When they got into the military vehicle, they finally breathed a sigh of relief, Ruan Bingyue leaned into Wen Zehao's arms and cried: "Woo... Are we still alive, are we still alive?"

"Fool, of course you're still alive. I've said it before. I won't let you have any accidents, and I won't let any accidents happen to you... Now we are all still alive, and it's okay." Wen Zehao hugged Ruan Bingyue's hot body tightly Said: "My wife, thank you for your hard work, you have been sick for so long."

"Is there any hot water?" Wen Zehao yelled at the people in the car.

"No. I'm sorry, Mr. Chief." Brother Bing, who was driving, said apologetically.

They are still fighting.

Wen Zehao is also not easy to lose his temper.

"Go to the hospital." At this time, Wen Zehao couldn't care too much, so he thought, send Ruan Bingyue to the hospital first.


"Let's go to the hospital first. You all go to the hospital for a physical examination." Wen Zehao said to Ruan Bingrong, Ruan Bingrong's parents and Song Tingting.

Song Tingting was also crying in Ruan Bingrong's arms at this time.

Ruan Bingyue's mother's physical strength has also run out, so it is the best choice to send them all to the hospital now.

"En." Ruan Bingrong nodded.

I breathed a sigh of relief.

Although they are going to the hospital now, food is also a big problem, so Wen Zehao wanted to call home and ask Mama Wu to send some food to the hospital.

Go to the hospital first.

"Give me your mobile phone." Wen Zehao asked Brother Bing, who was driving, for his mobile phone.

"Yes." Brother Bing handed the phone to Wen Zehao, and Wen Zehao called Yi Fengluo directly.

At this time, he will definitely not call his parents. He knows that his parents must be very worried about him. It is so late, maybe they are all asleep.

When Yi Fengluo heard the phone ring, she quickly picked up the phone, it was past one o'clock.

"Hello..." Yi Fengluo answered the phone excitedly, and he instinctively told him that it should be Wen Zehao.

"It's me... You asked Mama Wu to make some food and take it to the hospital. They didn't eat or drink all day and night... I'll send them to the hospital first... Bingyue has a fever." Wen Zehao's tone was worried.

"Okay, okay. Got it, I'll let Wu Ma do it right away." Yi Fengluo was very excited.

He didn't ask Wen Zehao if he was all right, because there was definitely no need to ask at this time, and he was definitely all right.

If Gu Chuxue answered the phone, she would definitely ask if there is something wrong.

"Now I'm going to the hospital by car, is my family okay?" Anyway, Wen Zehao also has time at this time, so he should care about his family.

"It's okay, I'm fine, I'm just worried about you, especially your sister... I'm exhausted, she's asleep now, I didn't call her, we'll go to the hospital to see you tomorrow." Yi Fengluo said .

"Okay, I got it, is my mother okay?" Actually, Wen Zehao was most worried about his mother, and he was worried that his mother would fall ill because of his incident.

It's over when the old disease relapses.

"Yeah. It's nothing. I talked to Liancheng on the phone just now. Liancheng said that he has found out where you are, so he let her go to rest." Yi Fengluo replied.

"Well. Ah Luo, luckily you are still at home." Wen Zehao said gratefully.

"You see, why are you still saying this? I am also a member of the Wen family, and my son-in-law is also a son." Yi Fengluo did not say that a son-in-law is like a son-in-law, but directly said that a son-in-law is also a son.

"Yes, yes, yes... the son-in-law is also a son." Wen Zehao smiled faintly: "Fortunately, there is no major problem this time, and no one was injured. Please let them rest assured."

"Okay." Yi Fengluo felt relieved after hearing what Wen Zehao said.

"Well. Hang up. You guys have a good rest. We'll talk about things tomorrow." Wen Zehao said.

"Okay."|Yi Fengluo hung up the phone after finishing speaking.

In fact, Yi Fengluo was also tired. She got up early in the morning. After all, her brother-in-law got engaged, so she had to get up early to see if there was anything she could help.

Unexpectedly, so many things happened today, Yi Fengluo promised Gu Chuxue that she would watch over, and she would definitely watch over. Although she was very tired and sleepy, she didn't sleep, so she kept watching over.

Now Wen Zehao finally called to say everything was fine.

It's fine.

Wen Zehao called Mama Wu and told Mama Wu to make some food and take him to the hospital later, and then he went to bed.

It was very late, and Yi Fengluo knew that there were still many things he needed to do next.

Wu Ma hurriedly got up and went to the kitchen to prepare some food, and then sent it to the hospital. Fortunately, she cooked a lot of porridge. At this time, eating porridge is the best, and it is also good for the stomach.

They didn't eat anything all day and night, so they had to eat some porridge.

Of course, Mama Wu also cooked some other dishes.

Wen Zehao sent them directly to the hospital, and then everyone was checked. Luckily, Ruan Bingyue didn't have any major problems, except for a fever. They will stay in the hospital tonight.

Stay overnight first, and see the situation tomorrow.

Ruan Bingyue hung up the water, tired, too tired.

"It's okay, it's okay now." Wen Zehao comforted Ruan Bingyue's hand tightly.

"Yeah. How about them, are they all right?" Ruan Bingyue still cared about her family members in a daze.

"They're all fine, I've settled them down, they're all fine, don't worry." Wen Zehao looked at Ruan Bingyue with a smile and said with a look of pity.

"Wen Zehao, are we suffering together now?" Ruan Bingyue felt that she would never forget what happened today in her whole life. It was too thrilling. Fortunately, there was no danger, they were all fine.

"Well. Forget it, for sure." Wen Zehao knew that he couldn't sleep yet, Ruan Bingyue was hanging water, and he had to look at Ruan Bingyue.

"I really think I'm going to die today. I'm sure I'm going to die. I didn't expect to be alive." Ruan Bingyue sighed: "I narrowly escaped death."

"Yes, escaped from the dead, and then we should cherish the chance of rebirth that God gave us even more." Wen Zehao said, holding Ruan Bingyue's hand more and more tightly: "So, we have to work harder. Cherish Pipi. Hold each other's hands tightly and never let go." "Well, I won't let go, no matter what, I won't let go again. I must follow you for the rest of my life You, no matter where you go, I will follow you." Ruan Bingyue decided that after this time, she will never be separated from Wen Zehao again, no matter where Wen Zehao goes,

follow him. Follow him, follow him closely, strive for every minute, every second with him: "Wen Zehao...it's so dangerous today...I just realized that you are so nervous every time you go out on a mission. Dangerous. I...I'm so worried about you."