I was cheated, just a mobile phone, invisibly let me sink deeper and deeper, and I was definitely cheated.

Fu Xiao is so powerful that even the whole Zhonghai doesn't allow him to come out. If I want to help him, I have to be the enemy of the whole Zhonghai. This is simply a dead end.

If Fu Xiao is not promised, he may not be able to speak out. Judging from the current situation, this is also extremely dangerous. I even suspect that he did not guess at all, but has some actual basis or evidence.

However, right now, Fu Xiao's calculations are extremely accurate, like choking a snake by seven inches, I can only agree temporarily, and said coldly: "If you don't tell it, I will fulfill my promise, but if you violate Promise, then you will stay here for the rest of your life, and no one can save you."

"Of course I understand the reasoning behind this, so there is no need for Prince Li to mention it." Fu Xiao let go of his clasped hands, put them behind his fat waist, and grinned.

I glanced outside and saw that there were no guards stationed there, so I asked, "Can you tell me now, where is the signal? There is also the problem of charging the mobile phone. You can't just give me the mobile phone without the charger, right?"

"Bathrooms, mountainsides, and toilets all have signals, and it's inconvenient for you to take it out in person in other public places, so I won't talk about it. As for the charging problem, you can just give it to me when the phone runs out of power. I will charge it for you, and then bring it to you." Fu Xiao replied.

"Well, I'll come to you when the phone runs out of battery." I nodded immediately, thinking that I must not leave any information on the phone when it is charging, lest Fu Xiao find out and catch me again.

As soon as I left Fu Xiao's door, I went straight to the toilet with my mobile phone in my pocket, followed by six prison guards.

I managed to make up a reason, saying that I didn't like others watching me go to the bathroom, so these six people stayed outside and didn't come in.

Crouching in the most corner and most hidden position, I took out my phone again and found that there was indeed a signal.

Immediately afterwards, the mobile phone received a text message in an instant. Fortunately, I adjusted the vibration mode in advance, so there was no sound.

After clicking on the text message, it was Yu Qin's number. The text message said, "Li Shaobai, are you okay? What's going on?"

When I saw this text message, I immediately knew who sent it. Isn't this the tone of Ning Xing? It is estimated that she is now waiting with Yu Qin for my reply.

So I wrote back and said, "I'm fine, I'm fine, I'm just going through the scene, what's going on with Tiejiang now?"

Half a minute after the text message was sent, Ning Xing replied, "At present, there are only ten days left before the agreed deadline. Li Qinghao kept making troubles in the middle, which made Tie Jiang's pace slow down a little, but Tianmen has been very tenacious. That's why it has only annexed 70% until now, and the final 30% is going to be completed within ten days, I'm afraid it will be quite difficult."

I pondered for a while, and quickly tapped the keyboard of the mobile phone, "Where is Chu Wenyang? Since it is a free period, the higher-ups won't take care of it. Zhong Hai and I have reached an agreement. It should be clear that helping Tie Jiang is helping Zhong Hai, and he will not be punished in any way."

"Chu Wenyang, he... has been putting on airs and didn't make much effort. Shao Wentian went to him secretly once, but he turned him away, saying that he didn't want to die and wanted to keep his black hat. He said that he was afraid of any accidents, if he really stepped in, he would never be able to change it." Ning Xing said.

I frowned at that time, and secretly scolded Chu Wenyang as a selfish ghost. Although I said that I would not drag him into the water, in fact, judging from the current situation, he can definitely make a move.

And this is an opportunity I intentionally created for Chu Wenyang, to give him a chance to make a move himself. Once he helps this, it means that the general and I will start a real cooperation, and the two sides have no reservations.

It happened that I treated Chu Wenyang so sincerely, but in the end, this old thing still kept a hand on me, and he was unmoved.

Too selfish, Chu Wenyang is definitely the most selfish person I have ever met, not one of them.

I cursed in my heart, edited the text message in my hand, and asked, "How about Li Qinghao? Do you know what's going on?"

"I went to Tiejiang and asked Shao Wentian privately. He already knew that I communicated with you through this method, so he asked me to tell you that Li Qinghao not only used his power to obstruct Tiejiang secretly, but also participated in the Li family. You have several books, listing the reasons why you are not qualified to be a prince. Almost many people support his remarks. They must have been bought by him, and the trouble became more and more violent. Mr. Li came forward several times to suppress it, but it did not last long. It's a plan." Ning Xing replied.

I couldn't help cursing inwardly, Li Qinghao is not a good guy either, he would do anything for his idiot son, this trick is typically reserved for later, fearing that I would successfully annex Tianmen, so I made public comments and caused the Li family to dissatisfaction.

At this moment, the prison guard outside yelled, "Why isn't it over yet?"

I stuck out half of my head and said with a smile, "It will be soon, wipe your ass."

Withdrawing my head, I didn't have time to say more, so I could only reply to the last text message, "I don't care about the Li family's affairs for the time being, it's important to annex Tianmen first, as long as Chu Wenyang cooperates, it can definitely be taken down, and you can find him in person for me." Come on, tell him for me, if you don't want to die, just cooperate with me honestly, don't think that I can't do anything with him just because I got into the cell."

The text message was sent, I wiped my butt, lifted my pants, stuffed the phone into my trouser pocket, and then walked out of the toilet leisurely, pretending that nothing happened.

On the way back to the room, I felt very uneasy. Li Qinghao would definitely not dare to act recklessly, otherwise he would be helping Fang's family, which is undoubtedly rebellious! But today's Tianmen, the situation is over, it is just delaying time, waiting for Fang Dao to be released from prison, and waiting for me to exceed the deadline.

The only thing I am worried about is Chu Wenyang, an old man who is greedy for life and afraid of death. In the last ten days, he must be relied on to complete it. However, this old man is very selfish. Can Ning Xing successfully threaten him?

Early the next morning, I was brought to the interrogation room again by Mr. Deng.

This time, MCA came in person. He was very angry and couldn't help but pat the table, "Comrade Li, do you know how serious what you did yesterday? You are lawless!"

"What? How did Wanyanshan play tricks on you?" I couldn't help raising my eyebrows as I was locked on a fixed chair.

Ma Hua's face turned red, and he questioned: "Isn't Wanyan Shan just a bad tone? Do you need such a cruel hand?"

"The tone is not very good? He is clearly avenging his personal revenge. Did you see the wound on my face? I was sitting here like this yesterday, and I was beaten alive. Can I not fight back? Sitting and being beaten? If you don't believe me, go to the surveillance." I said.

Ma Hua suddenly became dumb, and my anger was choked back by my words.

After a long silence, Ma Hua suddenly sighed, looked at me full of deep meaning, and said earnestly: "Comrade Li, can't you calm down? Zhonghai knows about this matter, and someone must take the blame. You can't escape this responsibility." Lost."

I squinted my eyes and asked tentatively, "What? Zhong Hai wants to make me look like Fu Xiao and lock me up here forever?"