Every year's Wuji summit will become the hottest topic for discussion in Yanjing. After all, it's a dispute among many companies. Business circles and wudaoguan will show their talents at this time, but this year is an exception. Although the discussion of Wuji summit is not low, people pay more attention to one person.

This man is Han 3000!

His appearance has made countless people wonder and wonder, and many people wonder why the Yang family sent such a talent summit. Moreover, this is the only one in the Yang family's war list. Compared with previous years, this is a completely confusing situation.

Judging from the previous wars of the Yang family in the Wuji summit, the Yang family will arrange at least three people to appear, which is an additional insurance and opportunity. But this year, the Yang family put all their treasure on this man named Han 3000. Do you mean that the Yang family has so much confidence in him?

What's more, when someone found out the identity of Han Sanqian, who was the little waste master of the Han family, there was even an uproar. Some people even thought that Yang Bin must be crazy. How could a waste of the Han family attend the Wuji summit.

So now there are a lot of rumors coming out.

"Yang Bin is not old muddle headed. How could he let Han Sanqian attend the Wuji Summit for the Yang family?"

"This Han 3000 is not valued in the Han family. It is said that he lives like a dog. How can he get involved with the Yang family?"

"Can we say that Yang Bin has given up the Wuji summit, and that's why he made such a fussy clown."

"Yang Bin has always attached great importance to the Wuji summit. Every year, he will spend a lot of money on it. He should not be able to deal with it casually. Maybe, this boy named Han 3000 is really capable of something."

"Ability, if he really has ability, how can Han family not put him in important position?"

A variety of speculative remarks have set off the hottest discussion in Yanjing.

As the initiator of this incident, Yang Bin can't help laughing when he hears that he is crazy or even stupid. The more people call him crazy or confused, the more surprised he will be in the future. Han's performance in the Wuji summit will eventually make these guys shut up.

"Lao Zu, there are too many opinions outside now. Do you want to intervene?" Yang Wanlin asked Yang Bin, some ugly words, even he almost can't listen to, untimely hand to stop, really do not know those people have to say what unpleasant words.

Yang Bin shook his head and said, "let them say it. The more they want to see my Yang family's jokes, the more painful it will be to hit their faces. Moreover, at this time, they can also dig out some people who have fallen into trouble. You can go and investigate what people have said."

"Yes, grandfather." Yang Wanlin nodded his head and said, "Laozu is going to take out a small book to keep accounts. However, anyone who says bad things about the Yang family at this time has to be blacklisted, so that when the Yang family clears the roadblocks for Fengqian company in the future, he can have a reason to take it.

Although this reason is far fetched, it is better than none. After all, the Yang family can't attack those small companies for no reason.

"Laozu, in fact, there are such people in our own family. What should we do?" Yang Wanlin asked carefully.

In the Yang family, except for Yang Bin and Yang Wanlin, who believe in Han 3000 100 percent, others have great doubts and distrust about it. They even have the same idea as those outside the family, that is, Yang Bin is a bit old-fashioned, otherwise, how could such a decision be made?

"All of them are from our own family. Just a little tap is OK. You don't need to go too far. After all, you still need them to fight." Yang Bin said.

Hit it!

Although he is the most qualified person in the Yang family to inherit Yang Bin's position, it is just a statement after all. Yang Bin never said that he would pass on the position to him.

But just now that sentence, Yang Bin is said very clearly.

"Lao Zu, I know what to do. Thank you for your advice." Yang Wanlin said excitedly.

"Nothing else. Go out first." Yang Bin said.

Yang Wanlin walked backward out of Yang Bin's office.

"Is it too early?" Yang Bin asked Song Yun behind him.

"Do you mean to confirm the identity of Yang Wanlin's successor?" Song Yun asked.

Yang Bin nodded and sighed: "the reason why I haven't been sure about this is that I'm afraid young people are too fickle and impatient to hold their heart. But now only Yang Wanlin can reach a better relationship with Han Sanqian, so only he is qualified to sit in my position, so I just said that."

"You have identified Han Sanqian's ability, because Han Sanqian's ability has determined Yang Wanlin's successor's identity. It's too risky to do so. After all, it's not clear whether Yang Wanlin can make friends with Han 3000 all his life." Song Yun reminds way.

Yang Bin does not deny that he will admit Yang Wanlin's identity, which is inseparable from Han Sanqian. Even in his opinion, if the Yang family wants to stabilize its position in Yanjing after his death, Han Sanqian's help is necessary, because the whole Yang family, except him, has no such ability at all.It's hard to say whether it's a risk, but Yang Bin feels that this is the only thing he can do.

"When I find a chance, I will tell Yang Wanlin clearly that Han Sanqian is important to the Yang family. I believe he will understand what he should do." Yang Bin said.

Song Yun has been with Yang Bin for decades. In fact, he knows Yang Bin very well, and he also understands the situation of the Yang family. The emergence of Han 3000 has indeed brought a good opportunity for the Yang family. The descendants of the Yang family must cling to the big tree Han 3000. After all, Han 3000 is a strong man of Tianqi, and he is only 14 years old now. His future is limitless.

"I don't know when the Han family can understand the power of Han 3000. At that time, Nangong Qianqiu will regret it." Song Yun said with a smile. In his opinion, this is a big joke. Nangong Qianqiu valued a useless Han Jun and regarded him as the future of the Han family, and ignored the real star of tomorrow.

"It's better not to understand it for a lifetime. Otherwise, this kind of blood relationship is not something that our Yang family can defeat." Yang Bin said.

Blood relationship?

Yang Bin thought so, but he underestimated Han 3000's determination.

Han Sanqian knew for a long time that the blood of the Han family in his body was not recognized by Nangong Qianqiu, so his feelings for Nangong Qianqiu were the same as those of outsiders. Han Sanqian could never be a little soft hearted to the Han family because of Nangong Qianqiu.

I still remember that Han Sanqian said a word very early that he would create another Han family, belonging to his Han family!

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