, but a Samadhi True Fire, and the fire was not something that could be extinguished with any other ordinary water, and that was also very embarrassing. The clone originally thought that he could put out Guo Zhenyu's fire right now, but it turned out that Guo Zhenyu himself also just found out, because after seeing the movements of the clone, he thought that he would be put out just like that.

The system also knew that Guo Zhenyu probably did not understand the fire that he was currently spitting out, and it was also because the fire that the flamingbird usually spouted was just a simple fire, but now that Guo Zhenyu had become a flamingbird, the fire that he was spitting out was also somewhat special. From the looks of it, Guo Zhenyu's current fighting strength was also at its peak state, and the clone was also somewhat surprised.