In fact, why is he not sad in his heart, how can he not feel uncomfortable.

Life is better than death, that's all.

At this time, Yi Fengluo can be said to have experienced the feeling that life is worse than death.

"Mingming, Mingming..." Gu Chuxue cried and cried like this, her eyes were empty.

"Our Mingming will definitely come back, as soon as he comes back, believe must believe me...I have done everything I promised you, haven't I? Believe me, our son will be healthy and safe Come back." Yi Fengluo put her arms around Gu Chuxue, hugged her tightly, and said in her ear over and over again, our son will come back, our son will come back.

Yi Fengluo suddenly realized that she was so useless.

Apart from telling Gu Chuxue that her son will come back, it seemed that there was nothing else she could do.

"I want Mingming, I want Mingming..." Gu Chuxue cried.

Yi Fengluo looked at the time, it was already past three o'clock in the afternoon.

Thinking that everyone hasn't had lunch yet.

"Wife... Are you hungry? Let's eat something first. Tell husband, what do you want to eat?" Yi Fengluo looked at Gu Chuxue affectionately and gently and asked.

Gu Chuxue shook her head: "I want Mingming, I want Mingming..."

At this moment, how could Gu Chuxue still eat?

She only thought about Mingming, Mingming, her son, her son back.

She wants her son back.


Son, where are you, where the hell are you.

Gu Chuxue cried again and fell into Yi Fengluo's arms.

Yi Fengluo gently kissed away the tears on her face, unable to breathe due to heartache, but he still had to face it with strength.

"Wife... be good, be obedient... listen to your husband, okay? You must eat something, you must eat something, otherwise, your body will be stretched, it will definitely be stretched, what should you do if your body stretches , who will bring Mingming, right?" Yi Fengluo continued to comfort and persuade Gu Chuxue.

However, Gu Chuxue couldn't listen to it at all.

"I want Mingming, I want my son...I want my son back...I don't want anything, I don't want anything...I just want my son to come back..." Gu Chuxue said while crying.

Yi Fengluo sighed: "Hey, I'll get someone to get you something to eat."

Yi Fengluo also had no way to leave Gu Chuxue, so she made a phone call and asked someone to bring some food to Gu Chuxue.

Soon, the nanny came over with a bowl of egg noodles.

However, Gu Chuxue didn't even look at it.

Logically speaking, it's past three o'clock, so he should be hungry, but Gu Chuxue doesn't feel hungry.

"Wife, be good, eat some, my husband will feed you." Yi Fengluo can only coax Gu Chuxue to eat the noodles at this time, even if it is a little.

"Come and eat with me, okay, the two of us will eat this bowl, okay?" Yi Fengluo looked at Gu Chuxue and said.

Gu Chuxue didn't speak, but stared blankly and blankly at the front: "I want Mingming, I want Mingming...I want my Mingming back."

In Gu Chuxue's mind right now, all she thinks about is Mingming...

It's all Mingming.

All other things are just air and cannot be seen.

"Come on, be good, eat with me, otherwise, my stomach will hurt. You know, my stomach disease will recur, and if it recurs, it will be very serious." Yi Fengluo couldn't think of anything better There is no way to make Gu Chuxue eat, so I can only use such a bitter trick.

However, at this moment, Gu Chuxue couldn't care about Yi Fengluo's stomach problems at all.

She only thought of her son, Ming Ming.

"Husband...Mingming...would you miss me...why do I feel that Mingming is crying now, woo...I heard him crying." Gu Chuxue said with choked sobs again.

"Fool, this is a human psychological function... Our Mingming... is very smart and powerful... He knows that he is in danger now, and he will be very, very obedient, you know?" Yi Fengluo comforted Gu Chuxue.

Gu Chuxue shook her head: ""

"I must be crying." Gu Chuxue seemed to have a telepathic connection with Ming Ming, and her heart felt like a needle was pricking Ming Ming's cry.

Yi Fengluo couldn't stop crying when she heard Gu Chuxue say that.

Yi Fengluo will never forget that Mingming is in the hands of terrorists, his face was flushed from crying, and his pitiful appearance made Yi Fengluo feel like a knife was piercing his heart.

However, he can't do anything, can't do anything.

He could only watch the terrorists take away his most beloved son.

Mingming's sharp crying sounded in his ears all the time. That crying sound was so helpless, so...fearful.

As long as he closes his eyes, Mingming's helpless and heart-piercing appearance will appear in front of him.

So sad, so sad.

He closed his eyes in pain, what else could he do now except wait for the news.

what else can i do

For the first time, Yi Fengluo felt that he was such a useless man.

Really the first time.

Yi Fengluo hated her own incompetence, and even blamed herself for not raising her vigilance, allowing the terrorists to take advantage of them and let them take Mingming away.

Damn it, damn it.

However, Yi Fengluo is a rational person. He knows that at this time, he should not only blame himself. At this time, the problem has already emerged, and he must find a way to solve it.

Perhaps, he would lose his favorite son, but he couldn't let his favorite wife have a nervous breakdown.


Absolutely not.

"Wife...|" Yi Fengluo sniffed and wiped away tears: "Wife...our Mingming will be fine, trust me, it will be fine."

"Come on, let's eat something and get enough energy to save Mingming...Mingming is still waiting for us to save him, Mingming needs us." Yi Fengluo persuaded Gu Chuxue with tears in his voice.

Gu Chuxue shook her head: "I don't want to, I... I don't want to eat."

At this time, Gu Chuxue really couldn't eat anything.

Gu Chuxue nestled in Yi Fengluo's arms like this, crying all the time, crying all the time...

Until the end, I was tired from crying and passed out from crying.

Yi Fengluo's heart ached even more when she saw Gu Chuxue falling asleep crying.

Sighing, he put her on the bed, put her away, and covered her with the quilt, but he couldn't bear to leave Gu Chuxue for a moment.

Yi Fengluo knew that at this time, Gu Chuxue needed him, so he couldn't leave.


Mingming, Mingming...

Gu Chuxue rushed into the enemy camp of the terrorists.

"Mingming...Mingming...where are you?" Gu Chuxue yelled loudly, yelling like crazy.

"Mingming...Mingming..." Gu Chuxue called out loudly.

She ran forward desperately.

However, she is good at strength.

"Wow, wow..." Gu Chuxue's ears were filled with Mingming's heart-piercing crying voice, hysterical.

Gu Chuxue's heart ached like a knife.

"Mingming, Mingming..." Gu Chuxue yelled heart-piercingly.

Just looking at Mingming standing not far from her, she wanted to run close to him, she wanted to run close to him, hug him, and take him home.

But, I don't know why, these legs just don't listen to their commands, and they can't run at all.

bang, bang...

At this time, Gu Chuxue heard the deafening gunshot again.

"Mom...Mom, save me...Take me home, Mom...Take me home. Ah..." Mingming's helpless voice rang in Gu Chuxue's ear again.

"Mingming..." Gu Chuxue couldn't move anymore, so she had to crawl.

However, in front of her eyes, there was a piece of red, and the front was already stained red with blood, it was Ming Ming's blood.

"Mom, save me, save me..." Mingming's heart-piercing and painful voice still rang in Gu Chuxue's ears.

"Mingming...Mingming..." Gu Chuxue struggled to crawl forward, step by step, forward.

Gu Chuxue stretched out her hand, wanting to grab Mingming who was lying on the pool of blood, wanting to grab him.

In front of my eyes, there was a patch of red, full of blood.

Mingming's hand, covered in blood, reached out to Gu Chuxue.

"Mingming...don't give up, hurry up, hold on to mom." Gu Chuxue yelled loudly, but she found that her throat was hoarse again, and she couldn't yell out at all.

"Mom, save me, save me...It hurts...It hurts...Mom, save me, I'm so scared...Mom..." Mingming's voice sounded in the darkness.

Gu Chuxue found that it was pitch black in front of her eyes, she couldn't see anything, she only touched the cold liquid, and all she could smell was the strong smell of blood.

"Help me...Mom, I'm so scared, Mom, I'm so cold, I'm so hungry, Mom, I want to go home..." Gu Chuxue's painful and scared voice came over and over again.

"Mingming, Mingming..." Gu Chuxue yelled, watching with wide eyes, but the surrounding area was still pitch-black.

"Mom...I'm so scared...Mom, I'm going home..." Mingming's frightened and panicked voice kept ringing in Gu Chuxue's ears.

"Nan Nan, Nan Nan..." At this time, Gu Chuxue heard Yi Fengluo's heart-warming voice.

This voice was like a life-saving straw to her, Gu Chuxue wanted to grab hold of it: "Yi Fengluo... Hurry up, save our son, our son is injured... Hurry up, save him, save him... Where are you, Yi Fengluo?"

Gu Chuxue waved her hand vigorously, trying to catch Yi Fengluo, but she couldn't reach her anyway: "Yi Fengluo, where are you?"

Gu Chuxue panicked because she couldn't find Yi Fengluo: "Hubby, hubby...where are you, where are you...come out."

"Nan Nan, I'm here, I'm here." When Yi Fengluo's warm voice sounded in Gu Chuxue's ears again, Gu Chuxue reached out to grab him again, but he couldn't catch him no matter what. : "Hubby, hubby... where are you?"

Gu Chuxue was powerless, she had no strength at all, she could only cry, nothing but crying.