Suddenly, Xuanyuan Po was embraced. Unknowingly, he had already walked to my side. I silently shrank back. After all, I was afraid of such an unfamiliar embrace.

"Wan`er, Wan`er …" As I leaned against Xuanyuan's chest, I could feel a strong pulling force coming from his arms. Is he calling me? It was unexpectedly so warm and gentle.

"Wan`er, Wan`er …" He murmured softly, but his voice was a little hoarse. "Tell me, how did Wan`er die?" His body was clearly stiff there, the Wan`er that he spoke of was Wanyue, but it wasn't me.

So it turns out that I was unaware of the relationship between him and Wanyue. How could I tell him that such a gorgeous girl would dare to defy the decree and stain the pillar with blood?

Such a talented woman would rather die than become a concubine for the sake of what she loved! Just like that, just like that, just like that.

The memory of the touch of awake sweet is so bright red, so mournful, in my mind will not go away. Yet she had easily lost the life of a proud daughter of heaven.

How could I forget about Wanyue's pale white face? How could she forget that she was slowly opening her teary eyes? How could I forget? She squeezed out a sweet smile with difficulty and said to me: "Qing'er, take good care of my cousin for me. Our... Brother Qingyu... "

His heart felt as though it was being torn apart, and his blood was in turmoil. As if I returned to that scene, I hugged the dying Wanyue and sobbed soundlessly.

Wanyue's words were constantly circling in her ears: "Qing'er, take good care of my cousin for me. Our... Brother Qingyu... " Wanyue, why would you choose to die like that? Why?

A mouthful of fresh blood spurted out, and splattered onto Xuanyuan's chest.

I couldn't see my surroundings clearly anymore, so I staggered and fell into his arms. There seemed to be many people calling out to me by my ears, and I could faintly hear Mei Duo's sobbing.

I felt so tired that I finally lost consciousness.

"Your Majesty, little sister woke up." A delicate and pretty voice rang in his ears. He slightly opened his eyes, but the light that was piercing his eyes made him frown.

After calming himself down, he tried to open his eyes, but he could vaguely feel that there were a lot of people moving around in front of him.

"Wanqing, Wanqing? Are you better? " The low, male voice was slightly hoarse with a gentle and caring tone, "Mei Duo, quickly bring the medicinal pellet over."

"Bao Qi, use warm water to dissolve the pill." The woman's voice was full of concern as she echoed: "Help the beauty get up and take the medicine." In a trance, she felt that Xuan Yuan was very close to him, so she suddenly felt much more at ease.

At least he was with me.

"A warm and bitter stream of warmth flowed slowly into his mouth, and he swallowed it forcefully before waking up." "Your Majesty …" She called out to him weakly, only to see a luxurious and elegant woman beside her smiling modestly. "Thanks to the emperor's meticulous care, little sister is much better now."

Although they had not met, they could tell who she was from her clothes and accessories. He cleared his throat and bowed to her respectfully: "greets Empress Jin An."

His body was also trying to match his greeting with his words, but he was stopped by Xuanyuan Wentian, "Qing'er, your body is weak, there's no need to be so polite."

The empress also laughed very generously and said, "Yes, sister. The most important thing for us to do is to recuperate. Do you know that the Emperor has been by our side taking care of us for the past few days? "

"With the blessing of Your Majesty, my younger sister finally regained consciousness. "You mustn't be careless and cause the Emperor and I to worry." These words were sincere and sincere, and Xuanyuan seemed to be extremely well-received, "That's right, Qing'er, you must listen to the Empress's instructions and take your rest."