I had seen ghosts before, but here, in this dark, broken place, there was a ghost, half drawn, half bleeding, with black hair that had almost fallen to my feet. It was trying to look up at me, and my heart stopped.

Ceng Xiaoqiang also kept on calling out to me in a low voice, while Liu San retreated back into the carriage.

Although the ghost girl's actions were slow, she slowly raised her head and revealed a pale face.

Dark hair, pale face, cloudy eyes, and skin peeling off his face like the skin of an ancient wall. Fortunately, his lips were as pale as his face, not bright red, or I would have run away screaming.

She looked at me for a moment, her hands on the floor, as if frozen.

For a moment, I didn't know why, but I quickly took out a candle from my backpack and lit it in front of her head before quickly burning some money. I begged this damned big sis to leave after eating the candle out of consideration for my good attitude.

Perhaps because she was too anxious, the paper money was blown by the wind and suddenly rushed up her hair. It seemed like this paper money was about to touch her hair.

She thought that if her wet hair was burned off, then this damned big sis would go on a rampage.

I reached out to pat her, but she suddenly shook her head and let the paper money fly through her hair without leaving a trace, as if the paper money she was burning couldn't touch her.

"What's your name? What unfulfilled wish do you have? " Seeing that she didn't seem to have any ill intentions, I tried to carefully ask.

She opened her mouth, but no sound came out.

"Bam!" Just when I didn't know what to do, Grey Immortal, who was chewing on a melon seed, walked over from behind me. "You have at least four Nascent Souls, how come you don't know that ghosts are damaged and can't speak?"

"Then what should we do?" I listened for a moment, then remembered that the Four Young Masters seemed to be the first ones who couldn't speak.

Grey Immortal glanced at my bag: "Is there anything to replenish Yin Qi?"

"Nope." I didn't even think before answering directly. I know some of the things that nourish the Yin and Yang, but what do I need to use to nourish the Yin Qi?

Grey Immortal was so angry that he almost slashed his short forelimbs towards my face. He grinded his teeth and muttered a few words, then raised his head and walked towards the ghost lady with big steps.

"I've lost this time." Grey Immortal glared at me, then walked under the female ghost's head. He raised his head and blew at her, then muttered something to her in a low voice.

The ghost girl was still a bit scared before, but after he blew her away, something that looked like water slowly withdrew from her cloudy eyes and her eyes slowly became clear.

Finally, she took a deep breath, as though she was choking something, an expression appeared on her face. She glanced at me, then turned her head to look at Liu San who was sneakily looking out of the window.

"Tell me quickly, how long can you last in one breath? You are a man, and I am a mouse. " Seeing that she still had the mood to cry, Grey Immortal rolled his eyes and ran into my backpack.

The ghost lady looked at Liu San a few more times, then slowly turned her head and smiled at me in embarrassment.

This female ghost was Li Xiaoyan. One year ago, she came to our town to look for her boyfriend, but that trash of a man didn't agree to marry her. He said that he wanted to marry her.

Since there were no cars in town, she was in a hurry to get out. In the end, she met Liu San who was driving the Buick and took her there. She was sent to the living quarters at the train station and told her not to go there at night.

But she did not want to stay for a moment longer, the moment Liu San left, she got a black car from the side of the road and was immediately brought to the city.

In the end, the black car driver was not a good person and wanted to beat her up. She had struggled to injure the driver and was then killed by the driver with a wrench.

When I heard that this was a human life case, I was shocked. This wasn't like the case with the Four Little Beasts. After all, they had been dead for many years and it was a special period for them, so the police didn't even know how to deal with it.

After Li Xiaoyan died, her body was still warm and soft, but the driver still took care of her. He then drove her to the river and pulled her out from the back seat by the hair, tied her up with a rock and threw her into a cave by the river.

At first, she was resentful, but now that her corpse was tied up and the ghosts couldn't come out from the water, she could only watch as the small fish and shrimp swam back and forth.

After more than a year, her corpse had already been eaten by the fish and prawns until only bones remained, her ghost had slowly weakened and she no longer had any grievances, she only felt that she had let Liu San down. She had been specifically told on the journey back that she should not leave at night, but she did not take any notice of it, as if her family had told her not to marry too far away, and not to run out alone to find the scum man.

Perhaps her family thought that she was done with the scumbag, that she would never return home without even giving them her phone number. As for the scumbag, he probably thought that she had gone home, and even less so, wouldn't find the phone to ask if she was home.

The only thing that gave her warmth in this world was Liu San's ride, and her last few words of explanation.

Just when she thought that her spirit was going to disappear along with the rotting corpse, she suddenly felt a strange attraction, and then she climbed out of the Buick that Liu San had taken over.

Perhaps it was because the corpse was dragged out like this, or perhaps it was because her ghost wasn't strong enough and she didn't have much strength left, so she couldn't do anything but attach herself to the carriage.

When she was riding, Liu San drove this car, so no one was allowed to drive it, and she did not reveal herself in front of others.

Even when she was facing Liu San, she couldn't speak and her consciousness wasn't very clear either, so she could only remember that last moment.

With that, she turned to look at Liu San, white mist slowly rising from the corner of her eyes. Grey Immortal had used up all of her energy, her eyes started to turn murky, no matter how she opened her mouth, she could not make a sound.

"Let's go first." I burned some more paper and told her to leave first.

At this time, Liu San was so weak that he had collapsed on his seat, a wry smile on his face.

Now that we know what happened, everyone should go to Liu San's home and sit down and analyze what to do next. After all, this is a life and death case, it's impossible for them to just call the police and tell them that it was the victim who turned into a ghost.

I'm afraid the police will arrest us and send us to a mental hospital, let alone the murderer.

Liu San had been silent the entire time, he did not remember this matter.

More than a year ago, when the owner of the Buick had just bought his car, he had called Liu San, an expert, to give him a day of driving to see how the car was, and to try it out along the way.

It was rare for him to drive such a good car, so when he saw beautiful girls by the roadside, he wanted to show off a little. Even the last few words he said were just something he casually said under the setting of money.

But who knew, he gave a girl the last bit of warmth in the world, warm to the point where her bones were being eaten little by little. The ghost that flowed in the ice-cold river still remembered this last bit of warmth.

That night, Liu San drank a lot of wine, and in the end, he both cried and laughed, saying that if he still persisted on getting a room for the girl, or if the ghost girl took advantage of him, or if he directly sent her to the city, maybe she would be fine.

However, he did not remember this incident at all …

In the end, we decided to let Ceng Xiaoqiang borrow the hands of those children who escaped school to call the police. Children are always simple, but we have to make use of these simplicity.

That night, my heart felt heavy, but I couldn't explain it. Logically speaking, Li Xiaoyan didn't turn into a ferocious ghost, so I should be glad that everything was settled, but there was something heavy weighing down on me that made it hard for me to breathe.

Coming out from Liu San's house, Ceng Xiaoqiang and I headed straight to the hospital to accompany Hu Jun.

At this moment, I thought, at least she's happier than Li Xiaoyan. Her husband still married her, and didn't just want to play with her.

When we reached the third floor corridor of the Inpatient Department, the swollen ghost was once again standing in the middle of the room, staring at me. In his hands, he was still holding the indistinct object.

"Did he need you for something?" Ceng Xiaoqiang was still afraid of him, she stood unyieldingly in front of me, but suddenly remembered that I was the master, and quickly ran and hid behind me. She then remembered that he was a man, and wanted to run in front of me, but was so afraid that she was tangled up.

The matter with Li Xiaoyan caused me to feel bad, so I just threw Grey Immortal out of my backpack and let him blow on the swollen ghost again.

The damn boss was unwilling, "Do you think you can only take one breath at a time? Is it easy for me to cultivate one breath at a time? Earlier, someone invited you to do something, so what's wrong with this? "

"Can't blow!" I reached out to pinch his neck, and bellowed at him: "If you don't blow on me, Liu Kunsheng will directly swallow you up!"

He swore and glared at me several times, but one eye didn't have much killing power, so I had to turn around and blow on it.

The monster immediately let out a long breath, and its entire face slowly became lively.

"If you have anything to say, just say it. If you can do it, then I'll do it. If you can't, then I'll look for your family." He knew it wouldn't take long.

The moment I said those words, the swollen ghost suddenly laughed strangely and threw the black object in his hand to the side before pouncing towards me.