"Yes yes yes... I can feel that this incident has taught her enough lessons... She is also afraid. This time, she came to me with a very sincere attitude, a very humble voice, and the usual arrogant manner It's all gone, I can feel that she already knows that she is wrong and that she knows the seriousness of this matter." Wu Youyou was saying good things for Feng Miaomiao, but after she finished speaking, she felt that something was wrong again, and she always felt that her arms were sticking out Turning around, he smiled at Wen Zeyang with some embarrassment: "Hehe..."

"Yeah." Wen Zeyang was just trying to frighten Feng Miaomiao and give her a little pain, he was not that self-willed.

Of course, if Feng Miaomiao still doesn't show his sincerity, then Wen Zeyang will definitely not let their company go, and this project must not continue.

"Then you mean, let them go? Let this project continue?" Wu Youyou still didn't understand what Wen Zeyang meant.

"En." Wen Zeyang nodded slightly to confirm.

"Thank you, thank you." Wu Youyou felt relieved immediately after hearing what Wen Zeyang said.

In fact, Wen Zeyang knew that Feng Miaomiao would definitely go to Wu Youyou in the end. Even if Yi Fengling didn't remind Feng Miaomiao, Feng Miaomiao would definitely go to Wu Youyou when he was desperate, so that Feng Miaomiao would owe Wu Youyou another favor.

Wen Zeyang did this for Wu Youyou, of course, Wu Youyou could also feel that Wen Zeyang was helping her, but she never thought that Wen Zeyang's good intentions were all for her.

Wen Zeyang was kind to Wu Youyou, and Wu Youyou remembered it in his heart, but Wu Youyou was more or less puzzled: why he was so kind to himself.

However, Wu Youyou didn't dare to ask.

"Well, in order to thank you for helping me every time, I invite you to dinner..." Wu Youyou felt that he should show something to Wen Zeyang, he was so kind to himself.

However, when Wu Youyou invited Wen Zeyang to dinner, he felt something was wrong again: "Uh...and Yi Fengling...you can ask Yi Fengling to come with you then."

"Hmm." Wen Zeyang's eyes were very deep, as deep as water in a deep pond, bottomless.

Wu Youyou didn't dare to look up at Wen Zeyang's eyes, and didn't dare to ask him what he thought, but when she heard a hum, she smiled faintly: "Then... that's the agreement, you can ask Yi Feng When Ling is free, let's meet for dinner."

"Yeah." Wen Zeyang still just hummed lightly.

"Then... if it's okay, I'll... go back first, don't bother me." Wu Youyou didn't have anything to say when she saw Wen Zeyang, and she didn't know what he was thinking, she was afraid that she would say the wrong thing and make him unhappy What.

Wu Youyou actually felt that getting along with Wen Zeyang was quite stressful, tiring, and extremely nervous, and she didn't know why.

When Wu Youyou and Yi Fengling got along together, it was relatively easy and simple, especially relaxed.

"Hmm." Wen Zeyang hummed again, then nodded lightly.

So cool.

Wu Youyou originally wanted to ask him if he wanted to leave, but in the end she didn't ask and left directly.

When Wu Youyou left, seeing that Wen Zeyang was still strolling around the playground, she shook her head helplessly, and left quickly.

After Wu Youyou left, she went to the dormitory.

Wu Youyou didn't call Feng Miaomiao to tell her the good news. Wu Youyou said it if she didn't think it was necessary. Soon, their company should be notified to continue with that project, and Feng Miaomiao would know about it at that time.

Therefore, Wu Youyou didn't plan to call Feng Miaomiao specifically to talk about this matter, and he didn't take credit for it, so he didn't think it was necessary.

"You're back, how's it going? How did you talk with Wen Zeyang? Did he agree?" Liu Lingling asked curiously when she saw Wu Youyou came back.

"Yeah, what's the matter, did you agree?" Chen Sisi also ran over and asked.

"Agreed." Wu Youyou replied.

Hearing what Wu Youyou said, Liu Lingling reached out and asked Chen Sisi for money: "Come... a hundred dollars..."

"Really, did you just agree? It seems that you have a very important position in his heart." Chen Sisi took a hundred yuan and handed it to Liu Lingling with a mournful face, and slapped it vigorously.

"Wow...it hurts, what are you doing. I hate..." Liu Lingling's hand hurt from being slapped.

"I'm in pain too, my heart is in pain... My flesh is in pain... You see... the man is gone, and the money is gone." Chen Sisi sat down and roared with an irritable expression.

Hearing what Chen Sisi said, Wu Youyou glanced at Chen Sisi with contempt: "Look...here it is again."

"I really have nothing to do with him." After Wu Youyou explained to Chen Sisi, she was about to leave: "If you don't believe me, there's nothing I can do... I'm going to the studio."

Wu Youyou left after finishing speaking.

"She... seems to be in a bad mood? What's the matter? Could it be that she had an argument with Wen Zeyang?" Chen Sisi didn't blame Wu Youyou either.

"It's all you." Amy accused Chen Sisi.

Chen Sisi shook her head: "No... No, it's not my fault... I'm usually like this, and she won't be unhappy, she will just explain to me, and she also knows I'm joking, and I didn't seriously blame it. She, so... she must have a problem."

"Have you noticed... Ever since Feng Miaomiao said that she was dating Wen Zeyang, Youyou has been depressed like this. Have you?" Liu Lingling also felt that Wu Youyou had some problems.

"Yes...I feel it." Chen Sisi nodded vigorously in agreement.

"After you say that, I feel it too, it seems like I do too." Ai Meimei thought that Wu Youyou was a little strange recently.

"Could it be that she fell in love herself, and she didn't know it, and that's why she felt bad and uncomfortable?" Liu Lingling looked at the two of them and asked.

"It's possible... Sometimes, I like someone, and she can't feel it. The authorities are obsessed. I think her relationship with Wen Zeyang is a little different... We are just spectators." Chen Sisi also thinks the same way of.

"If...she is really with Wen Zeyang, what will happen to you?" Ai Meimei asked this question at a critical moment.

"Uh...I, what can I do? I'm not someone from Wen Zeyang. Besides...Wen Zeyang doesn't care about me. What can I do? I'm sad at most." Chen Sisi said with a sigh .

"Ah...Actually, you said before that you would rather Wen Zeyang be with other girls than she is with Yoyo. I think your idea is wrong. As the saying goes, the fat does not flow to outsiders. I would rather her If you are with Wen Zeyang, don't let Wen Zeyang be with other girls." Liu Lingling was trying to persuade Chen Sisi.