"Sister, actually...I'm not on your side in this matter anymore...I also think it's your fault for this matter. You said that brother-in-law loves you so much and loves you so much, and treats you like a treasure. It's really good, you said, why did you suddenly want to break up with him? Why is this? Shouldn't you be the most important?" Wu Linlin didn't understand what Wu Youyou meant.

Wu Youyou didn't speak.

There are some things she doesn't want to say.

"Sister..." Wu Linlin pushed Wu Youyou: "Yi Fengling called, and he said he wanted to ask you why."

"I..." Wu Youyou's voice choked up.

"I just think... I'm not suitable for him." Wu Youyou said with a sigh.

"You've been with him for so long, and you said it's inappropriate? Why?" Wu Linlin knew that it wasn't this reason, there must be other reasons.

"If it's not suitable, you already know it's not suitable, right?" Wu Linlin continued.

"Also... your reason is really not convincing." Wu Linlin continued.

"Sister... If your brother-in-law really doesn't come to coax you this time, are you planning to really break up with him? Are you willing? Don't do things you regret? Sometimes men can Petting you loves you very much, but if you really do something to hurt him, he will be really heartless." Wu Linlin was a little anxious: "Sister, tell me, this time, what are you doing? How did you plan?"

"I didn't plan to make up with him. When I said we broke up, I didn't plan to make up with him, so it's best if he doesn't come to coax me." Wu Youyou said lightly: "I'm not That kind...in order to let him coax me, and...saying to break up, I'm not angry, I really want to break up with him. "

"But, you...you... are you really willing? You promise that you won't regret it in the future? Do you really not regret it?" Wu Linlin was so anxious when she heard Wu Youyou's words: "Sister, actually Yi Fengling That's right, what is there that you can't say clearly? Why do you have to break up?"

Wu Youyou just sighed and didn't speak.

"Sister, think it over carefully, really think it over carefully, you... really don't regret it? Don't do things you regret, he is your first love, and you are his first love, you love each other so much, brother-in-law Such a good man...you...shouldn't...you..." Before Wu Linlin finished speaking, Wu Youyou interrupted: "Forget it, don't say it."

"What is your reason? Don't say anything inappropriate, let alone brother-in-law doesn't accept this understanding, and I don't accept this reason either." Wu Linlin looked at Wu Youyou helplessly and said, she was really anxious to death .

Wu Youyou didn't speak, didn't say anything.

"Sister... sister." Wu Linlin still wanted to persuade Wu Youyou, because she really didn't want Wu Youyou and Wen Zeyang to just...break up.

"Sister, brother-in-law is really a good man, don't act like this, you... oh... I..." Wu Linlin was dying of anxiety, but Wu Youyou just didn't want her to talk to her.

"Sister, think about it carefully, sister..." Before Wu Linlin finished speaking, Wu Youyou interrupted: "I know, stop talking."

"Go to sleep." Wu Youyou said lightly.

"You..." Wu Linlin saw that Wu Youyou ignored her, so forget it.


"Forget it, forget it, I won't say much, you should think about it for yourself. Think about brother-in-law...he doesn't seem to have anything bad for you to think about, he is really a very good, very good If you marry him, you will definitely be very happy. Don't... think about ruining your happiness. I'm sure that if you give up your brother-in-law now, you will definitely regret it in the future, not in the long run. Just... soon you will regret it." Wu Linlin continued to speak to Wu Youyou.

As a result, Wu Youyou didn't say anything, and ignored Wu Linlin.

Now that Wu Youyou ignored Wu Linlin, Wu Linlin didn't say anything more, let her think about it.


Wu Linlin sighed, and continued chatting with Zhang Shaoning.

Wu Linlin didn't dare to tell Zhang Shaoning about Wu Youyou, because Wu Youyou wouldn't allow it.

However, he will know when Zhang Shaoning comes back.

However, Wu Linlin knew it. Now for Wu Linlin, it's the same whether she tells Zhang Shaoning or not, because Wen Zeyang already knows that Wu Youyou is with her, so what does it matter if she says it or not?

In this way, Wu Youyou didn't sleep all night.

She thought all night, was she at fault for this matter?

She felt that being with Wen Zeyang was very tiring, and there was a sense of distance.


Wen Zeyang didn't tell Wu Youyou what happened that night, so Wu Youyou felt a sense of distance from him.

She didn't understand Wen Zeyang.

No, it can be said that she doesn't understand men anymore. What is this man thinking?

Perhaps, many men are like this, and they are unwilling to tell their girlfriends about bad things that happened to them with others, mainly to avoid causing unnecessary trouble.

Wen Zeyang directly said that it would be great if nothing happened to him, so that there is no need to explain.

Wu Youyou also believed in Wen Zeyang, maybe nothing happened with that woman, he just didn't bother to explain, so he just said that nothing happened.

However, for Wu Youyou, she felt a sense of distance from Wen Zeyang.

Wu Youyou hoped that the two of them would not hide anything from each other no matter what happened between them, and no matter what the situation they encountered, they should treat each other frankly without any concealment.

However, Wen Zeyang did not do it.

Originally, when Wu Youyou first fell in love with Wen Zeyang, she was very scared and confused. She always felt that the two of them were not from two different worlds. She was afraid that one day Wen Zeyang and her would not be able to get together.

At the beginning, I made up my mind and summoned up the courage to be with him.

However, what she was afraid of finally happened, and because of this, Wu Youyou chose to leave.

What she was even more afraid of was that if she continued to be together, then she would not be able to accept Wen Zeyang still like this after getting married.

She doesn't like such a man, doesn't like this kind of marriage, this is not the happiness she wants, so she chooses to separate now.

In order to avoid the deepening of conflicts in the future, this marriage will only become quarrels and endless quarrels. She doesn't want to see such a result, so she separates as soon as possible.