Li Yang a anger, all living beings shudder!

Usurp without leakage, RAM Ming, driftwood, secluded, rain, seven years, Emperor Qianyan, Yunji, grand duke Cadillac, left phase Li Guangdou, and meow Xiaoxi.

Theresa, Da Yuanlao, CHENFENG

Except for meow Xiaoxi, all the people were shivering. Li's Majesty was too terrifying

In the field, the emperor fengjiuyou, Emperor Wanhua and even emperor Jinghong were all taken away

How can we not be angry!

How can we not hate!

No one dared to challenge her like this!

No one has ever dared to trample on her face.

Li Yang's hatred has reached the point where there is no more. Those cold and fierce star eyes, two divine lights running through the heaven and earth, seem to penetrate the endless chaos and peep through the nothingness on the other side.

Thirty six continents, three thousand boundary layers, 27 heavy sky in the lower middle and 27 heavy sky in the upper part, 81 boundary layers, the world's star sea, endless latitude, hundreds of millions of world, vast potential surface.

All of them are covered by Li Yang's eyes. Hundreds of millions of people and countless people who are strong in the world are shocked. At this moment, they feel the horror and horror, and even the sense of crisis.

Brilliant world, hundreds of millions of living beings!

Endless chaos, in a glance.

"I think you can hide there!"

"Long river of fate, now!"

"Time and space, now!"

"Destiny, time and space!"

Li Yang's starry eyes twinkled in the heaven and earth, but he did not find the trace of the ancient wasteland. He danced his hands in the void, and the magic light was endless. He did not know how many heaven and earth ran through and how many worlds were torn.

Two exist in the depth of void, I don't know the source, I don't know the end.

It can run through the life of all living beings in the world and develop the past and the future.

Time and space and destiny!

The daughter of time and destiny!

Born to control fate and time and space, the two long rivers run through the past, the present, the future, reflecting all living beings and the fate of life and death.

The mysterious power of the two long rivers flows, covering hundreds of millions of living beings. They meet each other and form a huge vortex, which seems to reflect the past, the future, life and death and destiny.

Time and space development!


It's a pity that there is only one blank in the huge whirlpool of the void. There is no trace of it. It can't lock in the shadow of any living creature.

"Life cannot be reflected, time and space cannot be developed..."

"Will all the people, things and things related to it be a blank?"

"Ancient wasteland, I want to see how deep your heel is."

"Time and space back!"

Li Yang's starry eyes are shining with a touch of wonder. The mood that has remained unchanged for hundreds of millions of years is also slightly rippling. The fate of the years can't be reflected. What kind of follow-up and origin is it.

As a result, Liyang not only didn't give up, but directly reversed the course of time

The starry eyes are bright, and the endless strange symbols are intertwined. Only the heaven and earth in all directions solidify, and everything is in the eternal general.

Empty time and space river suspension, Li Yang step out, golden lotus blossoming, along time and space river upstream.

Deep in the river, time nodes intertwine with each other, forming a light ball like a soap bubble. Each light ball represents a space-time node.

Li Yang's figure has not entered the depth of the long river, and the cool starry eyes seem to be able to penetrate hundreds of millions of years and span the eternal future.

The eyes are bright and endless, penetrating the endless time and space nodes, crossing hundreds of millions of eras in a flash, nearly reaching the time and space breakpoint of the last era cut off by the great emperor of the wilderness.

A blank, traceless, as if there is no time and space river, does not exist in the fate.

The only trace we can find is in the past 20 years.

"The source cannot be found, the future cannot be reflected."

"Ancient wasteland, I will erase you from time and space to see how dare you provoke."

Li Yang's star eyes lock the time node of the ancient wasteland. A ray of eye light projects into it and evolves an invisible edge of time, crossing the endless sky and killing towards the eastern Xuanyu.

Dongxuanyu, twenty years ago, ancient home!

Dusk, wind and snow, the ancient house, came out of the baby's loud cry.

A beautiful female figure emerged from the ancient home, braved the wind and snow and the cold, and disappeared. It was the ancient mother of the ancient wilderness, the ancient Xuan frost.

A young man, holding a baby in his arms and holding a young girl, sighed at the disappearance of the ancient black frost.

No one found that an invisible time force turned into a weapon, cutting towards the baby in the young's arms. In a moment, a thunder in the snow night was also a weapon that destroyed the evolution of time force.

Everything is silent, no one knows, no one perceives.

Deep in the river of time and space, Li Yang's eyes are more and more fierce, full of endless killing and terror.

Ancient wasteland, is there a great escort for you?

Very good, very good. I want to see when I can guarantee you.

Time, fate, cause and effect, three rules are irreversible!

I am the daughter of destiny and time. The three laws are invalid to me.

Believe it or not!

I saw Liyang wave his hands, directly skipping a year, reaching the age of ancient famine.

At the age of one, the blade of time killed again and ended in failure

Three years old!

Five years old!

Seven years old!

Ten years old!

Twelve years old!

Until the age of sixteen

It is also more than three years ago, the first night before the earth's ancient wasteland crossed.

Night, ancient home.

The sky is covered by dark clouds, without the moon, without fingers.

Gu Huang's room was drunk and unconscious.

A shadow in black like a civet jumped in from the window, quietly touched the original ancient desolate bed, but there was no shadow in black, the only pair of eyes were silver light.

I saw the palm of his hand shining, the faint silver light filled, there was no sound to press on the brow of the original ancient wilderness, the original ancient wilderness did not have any struggle, and died completely.

It's so spirited!

The figure in black clothes killed the original ancient wasteland, but didn't leave. Instead, he waited for an hour to make sure that after the ancient wasteland died, he turned the window

Not long after the shadow left, an old shadow emerged, white hair and white robe. It was very striking in the dark night. It was the fate of Cangnan, one of the twelve apostles of the dead earth.

For two hours, until dawn, Cangnan sighed helplessly, shook his head slightly and flashed away. No one knew what that sigh represented?

At this moment, deep in the river for a long time, Li Yang's cold stareyes softened a lot, and there was a smile on his face, "ancient wasteland, let you follow the deep, the origin is big, and finally died in my hand..."

"Heaven and earth, who can escape the fate of sanctions."

"Now that it's dead, everything is about to change."

When Liyang starmou once again peeps at the long river of time and space, but finds that everything has not changed, even a little fate waves, want to enter the ancient wasteland fate and time and space again, but has found that it is banned by a force beyond cognition, even if it is better than her, it is also hard to touch a little

"It's impossible, Gu Huang. Who are you?"

"The source of time can't kill you!"

"Then I will kill you in Tiandi town!"

"The people of heaven and earth listen to the order. Li Yang, the oppressor of our world, preaches the law. Whoever can kill the ancient wasteland, Li Yang will protect me forever until I die!"

Li Yang is very unconvinced. It seems that he has stirred the thunder and fire of the sky and the earth, and directly handed down the law to all living beings in the world. It can be imagined how much Li Yang hates.

Chapter one is here! Four more before evening! Monthly ticket!