Two figures in mid air have disappeared

Han Sanqian knew that this was the most tense moment of attack and defense, so he still chose to climb up quickly from the ground under the huge impact, so as to quickly raise his eyes to observe the enemy situation.

But even though it was so fast, he still felt desperate and shocked that the two figures had disappeared

At this time, Han 3000 suddenly heard a slight sound. When he looked down, he found that there was only a drop of water falling on the ground from the top of the hall.

Han 3000 just thought of a tone, but suddenly his face was blue. He suddenly realized what!

The next second, he suddenly wanted to get up, but almost at the moment when he just moved, the small drop of water falling on the ground suddenly converged, and immediately coagulated directly. Then he suddenly turned into a human shape, and his powerful fist came with it.

This punch was powerful. Although Han 3000 wanted to get up, it was too late to reflect it.

With a loud bang, his whole body was immediately hit and flew for several meters. After the whole wall behind him cracked, he spit out a mouthful of blood and stopped hard.

Without waiting for Han 3000 to stabilize the God, there was another loud bang. The mercury man suddenly appeared around the evil gluttonous, and then punched it out and directly hit it.

Almost like Han Sanqian, its body was smashed and the wall behind it cracked before it stopped.


Looking at a man and a beast, they were beaten like this in a moment. The two water people looked at them with cold disdain.

"How's it going, Han 3000? Is it fun?"

Han 3000 wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth and smiled, "it's not bad, but I'm afraid you can't play."

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Hearing this, the two looked at each other suspiciously. They didn't seem to expect it. At this time, Han 3000 dared to say hard: "for the two of us, you... Are just a plaything in your hands. Are you still qualified to shout in front of us?"

"Young man, to wander in the Jianghu, you need to know that it's your ability, not your mouth."

The water bead man's words fell, and the mercury man also smiled coldly: "I just raised my hand slightly, and you are already like this, tut tut..."

"Hehe, young man, let me ask you old men. It's a virtue to respect the old. Do you really take these things as Gao Chao?" Han 3000 stood up in pain and looked at them. The water man disdained to sneer.

"OK, I have personality and can't speak well, but I like it." Mercury people sneer with anger.

"Give him a good time. I also like this stubborn donkey like young man, although his mouth stinks." The water bead man smiled.

The two men suddenly rushed to Han 3000 again.

Its speed is as fast as invisible.

Han 3000 directly gritted his teeth and endured pain. Suddenly, his whole body energy was transported in his body. In the face of the attack of the two people, the whole person suddenly could really release and directly face up.

The double water man is extremely fast and psychedelic. Han 3000 is definitely not stupid. He pulls out eight golden bodies and falls down with the sword rain. He doesn't destroy the black armor and frost jade armor. He wakes up with energy and comes directly to attack and defense!

"I don't care how ghostly you are!"

With a roar of anger, the men and horses on both sides officially fell into battle!

Suddenly, the whole palace was full of fire, and the Yin Qi jumped up disorderly. The collision of sky, thunder and earth fire made the killing intention soar in the whole space.

The water phantom is extremely dangerous and deadly.

Han 3000 is open and cooperative, both offensive and defensive, very overbearing. But unfortunately, this has not allowed Han 3000 to occupy any advantage in front of the two.

The reason is very simple.

Almost as just now, even if Han 3000 tried his best to attack them and even hit them directly, their bodies were like water. They directly broke and dissolved Han 3000's attack, and then suddenly recovered and restored to the original state, and could quickly fight back against Han 3000 on this basis.

Had it not been for Han 3000's metamorphosis on the defensive side, I'm afraid he would have been beaten by these two people.


The two stopped slightly, looked at Han 3000 and said with a smile, "you're a little fierce, son. Unfortunately, your skills are just pediatrics in front of us. You'd better surrender and die?"

"Pediatrics?" Han 3000 gasped and chuckled. The energy in his body began to roll and drive his whole body. The blue light was completed: "is it?"

Words fall, blue light burst!!!