. Ancient Species (2)

The Spirit Beasts and Mythical beasts in the Tower of Trials exist in this world only as clones, not as real ones.

It means that only a part of the body is subordinated to another dimension and lives in the tower.

And there is a medium that allows them to exist in the tower.

That is the mana provided by the contractor.

Spirits and Mythical beasts who have completed a normal contract refuse to manifest themselves in the tower if the energy source is cut off... .

There is one exception in this case as well.

If the relationship with the owner is deep and you want the real world while consuming your mana.

In this case, he was able to manifest in the tower even while rejecting the restrictions.

Just like right now.

[Ancient species '???' is present!]

No more rhetoric needed.

kukuku kuk kuk kuk!

The state of being overloaded with causality just by being there.

It is not the small, flirty reptiles with black scales that have appeared here.

Even with an open gate close to 20m, only the head and part of the upper body could barely get out.

No matter how small the body is, it will reach hundreds of meters.


The head of the half-protruded sweet potato stopped standing due to the golden chains that bound her whole body.


Yellow eyes like pumpkins turned to Nameless.

"Oh, how is the ancient species "

Nameless froze in place.

If it was simply an ancient species, I wouldn't have been so surprised.

The reason he is puzzled now is that the ancient servant was angry at the death of the contractor and consumed his mana.

The ancient species was promised an eternal life, so making a contract with a human was nothing but a game.

If a human dies, I will always abandon it and find a new owner.

Still, behaving like this... .

'Is it because he trusted that much?'

There was no other way to explain it.

If I ran wild here, wouldn't it be an act of consuming your life?

Nameless slowly opened her mouth.

In fact, this was the only threat he could make.

But. It seems like that doesn't matter.


A dazzling light gathered from the sweet potato's mouth.

The strongest skill possessed only by Dragon.


And beyond that, the 'Original Sacred Spear' of the ancient species appeared.

[Ancient servant ??? summons the 'Sword of Condemnation'.]


The fire burned more fiercely.

All moisture in the air began to evaporate.

The haze spreading along the ground seemed to foretell what would happen here after a while.



Nameless, judging that, took out a black shield.

The shield wrapped in thorns was not unusual at first glance.

The effect of absolute judgment to protect the royal tombs was given, so of course it was.

And at that very moment.

shoot ah... .

A gust of wind blew through the buildings.

While Jinhyeok was running out of time, all the civilians were evacuated.

There were only two people left, Teresa and Shaoting.

It means that it doesn't matter if you run wild without hesitation.


The flames gathered at one point blazed even more fiercely.

The red fireball soon turned blue.

It soon turned into dark red black salt.

However, it does not end here.


A pure white horror that turns everything back to nothing.

This is one of the strongest fires in existence.

Damn it. Life's a good thing, isn't it?

Nameless exclaimed.

can not understand.

What the heck is a human being?

What the hell is a human being who is already dead!

But right then.

Nameless, who was looking in the direction of the body, opened rapidly.

A red mouth appeared on the black surface.

'I, that is... no way?'

definitely saw it

Even when everyone's eyes are on this side.

The fact that there are humans waking up leisurely under the starlight.

Come on, wait!

Nameless hurriedly pointed her finger to where Jinhyuk was.


Are you saying that you can't see a human flapping around like a freshly caught flounder from the farm, eating popcorn?

But, it's already too late.


Because the flames compressed to the limit crossed the ground.


Before Nameless could even react, a white flame engulfed Nameless's whole body.

Rebar and concrete all evaporated.

The ground left scars like a beast scratching.

Big... ugh.

The black shield has long since disappeared.

Nameless, who had only the upper body left, let out a heavy voice.


Someone approached with the sound of footsteps.

I thought there was no pain, but after taking a human form, I guess you can feel pain?

It was Jinhyuk.

Like saying when did you get hit. His face was completely intact.

"Is this, I mean you did it on purpose?"

That's it.

Jinhyuk shrugged.

No matter how strong the three major despairs are, will they be beaten by those located in the middle of the tower?

It was a little annoying, but if we fought properly, we could build a match without any variables.

But if so. There would have been no opportunity for Teresa to wake up.

One of the basic conditions of 'fall' is to witness the death of a loved one.

Still, you're pretty strong. There aren't many people who can keep their shape even after being hit by the unique spear of the ancient species.


Both offensive and defensive powers are to the point of sticking out their tongues.

It must be said that there is no one among the players who can beat this guy in a head-to-head match.

Well, that's comforting...

Nameless looked down at the swept half body.

The crumbled particles were scattered into powder.

Seeing that it cannot be reproduced, it seems that sweet potatoes are definitely strong.

My... is this, so futile...

Nameless opened her red mouth wide and struggled.

Of course, that didn't change his fate.

[The third despair has disappeared.]

Even the last despair turned to nothing.

Because the experience of the target killed by the pet is also eaten by the owner.

Unlike the second despair, this time you will be able to get a huge amount of experience.

I knew it.

Immediately, a number of status windows appeared one after another in front of Jinhyuk.

[Level has risen!]

[Level has risen!]

[Level has risen!]

[Level has risen!]

[Level has risen!]

[Level has risen!]

[Level has risen!]

[Level has risen!]

[You have achieved an amazing achievement!]

[The job of hunting all three major despair will be inducted into the 'Hall of Fame' tomorrow.]

A whopping 8 levels!

After hunting the Black Scorpion a little while ago, it went up to level 4. This one raid raises 12 levels.

Of course, among the players, there was no one who could compare.

It was possible to hold a fairly high level among the residents.

However, what I was most looking forward to was not leveling up.

It was just the reward for getting rid of the damn despair.

pounding! pounding! pounding!

Jinhyuk's heart was beating rapidly.

Since you have suffered this much, of course, you should be rewarded enough to bring your eyes back.

what it really is

Now is the time to check it out.

That's when I thought so.


[In return for defeating the third despair 'Nameless', a reward is given for the player's unique ability.]

['Copy Free Pass' was given.]

[Copy Free Pass Ticket]

Difficulty to obtain: Unknown (There is no precedent for obtaining this item yet, meaning you will be the first to use this item.)

Description: You will be able to copy one of the unique abilities and skills of all beings you've met in the Tower so far. However, it is limited only if you have directly observed the skill of the target.

There are no such absurd and demanding conditions for copying.

If you just look at it at least once, the condition is satisfied.

A dry saliva ran down Jinhyuk's neck.

This .

Amazing, Great.

In the past, from when I played Tower of Trials until now when it became a reality.

I was sure that I had come across a lot of giyeon.

Among them, I have never experienced such an overwhelming reward as now.

[The faction selection match has ended.]

[All players in the labyrinth will be forced to move to the Masked Ballroom.]

The illegal intervention of Moorim and the Chinese Guild was revealed, and the selection of forces was over.


I wondered if there were bright lights flickering here and there.

The players appeared one by one in the ballroom.


Sah, I lived.

I'll never do it again. Damn it. It's like I ate 10 years at once.

Everyone looks tired.

At most, all I had to do was climb the 10th floor of the tower, but I had no choice but to go to the labyrinth on the 25th floor.

No matter how guaranteed survival from monsters and traps in the labyrinth, the pressure felt by everyone was beyond imagination.

On the other hand.

'It's been a while since I've had a rewarding day.'

Jinhyuk stretched out.

Having organized the Chinese guild in one shot and obtained the spirit beasts of the 5 elements, the true winner of this force selection battle is decided.

In particular, the level and various rewards raised after defeating the three major despair in China were astonishing even thinking about it.

as if to prove it.


[Karma update is coming.]

[Curma Karma Ranking]

1st place: Jinhyuk Kang (7,565,100P)

2nd place: Liaoyu (4,450P)

3rd place: Namgungcheon (3,190P)

4th place: Teresa (2,250P)

5th place: Yuseong Cheon (2,130P)

6th place: Yoshio (1,125P)


A whopping 7.5 million points.

Not only did I see through all the hidden powers of the horn that incites despair, but I also proved the ability to use it to create a whole board .

It was only natural that Karma pierced the ceiling.

Above all, the scene of saving China from the three major despairs that wiped out the entire Chinese guild was enough to make the hearts of the residents of the worn-out tower beat.

'I'm already trying to see my ass shaking.'

Jinhyuk raised his head.

Do I have to say that excited manas can feel the road running rampant on their skin?

It was clear that the forces waiting on the second floor were anxious.

It's crazy that the managers are blocking it. If there was no one in the way, he must have jumped down to the first floor to kidnap him.

at that time.


Something caught Jinhyuk's senses.

This time it's on the first floor, not on the second floor.

In the same place where his eyes turned, there was a player who was also full of wounds.

A ranker who is the master of the Samurai Guild and is said to be the best sword in Japan. It was Yoshio.

'Oh right. I haven't copied this guy's abilities yet.'

They moved so quickly that there was no time to catch their breath.

I already got the free pass, but isn't that the full range of abilities?

It would be absurd to waste an opportunity to acquire ranker skill.

Jinhyuk recalled Yoshio's copying conditions once again.

1. Use someone other than yourself to subdue Yoshio. However, the term "other" here refers to a player.

2. If you fail, you can do it yourself, but in that case you cannot use the weapon you have. Instead, you must use one of your forks, chopsticks, spoons or pencils to subdue your opponent.

I don't have time to fight directly because the pick-up will start after a while.

Above all else, there is no justification for making an argument all of a sudden.

Let's see... .

How can I handle the copy condition in the easiest and most perfect way?


I just remembered something good.

A plan that can be called devilish.